Interesting Fact: the structure's shape is modeled after the tallest structure not made by man - African termite nests.
The inside of a termite mound stays at near-constant temperature and humidity, no matter how wet, dry, scorching or freezing it might be outside.
Office blocks modeled on termite nests and buildings that can resist climate change have been the focus at a conference by some of Australia's most influential designers in Melbourne.
在规划津巴布韦首都哈拉雷市的东门购物中心和办公大楼时,建筑师迈克·皮尔斯(Mike Pearce)就研究了白蚁巢穴的构造。
When planning the Eastgate Shopping Center and office block in Harare, Zimbabwe, architect Mike Pearce studied the structure of termite mounds.
在规划津巴布韦首都哈拉雷市的东门购物中心和办公大楼时,建筑师迈克·皮尔斯(Mike Pearce)就研究了白蚁巢穴的构造。
When planning the Eastgate Shopping Center and office block in Harare, Zimbabwe, architect Mike Pearce studied the structure of termite mounds.