• 传递一系列称为电子载体蛋白构成

    The transport chain is made up of a series of proteins known as electron carriers.


  • 每个电子载体它的一级接受电子然后沿着传递向下传递。

    Each carrier receives electrons from the preceding one, then transfers them down the chain.


  • 这些化学反应依赖电子载体NADPH第一阶段产生AT P。

    These chemical events rely on the electron carrier NADPH and ATP generated by the first set of reactions.


  • 这些化学物质事件依靠这个电子载体AT P生成NADPH第一反应

    These chemical events rely on the electron carrier NADPH and ATP generated by the first set or reactions.


  • 它们强的还原性物质(低的氧化还原电位)以及作为电子载体作用光合作用固氮作用中。

    They are strong reducing agents (very negative REDOX potentials) and function as electron carriers, for example in photosynthesis and nitrogen fixation.


  • 化学反应供能并最终生成之前电子通过分子载体反应释放然后在分子传递

    The electrons released by this reaction are taken up by carrier molecules and then passed along a chain of such molecules before being used to power the chemical reactions that ultimately make sugar.


  • 文学大众精英对弈实现严肃媚俗转变以及文学传播载体由纸质到电子媒介的突破性转变。

    Literature achieve a change from "serious" to "vulgarization" in the chessboard between the elite and the public, and the vector of literature communication turn from paper to electronic media.


  • 此外电子书籍载体存储性技术层面上有着自己突出优点

    In addition, e-books also highlighted the advantages of their own at carrier, storage and technical level.


  • 传统信息赋予电子数据新的载体形式从而使现有法律面临来自网络信息保护挑战

    The traditional information entrusts with the electronic data the new carrier form, thus causes the existing law to face is coming from to the network information protection challenge.


  • HMR3000数字罗盘实时输出载体航向俯仰和横滚三个方向上的姿态数据因而满足船舶电子导航控制系统设计要求。

    HMR3000 digital compass can provide carrier's real time position data of heading, pitch, roll. So it's adequate for design of ship electronic navigation control system.


  • 随着我国金卡工程不断深入开展智能卡必将取代目前广泛使用磁卡成为电子信息主要载体工具

    With the development of our country's 'Gold card' project, Smart IC card must become a central carrier and tool of electronic information in place of magcard which used widely at present.


  • 无纸化证券具有三个基本要素:证券登记账户存管电子信息蕴含一个证券账户载体新的证券权利结构

    Dematerialised securities have three basic elements: registration, depository account and electronic information, containing a new right structure taking securities account as carrier.


  • 烷基氯化试剂电子给予体制备了烯烃聚合载体催化剂。

    Supported catalysts of olefin polymerization were prepared by interacting magnesium alkyls with chlorinated agents, and electron donors.


  • 高职应用电子专业特色,课程体系重要载体

    If applied electronics specialty of higher vocational education would have its own features, course system is an important carrier.


  • 外部形式上电子写作区别于传统写作主要因素包括写作工具载体媒介三个方面

    See from the exterior form, the main difference between electronic writing and the tradition include the tool and carry, medium these three aspects.


  • 面对面传播延时传播电子对话道德话语载体历史形态不断变化

    From the face-to-face communication, delay spread to the electronic dialogue, moral discourse vector changes as history goes by.


  • 电子电荷载体同时又是自旋载体

    An electron is the carrier of both "charge" and "spin".


  • 以往电子输运过程中人们需要考虑电子作为电荷载体巨磁电阻效应中,电子不仅电荷的载体,而且具有自旋

    We only need consider electron as carrier of electric charge in former electron transporting process, but in GMR effect, electron not only is the carrier of electric charge, but also has spin.


  • 互联网作为业务活动载体电子商务凭借无可比拟的优势不可逆转的趋势极其迅速改变传统商业企业运作模式

    Electronic commerce has incomparable superiority relying on the Internet as service activity carrier, which is extremely changing the traditional commercial department operation pattern rapidly.


  • 文章首次国内公开论述了USB闪存固件加密载体的不可破解的CPK电子公章系统设计思想;

    A design about authentic CPK electronic seal system encrypted by USB Flash Memory Disk was given first time in this article.


  • 印制电路板(PCB)集成各种电子元器件信息载体,是电子产品关键部件

    Printed Circuit Board (PCB) is information carriers integrating various electronic components. It is also the key unit of electronic products.


  • 传统电子元件比如二极管三极管,它们信息载体电子电荷电子自旋没有被利用。

    The information carrier of traditional electronic components such as diode and audion, is electronic charge, but the electronic spin is not considered.


  • 出租车车顶数字多功能智能一体化电子显示屏系统广告发布载体领域

    The invention relates to a taxi roof numeral multi-purpose intelligence integration electron display screen system, belongs to the advertisement issue carrier domain.


  • 广义指所有应用电子技术手段进行加工编辑形成图书包括光盘版、网络版不同载体形式

    Generally speaking, e book is a book processed and edited with the application of electronic technologies, including CD ROM, network and other media.


  • 纳米管修饰电极不仅可以提高电子传递速度,而且由于表面积能够作为一种优良的催化剂载体

    Carbon nanotubes not only have the ability to promote electron transfer reaction when used as electrode modification material, but also is promising as catalyst carrier due to their high surface area.


  • 纳米管修饰电极不仅可以提高电子传递速度,而且由于表面积能够作为一种优良的催化剂载体

    Carbon nanotubes not only have the ability to promote electron transfer reaction when used as electrode modification material, but also is promising as catalyst carrier due to their high surface area.


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