• 瓢虫就是园丁最大朋友之一它们凶猛食肉动物,专门对付白粉红蜘蛛

    ladybird larvae are among the biggest friends we gardeners have. They're ferocious predators on problem whitefly and red spider mite.


  • 这种营销吸引人通过晨间奶昔果汁中加入最少的努力就能让你拥有更强壮肌肉更健康身体

    The marketing is enticing: Get stronger muscles and healthier bodies with minimal effort by adding protein powder to your morning shake or juice drink.


  • 林先生北京发现人间白粉感染该国最早记录

    The human infections of Diphyllobothrium latum discovered by Lin from Beijing were the first records in the country.


  • 研究玉米粗黄色素超声提取法(95%乙醇作为溶剂)。

    In this paper, ultrasonic wave was applied during the extraction of yellow pigment from the corn protein powder has been studied (the solvent was ethanol solution with the concentration of 95%).


  • 病虫害蚜虫介壳白粉真菌叶斑病如果超过浇水可患根腐病

    Disease: Aphids, mealy bugs, powdery mildew, fungal leaf spot, stem and root rot if over watered.


  • 介绍生产白粉废酸和低品位锰矿原料生产应用广泛硫酸锰的方法。

    This paper expounds how to produce widely used manganese sulphate with waste acid left by titanium powder production and low-ranged soft manganese ore as raw material.


  • 厨房松木橱柜白粉相间门廊,黑板占据整面墙小小的敞储藏室涂成蓝绿色

    The kitchen features pinewood cabinets with white and pink doorways, as well a blackboard that covers one wall. There is also a small open pantry that is painted turquoise.


  • 研究采用添加抗氧化剂氧化增效剂、充包装等方法延长花生保质期

    Aiming to extend the shelf life of peanut protein powder, the effect of adding antioxidants and antioxidant synergists, coupled with nitrogen gas packing, were studied in this work.


  • 根据综合治理系统系统分析,用电模拟的方法建立橡胶白粉防治决策模拟模型

    Based on systematic analysis of integrated disease management system of rubber powdery mildew, a control decision model was established by using computer simulation.


  • 白粉第三花灯传人迥然不同经济现状提醒我们这个变化的实际开始

    The thoroughly different current economic situations of the third and the fourth generation of Festival Lantern successors in Baifenqiang Village remind us that the change is already beginning.


  • 基础上,配以白粉溶剂增塑剂其它助剂完成白色环氧移印油墨的配方设计。

    We have accomplished directions for producing chemicals of white epoxy pad-transfer printing ink on this base, mixing with titanium pigment, solvent, plasticizer and other auxiliary materials.


  • 通过饲养试验表明添加3%红蛋白粉仔猪发病率(包括气喘腹泻病)和死亡率最低

    Feeding experiment shows that disease incidence (including asthma and diarrhea) and death rate of weeding piglets sre the lowest when adding 3% hemoglobin powder in the diet.


  • 利用碱性蛋白酶木瓜蛋白酶双酶玉米进行分步水解确定制备玉米肽干粉工艺流程

    The corn protein flour was hydrolyzed by a fractional hydrolysis with alkaline protease and caroid to produce corn peptide flour and the hydrolysis technological process was determined.


  • MLO蛋白作为个钙调素结合蛋白在白粉植物作的过程起到一个抗性抑制因子的作用。

    The MLO protein, as CaM binding protein, had been presumed as a resistance-suppressing factor in the interaction between barley and its powdery mildew pathogen.


  • 这些研究结果表明草酸氧化酶积累白粉菌侵染诱导的,可能大麦白粉防卫反应有关

    These results demonstrated that the accumulation of oxalate oxidase was induced by barley powdery fungus and possibly associated with defense response of barley to powdery mildew fungus.


  • 虽然大多数用漂白粉去除衣服上的污渍,儿科学杂志一项研究表明还有缓解儿童湿疹作用。

    Though most people reserve bleach for removing stains from clothing, a study in the journal Pediatrics says it also may offer relief to children who have the skin disease eczema.


