• 帆船还是等外面,在观察回答信号究竟对不对不久,它就静悄悄地驶近了,只见朦朦的片,象是一个幽灵似的,离岸一箭路以外抛了

    The boat that now arrived, assured by the answering signal that all was well, soon came in sight, white and silent as a phantom, and cast anchor within a cable's length of shore.


  • 念珠(真菌)关闭绿脓杆菌(细菌)的感应信号欺骗他们削减军备生产之一——一种叫做绿脓菌素的反应性化学物质可以使真菌极其难受

    The yeast fires off signals that trick the bacterium into slashing production of one of its armaments - a reactive chemical called pyocyanin, which makes life particularly uncomfortable for the yeast.


  • 某些实际场合,所得到附加的噪声污染信号

    In some practical situations, the signal is corrupted by the additional white noise.


  • 根据推导结果设计了一噪声中检测周期性信号算法

    We design the algorithm to detect periodic signal from white noise by the derivation.


  • 分析小波变换物理本质奇异检测原理基础上,研究了小波基和噪声信号奇异性检测性能的影响

    Based on analyzing the physical essence and the principle of singularity detection, this paper discusses the effect of wavelet bases and white noise on signal singularity detection.


  • 方法可以用于其它信号处理领域高斯噪声估计

    This method can also be used in other signal processing field to estimate white Gaussian noise.


  • 随机噪声数字信号处理具有重要实用价值,噪声产生具有指定概率分布伪随机噪声的基础

    The pseudo-random data are widely applied in digital signal processing. White noise data is the basis of generating random data, which has the expected probability distribution.


  • 声道水印信号幅度限制可听门限噪声用来控制检测门限。

    Watermark signal of the right channel whose magnitude is limited below the audible threshold, is used to control the detection threshold.


  • 该文提出了一种新的检测噪声中微弱信号的方法。

    To detect the weak signals buried in noises is a fundamental and important problem.


  • 传统信号检测估计方法一般建立背景噪声噪声假设基础之上。

    Traditional methods of signal detection and estimation were based on the assumption that the background noise is white.


  • 实验结果表明这种电路产生典型冲击干扰噪声以及信号处理研究中很实用价值混和噪声。

    The experimental results show that the circuit can generate typical impulse noise, white noise and mixed noise that has wide applying value in the study of signal processing.


  • 本文介绍一种典型探测电路论述了噪声探测脉冲信号如何确定信噪比阈值

    This paper introduces a typical detecting circuit and discusses how to determine the SNR and the threshold of discrimination range when the laser pulse signals in the white noise are detected.


  • 研究含有高斯噪声周期脉冲信号通过阈值系统后的随机共振特性

    It is investigated that the characteristics of stochastic resonance of the periodic pulse signal added Gaussian white noise through a threshold system.


  • 输入模拟信号中加入噪声抖动可以降低量化噪声。

    Dithering, which adds white noise to the input analog signals, may be used to reduce quantization noise.


  • 通过阈值系统中的随机共振特性研究含有高斯噪声信号

    It is investigated the characteristics of stochastic resonance of the signal added Gaussian white noise in a bi-threshold system.


  • 给出方案OFDM系统仿真结果验证了OFDM信号噪声特性OFDM通信系统较强的抗频率选择性衰落特性。

    Finally the simulating result is presented, which validates white noise characteristic of the OFDM signal and the characteristic of anti-attenuation of frequency-selected of OFDM communication system.


  • 分别推导信号噪声小波系数统计量公式基础上最大似然进行参数估计

    We have derived the formulas for wavelet coefficients of the fractal signal and white noise separately on the basis of which the maximum likelihood method is used to estimate the fractal parameter.


  • 噪声反卷积问题石油地震勘探通信信号处理领域重要应用背景

    White noise deconvolution problem has important application backgrounds in oil seismic exploration, communication, and signal processing.


  • 尤其针对采集信号中的噪声随机干扰效果明显

    This method aims at the white noise and random disturb in collection signal especially and the effect is obvious.


  • 序列信号可以模拟噪声广泛应用于扩频通信数字加密、数字系统测试领域

    The M-sequences signal can simulate the white noise, which has been widely applied in the fields of spread spectrum communication, digital cryptography, digital system test and so on.


  • 国内电厂的300MW机组锅炉上,利用墙上的观分别扫频信号噪声信号正弦信号进行了冷态下的声学试验

    Experiment on acoustic pyrometry is done using the chirp signal, white noise and sine wave respectively in a 300MW boiler in one domestic power plant, through fire hole on furnace wall.


  • 本文研究噪声输入情况下,时滞系统随机输出信号线性滤波估计问题

    This paper considers a linear optimal estimation problem for a stochastic process viewed as the output signal of the time delay stochastic systems driven by a white noise input.


  • 仿真试验中比较了给定功率扰动信号噪声信号随机信号分别作为输入信号进行辨识结果

    In simulation experiment, results of identifying models using step disturbance of given power signal, white noise signal, and pseudorandom signal as input signals have been compared.


  • 根据信号循环平稳特性,本文提出一种加性高斯噪声信道基于循环频率估计PS K信号存在检测算法

    A presence detection algorithm based on the estimation of cyclic frequency for Phase Shift-Keying (PSK) signals in additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) is proposed in this paper.


  • 采用噪声信号作为标准声源输入信号常温气流条件下消声器实物模型进行静态放声试验

    After a white noise signal has been taken as the input of a standard sound source, a static acoustic test is conducted for a prototype silencer without air flow and at the normal temperature.


  • 因此,利用简单混沌数学模型迭代产生信号具有随机性统计特性类似噪声

    So the signal generated by iteration of simple chaos mathematical model get the feature of randomness and owns the statistical characteristics similar to white noise.


  • 因此,利用简单混沌数学模型迭代产生信号具有随机性统计特性类似噪声

    So the signal generated by iteration of simple chaos mathematical model get the feature of randomness and owns the statistical characteristics similar to white noise.


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