• 只鸟儿停下来半空中盘旋

    The bird stopped and hovered in mid-air.


  • 美丽的蝴蝶野花上方盘旋

    Beautiful butterflies hovered above the wild flowers.


  • 飞机盘旋着,等待着陆指令。

    The plane circled, awaiting permission to land.


  • 架直升飞机在周围盘旋

    There were two helicopters circling around.


  • 鸟儿房子上空缓缓盘旋

    The birds circled in a slow spiral above the house.


  • 云雀山脊盘旋飞升

    Larks were rising in spirals from the ridge.


  • 飞机掠过去,垂下机翼然后盘旋

    The plane made one pass, dipped its wings, then circled back.


  • 飞机机场上空盘旋以耗多余燃料

    The plane circled the airport to burn up excess fuel.


  • 只鹰头顶上空盘旋

    An eagle circled high overhead.


  • 海鸥头顶盘旋

    Seagulls circled around above his head.


  • 鸟儿我们上空盘旋

    Birds wheeled above us in the sky.


  • 飞机盘旋两圈试图对准跑道降落却没成功。

    The plane circled twice, trying in vain to line up with the runway.


  • 飞机盘旋

    The plane flew around in a tight circle.


  • 飞机盘旋降落。

    The plane spiralled down to the ground.


  • 中的逃跑的时候,架直升飞机头顶上空盘旋

    A helicopter hovered overhead as one of the gang made a run for it.


  • 我们飞机已经盘旋很久了。

    Our plane has been circling for a long time.


  • 漂亮鸟儿我们头顶上方荒野中盘旋

    The bonny birds are wheeling over our heads in the middle of the moor.


  • 很多头顶上空盘旋

    A number of birds are circling overhead.


  • 天空深蓝色的,他们头顶展翅盘旋

    The sky was deep blue, and above their heads the eagle was circling with outstretched wings.


  • 老鹰空中盘旋

    The eagle is flying around in circles.


  • 空中盘旋

    The eagle wheeled in the sky.


  • 它们夜里拍着翅膀,飞过我们白天,它们我们一起在天上盘旋

    They flutter through our dreams at night, they fly with us in our wheelings and circlings by day.


  • 带着德国度假者飞往岛屿波音737飞机,在盘旋准备降落时撞山坡上。

    The plane, a Boeing 737, taking German holiday makers to the island crashed into a hillside as it circled while preparing to land.


  • 你们会在海洋上高飞英里然后慢慢盘旋20分钟飞行员指导从容地降落到海滩上。

    You soar a mile above the ocean, then slowly circle for 20 minutes as the pilot guides you to a leisurely landing on the beach.


  • 草原土拨鼠也许告诉现在一只头顶盘旋从未表现出任何意愿描述上周看到的鹰。

    Prairie dogs may be able to tell you about a hawk that's circling overhead right now, but they never show any inclination to describe the one they saw last week.


  • 圆盘产生自己引力拖曳这种相互作用的力夺走了行 星轨道上的动量迫使盘旋恒星的方向。

    The disk exerts its own gravitational tug, and this interplay of forces robs the planet of momentum in its orbital path, forcing it to spiral in toward the star.


  • 老鹰半空中盘旋准备俯冲

    The hawk poised in mid-air ready to swoop.


  • 直升机村落上空盘旋数次降落

    The helicopter made several passes over the village before landing.


  • 浓密烟雾盘旋翻腾刺鼻的味使窒息

    Dense smoke swirled and billowed, its rank fumes choking her.


  • 可以让火车现有蜿蜒盘旋轨道上保持匀速

    It allows the train to maintain a constant speed through the twists and turns of existing track.


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