• 每天第一件事就是要看电子邮件

    I always start the day by going through my email.


  • 来自弗雷德叔叔电子邮件到了

    An e-mail from Uncle Fred arrived.


  • 通过鼠标一点就能电子邮件

    You can check your e-mail with a click of your mouse.


  • 公司员工使用电子邮件发出禁令

    The company slapped a ban on using email on the staff.


  • 可以通过电子邮件我们联系

    You can contact us by e-mail.


  • 如何在离线时电子邮件

    How do I write an email offline?


  • 可以电子邮件上附上可执行程序文件

    It is possible to attach executable program files to e-mail.


  • 怎样照片扫描放到电子邮件附件呢?

    How do I scan a photo and attach it to an email?


  • 每周必定电子邮件

    She never fails to email every week.


  • 假如任何意见,可电子邮件短信

    If you have any comments, just email or SMS.


  • 杰米发了一封电子邮件不能来了

    Jamie e-mailed me to say he couldn't come.


  • 可以通过计算机电子邮件发送传真信件

    You can send faxes by email from your computer.


  • 打电话应该接着一封电子邮件封信。

    You should follow up your phone call with an email or a letter.


  • 回应攻击性电子邮件最好方式就是置之不理

    The best way to respond to a flame is to ignore it.


  • 目前传输电子邮件等某类数据有效方法

    This is currently the most efficient way to transmit certain types of data like electronic mail.


  • 中情局官员们很大程度电子邮件相互交流

    Officials of the CIA depend heavily on e-mail to communicate with each other.


  • 一个特别惧怕科技的人,从没用过电子邮件

    He was a complete technophobe who never used e-mail.


  • 作为一种营销手段电子邮件发送广告非常成功的。

    Sending advertising by email is very successful as a marketing device.


  • 发送电子邮件时,可以把一份文件作为附件发送,文件可以是图片、程序、声音文件等。

    When you send an e-mail you can also send a file as an attachment and that file can be a graphic, a program, a sound or whatever.


  • 它们用来发送电子邮件上网

    They are also used for sending e mails or surfing the Internet.


  • 收到一个同学电子邮件

    I just received an email from one of my former classmates.


  • 可以商店电子邮件打电话

    You can email or ring up the store.


  • 密码通过电子邮件发送

    The password has been sent to you by email.


  • 现在完全避免使用电子邮件道歉

    Apologizing by email is something I now totally avoid.


  • 昨天收到亨利一封电子邮件

    I received an email yesterday from Henry.


  • ·汤姆林森称为“电子邮件”。

    Ray Tomlinson is known as "the father of email".


  • 我们并且发送好多好多电子邮件

    We can write and send lots and lots of emails!


  • 电话号码。这是我的电子邮件

    Here's my phone number, and here's my email.


  • 阅读广告电子邮件

    Please read the advertisement and the email.


  • 需要一封电子邮件

    I need to send an email.


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