• 虽然报纸当然盈利,但《时报》应该考虑如今全世界信息传播中所扮演重要角色

    While of course a newspaper must make a profit, the Times should consider what an important role it plays today in the dissemination of information about the world.


  • 原告方认为,埃里森明知经济放缓甲骨文盈利带来负面影响却未投资者分享信息

    The plaintiffs argue that Mr. Ellison knew that a slowing economy would have a negative impact on Oracle's earnings but failed to share this information with investors.


  • 单个股票波动可能是是信息产物诸如盈利预警

    The volatility of individual stocks can be the result of new information, such as a profit warning.


  • 事实上,用户的数据定期传送社交网站服务器帮助Facebook每年广告盈利数十亿英镑因为这些都是非常有价值的信息

    In fact, data is regularly sent back to the social network's servers -helping Facebook make billions of pounds each year from advertising, as such information is highly valuable.


  • Google服务中的用户材料具有保护措施微乎其微因为Google商业模式提供信息,用以交换广告盈利Enderle指出

    Material on Google's services has minimal protection because Google's business model is to provide this information in exchange for AD revenues, Enderle pointed out.


  • 事实上,用户的数据定期传送社交网站服务器帮助Facebook每年广告盈利数十亿英镑因为这些都是非常有价值的信息

    In fact, data is regularly sent back to the social network's servers - helping Facebook make billions of pounds each year from advertising, as such information is highly valuable.


  • 企业希望得到更加及时有用的信息尤其是能够直接积极地影响到自身增长盈利信息

    Businesses want information that is more timely and useful, particularly if it can directly and positively affect growth and profitability.


  • 只要知道哪些数据可用常常会激发关于组合这些信息盈利方式想法

    Just knowing what data is available can often spark new ideas for profitable ways to combine that information.


  • 可以看到就是金融界的规则,《华尔街日报》一份令人尊敬报纸金融信息来源并不盈利

    You can see, this is how the unseen rule of finance — the Wall Street Journal is a venerable newspaper and source of information about finance, but it's not making money.


  • 我们正在培训21世纪劳动力密歇根当地盈利组织产生重大影响”,密歇根大学计算机信息系统教授巴蒂·吉布森

    "We're training the 21st Century workforce, and making a significant impact on local Michigan nonprofits," says Bud Gibson, an Eastern Michigan University professor of computer information systems.


  • 财务信息显示科赫家族基金会乔治·梅森捐赠了三千多万美元,这笔款项绝大多数流向盈利组织莫卡特斯中心

    Financial records show that the Koch family foundations have contributed more than thirty million dollars to George Mason, much of which has gone to the Mercatus Center, a nonprofit organization.


  • OCLC成立于 1967 年,一家提供计算机图书馆服务盈利会员制研究机构,其宗旨是实现促进世界信息访问减少图书馆成本这一公共目标。

    OCLC is a nonprofit, membership, computer library service and research organization dedicated to the public purposes of furthering access to the world’s information and reducing information costs.


  • ApacheFriends下载XAMPP,这是一个盈利组织,目标是增强ApacheWeb服务器。该网站上最新的XAMPP信息发行版本

    Download XAMPP at Apache Friends, a nonprofit organization that promotes the Apache Web server and has the latest XAMPP information and releases.


  • Google——基础搜索广告服务商致力于组织全球信息从中盈利

    Google provides search and advertising services, which together aim to organize and monetize the world's information.


  • 作为Google盈利分支,Google.org利用这种发现,展开迈向预测性医疗信息(medical informatics)一步

    The effort, part of Google's non-profit arm, google.org, could prove to be the first step toward the type of predictive medical informatics that have long been the Holy Grail of medicine.


  • 德国汽车制造商没有提供它们盈利的详细信息一些分析师估计在华盈利其总盈利30%到65%之间

    German carmakers do not provide detailed information on their China earnings. Some analysts estimate they account for between 30 and 65 per cent for German automakers.


  • 销售盈利模式通过在线杂志进行销售ABC公司客户提供了方便省时快捷信息价格因此变得更具竞争力了。

    Sales revenue model is sold through online magazine, ABC Company provides customers with convenient, time saving, quick information and prices tend to be more competitive.


  • lSETI一个以搜寻外星空间文明信息目的的非盈利机构——他们的计划通过对来自太空的电磁信号加以分析筛选,从而寻找来自地外智能生命信息

    L SETI is the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence - the program that analyzes radio signals from space for signs of intelligent life.


  • 强调信息公开化盈利并非优先考虑学术性基础研究传统相悖离,研究行为的标准开始土崩瓦解

    Divorced from the traditions of academic basic research, where the emphasis is on open information and profit is not the priority, standards begin to slip.


  • 档案馆盈利免费信息归类轻松搜索方法

    The archives are a non-profit, free source of information that is cataloged in an easy to search method.


  • 为了提供相对准确成本信息,就必须正确地分摊产品费用,这样才能真实地反映产品的盈利状况

    For providing the relatively accurate cost information, banking must accurately assign the expenses to the product, which can veritably reflect the earnings condition of the product.


  • 本文上市公司自愿披露盈利预测信息动机效果制约因素进行了探讨

    This paper discusses the motives, results and restrictions of voluntary disclosure earnings forecast information to listed companies.


  • 网络教育会壮大,盈利吗?毕竟公众已经习惯了从网络免费获得信息

    Webucation will be big, but will it be profitable? After all, the public has grown accustomed to getting information for free on the Web.


  • 它的本质就是人们可以下载信息单位然后交易或者转让,这其实也是当前盈利性的实物交易系统中的一种形式。

    Essentially people are able to download messaging units and trade or transfer them as part of what has become a lucrative barter system.


  • 因此研究企业财务报告信息,看看它们能否反映企业的盈利能力是很必要

    Therefore, a deep research on the financial report information has itsnecessity to judge if they can reflect the earning ability of the enterprise.


  • 帮助信息通讯公司创建盈利服务行业协会TM论坛提出了创建这个理事会的想法

    The TM Forum, an industry association that helps information and communications companies create profitable services, came up with the idea of the council.


  • 海狸(1968)研究投资者收益看法事实上调查盈利是否投资者是有信息价值

    Beaver (1968) examined the perception of investors regarding earnings, indeed he investigated whether earnings was of any informational value to the investors.


  • 本文提出一个关于上市公司盈利预测信息自愿性披露悖论

    This paper puts forward a paradox of voluntary disclosure of earnings forecast to listed companies.


  • 内容主要包括目标计划盈利预测风险因素、前景信息,并且不断地变化和增加。

    It mainly includes objectives and plans, financial forecast risk factors. prospective information, ect, with its content still in changing.


  • 内容主要包括目标计划盈利预测风险因素、前景信息,并且不断地变化和增加。

    It mainly includes objectives and plans, financial forecast risk factors. prospective information, ect, with its content still in changing.


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进来说说原因吧 确定