• 这些措施的目的使监狱体制更人性

    These measures are intended to humanize the prison system.


  • 据《国际监狱私立报告主编StephenNathan所说澳大利亚,有超过17%的同犯人被安置在私立监狱

    More than 17% of Australia's inmates are held in private prisons, says Stephen Nathan, the editor of prison Privatization Report International.


  • 哈尔登监狱2010年建成时,一些新闻媒体报道世界上“人性”的监狱

    When it opened in 2010, some news accounts called it the "most humane" prison in the world.


  • 然而男子监狱看做是“容易受伤囚犯”,不允许穿裙子衬衫,甚至“稍微”一下妆也不行。

    But she was forbidden from wearing skirts or blouses, or more than "subtle" make-up, at the men's prison where she was being held on a "vulnerable prisoners" wing.


  • 欢迎来到老年监狱世界日本老龄速度其他任何地方都要快,老年囚犯增长速度更快。

    Welcome to the world of old-age prisons. population is aging in Japan faster than anywhere else, and with that has come an even sharper rise in elderly inmates.


  • 想弄明白美国热心人和不断增长监狱系统私有之间关系。

    I wonder how much of the eagerness to lock up people has to do with the growing privatization of the prison system in the U.S..


  • 值得信赖的警察帮助人们收复街道,公正司法声张正义,人性监狱保障服刑人员权利,帮助他们改过迁善。

    Impartial judiciaries to serve justice. Humane prisons to guarantee human rights and rehabilitation for people serving their sentences.


  • 只有现代监狱制度以后,这种“围观惩罚”(spectator punishment)才渐渐西方国家消失

    It was only after the modern prison became institutionalized that this type of spectator punishment gradually disappeared in the West.


  • 互联网监狱真正优势在于,整个矫正过程允许一个标准5年有期徒刑可以短短的3周内电子完成

    The real advantage of the Internet penitentiary is that it streamlines the entire corrections process allowing a standard five-year sentence to be completed electronically in as little as three weeks.


  • 但是监狱私有并非长久之计华盛顿特区智囊团城市研究所的约翰•罗马(John Roman)

    But privatisation is not a long-term solution, says John Roman of the Urban Institute, a think-tank in Washington, DC.


  • 司法部称,虽然日本监狱囚犯老龄趋势其他国家更快,但这个问题并不是日本特有的

    The graying of the prison population is not unique to Japan, although it is happening faster here than in other countries, according to the Justice Ministry.


  • 私有解决1980年代以来美国监狱过度拥挤成本居高难下问题方法。

    Privatization is a practical solution to the problems of overcrowding and high costs facing the U. S. prison system in 1980s.


  • 有些人甚至监狱更加人性认为我们真正需要一个让我们表现善意机会

    Some even talk about making prisons more kind, but I think what we really need is a chance to practice kindness ourselves.


  • 美国监狱私有现象主要动因在于快速增长囚犯、监狱过度拥挤成本问题

    In the U. S., rapid growth of prison population, overcrowding and cost problems are the driving force behind the prison privatization phenomenon.


  • 探究美国监狱私有原因有助于估计私人监狱运动发展前景

    Exploration into the causes of prison privatization in the U. S. will help us to estimate the future of private prison movement.


  • 应当中国现实基础积极倡导监狱行刑社会

    Socialization of prison execution should be advocated based on realistic foundation in China.


  • 目前我国监狱行刑工作社会程度处在水平上监狱行刑走向社会还有许多制约因素

    Currently, the socializing level of our country's execution work on prison is still relatively lower, and there are also some restrictive factors in it.


  • 监狱行刑社会监狱行刑过程通过放宽罪犯自由、拓展罪犯社会作出联系最终促成罪犯完成再社会的过程。

    The socialization of prison execution means a process in which criminal is socialized finally, by relaxing criminals and expanding relation between social and criminal in prison execution.


  • 美国监狱变革殖民地时期一直延续至今,与其经济刑罚理念紧密相连,体现多元特征。

    From the colonial period, American prisons have been undergoing the reforms which reflect the developments of their economy, culture and philosophy of punishment.


  • 监狱工作法制科学社会建设需要现代传媒推波助澜,赢得社会力量的支持搭建平台,不言而喻的。

    The legal, scientific and social construction of the prison work need assistance of modern media. It is obvious for the media to attract the support of the society.


  • 刑事法律体系完备、现行行刑主体多元、《监狱法》的缺陷都呼唤制定一部统一的刑事执行

    A criminal execution code is needed because of the perfection of criminal legal system, the multi criminal execution subjects and the shortcomings of prison law.


  • 监狱行刑社会刑罚执行过程充分应用一切社会资源社会力量教育改造罪犯

    The socialization of penalty execution in jail is of adequately wields all kind of social resources and social forces to educate and remold the criminals in the course of execution.


  • 为了缓解监狱行刑悖论,行刑社会思想应运而生。

    To solve the above paradox, the socialization of execution punishment is put forward.


  • 文章监狱警察职业特质培养基本内容主要途径职业建设法制保障作了具体分析

    The thesis analyzes the basic content and major means of trait culture and legal safeguard of vocational building.


  • 监狱里的高墙实在有趣入狱的时候,痛恨周围的高墙;慢慢地,你习惯了生活在其中最终你会发现自己不得不依靠它而生存。这就是体制

    These walls are kind of funny like that. First you hate 'em, then you get used to 'em. Enough time passes, gets so you depend on them.


  • 涉及监狱作业监狱人性管理两方面内容

    Involved in prison operations, prison management of both human content.


  • 我国监狱行刑社会缺乏政策制度保障理论探索还不系统,实践经验也欠缺。

    Socialization of prisons execution in China is still lack the protection of policies and systems, systematic theoretical exploration, and practical experience.


  • 监狱警察队伍专业建设基本思路旨在新的视角调整监狱警察结构

    The basic way of thinking of prison constabulary troops professional construction aims is to adjust prison constabulary structure of new visual angle ;


  • 监狱警察队伍专业建设基本思路旨在新的视角调整监狱警察结构

    The basic way of thinking of prison constabulary troops professional construction aims is to adjust prison constabulary structure of new visual angle ;


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