• 研究表明,如果少女母亲怀孕期间服用了男性激素,那么她们的学习成绩就比其他女性而且有可能大学

    Research has shown that teenage girls whose mothers took male hormones during pregnancy perform better in academic disciplines than other females, and are more likely to get into university.


  • 如果妇女怀孕或是衣着暴露,就会认为败坏家族名誉,然后男性亲属杀死。这种做法几个世纪以来,一直在土耳其盛行。

    The killing of women by male relatives who believe they have dishonored the family-eg, by getting pregnant outside wedlock or wearing revealing clothes-has haunted Turkey for centuries.


  • 一项关于喝酒量对夫妻生育能力的影响的研究发现女性每周葡萄酒或者男性每天喝啤酒的话,那么成功怀孕的可能就会减少

    Research into alcohol consumption among couples being treated at a fertility clinic found fewer successful pregnancies when the women drank several glasses of wine a week, or the man had a daily beer.


  • 15%夫妇怀孕问题其中大约一半由于男性问题

    Some 15 per cent of couples have trouble conceiving, about half of them because the man has a problem.


  • 但是现在我们不得不此类话题另一个方面一直受到应有的重视男性违背女性意愿直接使女性怀孕

    But now we can also say that there is another part of this story that we have not paid enough attention to: men's direct role in promoting pregnancy against women's wishes.


  • 研究小组观察这些夫妻怀孕可能性时,发现喝酒喜食肉类食物的男性不太容易使伴侣怀孕,而喜食蔬菜的男性则容易得

    When the team looked at how likely the couples were to get pregnant, they found that men who drank alcohol and ate more red meat were significantly less likely to impregnate their partners.


  • 除了怀孕哺乳期等等,家务活可以完全由男性女性共同承担,但是事实上没有如此

    Except for child bearing, breastfeeding, and the like, household work can be evenly divided between men and women, but in practice this does not happen.


  • 在由一家名为Onepoll市场营销公司组织的网上调查中,5000名男性被调查者随着妻子怀孕自己吃得越来越多

    Five thousand male respondents to an online survey by the marketing company Onepoll, said they were eating more as their partners’ pregnancies progressed.


  • 对于男性以及怀孕女性来说体重指数大于等于30肥胖疾病控制预防中心认为疾病。

    For men and women who aren't pregnant, a BMI of 30 and above is considered obese by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


  • 首位怀孕男性现在三个孩子的爸爸了……很多变性通过国民医疗服务(NHS)效仿产子的做法。

    The first ever pregnant man is now a dad-of-three... and transgender men are following suit by preparing to give birth on the NHS.


  • 篇综述小量临床试验结果中证实到服用抗氧化剂的男性他们妻子怀孕可能性会更高

    The review provides evidence from a small number of trials that suggest the partners of men who take antioxidants are more likely to become pregnant.


  • 通过19怀孕对象的研究,Whitcome女士发现女性腰部背部下方曲线可包含椎骨,而男性只有块。

    After studying 19 pregnant subjects, Ms. Whitcome found that the lumbar, or lower back, curve in women extends across three vertebrae, as opposed to just two in men.


  • 人人都知道吸烟女性如果计划怀孕,就应该戒烟一项研究表明,计划要孩子的男性应该戒烟。

    Everyone knows that a woman who smokes and plans to become pregnant should stop smoking. A new study suggests that the future father should quit, too.


  • 最后体重指数大于30女性(男性)努力减肥可以增加生育成功率,这胜于设法怀孕

    Finally, a woman (or man) with a BMI greater than 30 May have more fertility success if she works to lose weight rather than trying to get pregnant.


  • 因此虽然一些男性孩子出生戒烟,但这项研究为最好怀孕戒烟提供了一个更好理由

    So, while some men say they'll quit smoking after their child is born, this represents a good reason to quit well in advance of trying to conceive.


  • 而且治疗个月里有22名受试者男性配偶怀孕

    Moreover, within 2 months of the end of treatment, partners of 22 of the men were pregnant.


  • 产品专供男性使用怀孕妇女请勿使用;请勿超过建议用量

    This product is intended for men; not use by pregnant or lactating women. Do not exceed the recommended dosage.


  • 除非怀孕赫特通常被当作男性

    Hutts are generally considered male unless they are pregnant, at which point they are referred to as female.


  • 女性男性产生更少唾液减少附在牙齿残渣的清除率,同时怀孕时唾液化学结构发生变化,减少了唾液的抗菌能力

    Women produce less saliva than do men, reducing the removal of food residue from the teeth, and that during pregnancies the chemical composition changes, reducing saliva's antimicrobial capacity.


  • 可是往往怀孕责任完全归咎女性,不问协助使他们怀孕男性

    Too often, the women are the only ones held responsible for pregnancy, not the men who helped get them that way.


  • 他们故事说明多么坚决夫妇可以处理瘫痪男性方面技术熟练的内科专家指导下怀孕

    Their story illustrates how determined couples can conceive with guidance from medical professionals who are well-versed in techniques that work for paralyzed men.


  • 他们故事说明多么坚决夫妇可以处理瘫痪男性方面技术熟练的内科专家指导下怀孕

    Their story illustrates how determined couples can conceive with guidance from medical professionals who are well-versed in techniques that work for paralyzed men.


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