  • 在消化吸收引进钛白粉装置基础介绍磨机结晶器、干燥机等设备国产化的情况。

    Introduce national customized equipment of grinder, crystallizer, dryer and gas powder machines based on digesting and absorbing technology of importing titanium powder plant from outside China.


  • 白色彩色橡胶制品中加入白粉,在日光照射下,日晒开裂、变色伸展酸碱。

    In white and color rubber products, add white in the sunlight, insolation, no crack resistance, don't angry, stretching rate and acid and alkali resistant.


  • 食品工业糊精麦芽糖蛋黄粉、低聚糖颗粒油脂速溶咖啡淀粉香料果蔬颗粒。

    Food Industry: dextrin, maltose, protein powder, egg yolk powder, oligosaccharides, the particles oil, instant coffee, starch, spices, fruit and vegetable particles.


  • 结果表明低温脱脂花生水溶性蛋白含量可溶性指数高于其他脱脂方法的花生蛋白粉

    The results showed that the solution protein content and nitrogen solution index of degressed peanut meal by degressed in low temperature were higher than that by other degressed methods.


  • 结果表明河南省小麦白粉所有供试小麦材料存在相应的毒性基因毒性基因频率有明显差异

    The result showed that the virulent genes for all wheat materials tested were found in pathogen population from Henan, but the virulent frequencies were different remarkably.


  • 问题来了,水果坚果其它健康成分开始累积,一不小心你就分钟内摄入几百卡路里。

    The problem is, all those other healthy ingredients like fruit, protein powder, and nuts really start to add up, and it's easy to gulp down hundreds of calories in just a few minutes.


  • 研究野生二粒小麦21449中的白粉抗性进行遗传分析定位了所携带的一个隐性白粉基因

    In this study, genetic analysis of a wild emmer wheat accession 21449 was carried out, and one recessive resistance gene in 21449 was mapped with microsatellite markers.


  • 超临界流体萃取玉米提取类胡萝卜素温度压力时间夹带工艺条件进行了研究;

    The processing conditions such as temperature, pressure, time and cosolvent solution for the extraction of carotenoids from corn gluten meal by supercritical fluid extraction were studied.


  • 本文主要介绍了冷杏仁杏仁生产工艺工艺特点我国杏仁深加工综合利用提供方向

    Production technique and product characteristics of cold pressed almond oil and protein power, meanwhile, providing the approach of almond deep processing and comprehensive exploitation.


  • 由于产品结构不合理,普通型钛白粉所占比重过大,而化纤白粉高档金红石型钛白粉几乎全部依赖进口

    Almost all the chemical fiber grade and high grade rutile titanium dioxide needed relies imports because the proportion of common anatase one is too large.


  • 本文研究硅氧烷成膜固化体系,在此基础上,配白粉溶剂其它助剂,进行了硅橡胶油墨性能试验

    This paper investigated the film solidify system of two kinds of silicone, then dealt with the property test of silicone rubber ink by mixing with titanium pigment solvent and other auxiliary.


  • 抗病鉴定系统选育细胞学分析,选育出高产、抗白粉的小麦新品种农艺性状好、抗白粉病的小麦种质

    Through disease resistant identification, systematic selection and cell analysis, high yield varieties and new germplasm with good agronomic characters resistant to powdery mildes have been selected.


  • 主要成份牛初乳乳酸菌大豆卵磷脂牛磺酸叶酸,免疫增强素,综合营养素,综合维生素矿物质

    Main Ingredients: colostrum, lactobacillus, soybean lecithin, albumen powder, taurine, folic acid, immune-enhancing substance, comprehensive vitamin, comprehensive nutriment, and mineral substance.


  • 主要成份牛初乳乳酸菌大豆卵磷脂牛磺酸叶酸,免疫增强素,综合营养素,综合维生素矿物质

    Main Ingredients: colostrum, lactobacillus, soybean lecithin, albumen powder, taurine, folic acid, immune-enhancing substance, comprehensive vitamin, comprehensive nutriment, and mineral substance.


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