• 这些小丑里有目睹者吗?

    On these clowns, can I get a witness?


  • 幽灵人人大发议论,亲眼目睹者微乎其人。

    It is with true love as it is with ghosts: everyone talks of it, but few have seen it.


  • 这些景象印刻当时目睹者脑海里后代人像亲历者那样感受这些重要时刻吗?

    These are engraved in the minds of those who witnessed them at the time, but will future generations have the chance be able to experience them with the same sense of immediacy?


  • 呼吁来自目睹袭击者信息

    He appealed for information from anyone who saw the attackers.


  • 当地人目睹这些放逐遭受苦难。而且,确切地讲,当地人帮助了这些受害者

    The local people saw the suffering to which these deportees were subjected. And, as a matter of fact, the local people helped the victims.


  • 承受着目睹一切,又心惊胆战地小心劝告,两者无关联。

    The dismal witness that it bears and the cowardly counsel that it whispers are unrelated.


  • 研究者安排了近60至120试处于不同环境中,他们目睹内部员工之间的不友好以及员工缺乏工作能力的现象。

    Nearly 60 to 120 subjects were placed in various situations where they witnessed inter-employee rudeness as well as employee incompetence.


  • 92-93赛季曼联在弗格森的统领下一举击败此前排名领先维奇队,以胜利者的姿态登顶英超最高领奖台。 现在队中的老将吉格斯目睹一辉煌的成就。

    Ryan Giggs is still around to bear witness to United's first Premiership honour when they clawed back Norwich City's advantage around this juncture in the 1992-93 season.


  • 作为目击者,我们亲眼目睹推动股票市场当然也包括曼哈顿房地产价格在内)走入创纪录巅峰泡沫整个生命历程。

    We're witnessing the unwinding of the whole dynamic that propelled the stock market (not to mention Manhattan real estate prices) to record highs.


  • 通货紧缩的日本能够目睹消费者价格上升比率在0%到2%之间(非官方目标1%)之前,接近零利率的政策不会有所松动(就像一直以来一样)。

    Until deflationary Japan sees consumer prices rise between 0% and 2% (with an unofficial aim of 1%), the near-zero policy rate will remain (as it has done for ages).


  • 第二批目标可能中国拥有大规模成功业务企业中国消费者目睹许多全球性企业自身获得成功增长。

    The second wave could be companies with big and successful operations in China itself, where local consumers are witnessing the successful growth of many global companies themselves.


  • 创作人考虑的另一个有利结果就是目睹人类获胜于更强大的外星侵略者或是甚至一个第二et拯救

    Another beneficial outcome the authors entertain sees humanity triumph over a more powerful alien aggressor, or even being saved by a second group of ETs.


  • 1980年上一次黄金价格攀时大量购入黄金的投资者接下来的20目睹了金价跳水三分之二

    Investors who piled into gold at the last peak in 1980 saw the price fall by two-thirds in the 20 years that followed.


  • 坚定的国内外支持者耐心目睹美国撤出伊拉克阿富汗

    Strong constituencies at home and abroad are impatient to see America quit Iraq and Afghanistan.


  • 作为终身和平主义者,华特森先生14那年目睹杀猪惨象决定成为一个素食者

    A lifelong pacifist, Mr. Watson had become vegetarian at the age of 14, after witnessing the slaughter of a pig.


  • 极少数幸存者有幸船上桅杆中空隐藏,逃过劫,目睹了令人毛骨悚然的一幕:他们同船的伙伴被这些毛利人当夜第二天早上大口大口地吃掉。

    A few lucky survivors, who were able to find a hiding spot inside the mast of the boat, were horrified as they watched the Maori devour their shipmates through the night and in to the next morning.


  • 《神曲》故事简介如下:孤独朝圣者但丁迷失昏暗树林中,于是罗马诗人吉尔指引来到了地狱,目睹那些被诅咒者的悲惨命运,此后又经过炼狱,在结尾诗篇来到了天堂。

    Here is the story, in brief. A lonely pilgrim—it is Dante himselfstrays into a dark wood, and is guided by the Roman poet Virgil down into Hell to contemplate the harrowing fate of the damned.


  • 欧洲一些银行避免国家损害现有股东的利益:去年目睹巴克莱银行匆忙中东投资者手中筹集资金

    In Europe some avoided state cash by treating existing shareholders badly: witness the money that Barclays hurriedly raised from Middle Eastern investors last year.


  • 过度依赖负债逐渐增长美国消费者支出亲眼目睹美国不断加剧增长的活期存款赤字,曾一度2006年达到GDP的6%。

    It was far too reliant on spending from increasingly indebted American consumers: witness the country's gaping current-account deficit, which reached almost 6% of GDP in 2006.


  • 格兰·安斯,崭露头角部门最近一次飓风里严重受挫,农民渔民亲眼目睹它的销售量下降因为消费者鄙视当地食品

    Farmers and fishermen in Grand 'anse, a verdant department that was hit badly by a recent hurricane, have seen sales plummet as customers spurn local foodstuffs.


  • 今天格拉斯顿伯里音乐节上,数千音乐爱好者目睹世界杯英格兰队以1比4的耻辱比分被德国队淘汰。

    Thousands of music lovers at Glastonbury Festival today joined forces to watch England's World Cup humiliating 4-1 defeat against Germany.


  • 叛逃者证实亲眼目睹母亲兄长试图越狱处以枪决。

    One defector testified that while in a camp, he had witnessed his mother and elder brother publicly executed for attempting to escape.


  • 遗憾的是,谨慎储蓄者将会目睹他们的资产减少

    Regrettably, prudent savers will see their assets reduced.


  • 亲眼目睹了许多竞争者前赴后继地步入这个市场,结局大都失败告终

    I've seen numerous competitors enter the market, only to fail.


  • 目击者目睹弹杀人

    Witnesses saw victims of phosphorus bombs.


  • 法国著名商学院INSEAD新加坡校区安德鲁·斯蒂芬(Andrew Stephen)目睹许多非常优秀应聘者一家家跨国公司刷掉,一切只因为不是亚洲人

    Andrew Stephen of the Singapore campus of INSEAD, a prestigious French business school, says he has seen good candidates being passed over by multinationals because they were not Asian.


  • 消费者们正在目睹到计算机公司新的战争,80年代苹果微软的斗争,而现在是苹果和Google

    Consumers are witnessing the beginning of a new war between computer companies. Instead of the Apple-Microsoft conflict of the early 1980s, this fight is taking place between Apple and Google.


  • 消费者们正在目睹到计算机公司新的战争,80年代苹果微软的斗争,而现在是苹果和Google

    Consumers are witnessing the beginning of a new war between computer companies. Instead of the Apple-Microsoft conflict of the early 1980s, this fight is taking place between Apple and Google.


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