• 我们“快易通”完成电子付费我们交易记录可能用于离婚案

    When we go through an electronic toll with our E-Zpass, a record of our movements exists that might one day be used in a divorce case.


  • 某些情况下市场营销者自有媒介会成为另一个营销者的付费媒介。比如电子商务零售商出售网站广告空间时。

    But in some cases, one marketer's owned media become another marketer's paid media—for instance, when an e-commerce retailer sells ad space on its Web site.


  • 事实证明人们愿意电子阅读器长期的新闻付费现有设备允许出版商创造性展示内容大多数也无法投放广告。

    People have proven willing to pay for long-form journalism on e-readers. But these devices do not allow publishers to present their content in creative ways and most cannot carry advertisements.


  • 人们常常电子邮件谈及此事,就告诉他们慢慢地掉网瘾,不要进入付费网站

    People often E-mail me about the problem and I tell them to gradually wean themselves off and not to switch to a scheme where you pay per hour for online time.


  • 方案运营企业TomasBellaofPiano意味着读者愿意电子付费。 “前提足够方便。”

    Tomas Bella of Piano, the company operating the scheme, says this suggests that readers will pay for content, “but only when it is convenient enough”.


  • 那时,免费电子邮件服务商试图用户升级付费账户并且总的来说,人们对Email的期望因为他们觉得Email不可能变得更好了”。

    The free email providers at the time “were trying to push you into their paid accounts. And in general, people had a low opinion of Web mail because they thought it couldn’t be good.”


  • 他们公司额外付费电子邮件服务提供商进行邮件存档,这样存在是否保留电子邮件问题

    The company pays an additional fee to its E-mail provider to archive e-mails. That way, there is no question of whether to keep or delete e-mails.


  • 但是,也很多商家,他们只是提供电子商务服务帮助其他伙伴建立一个根据预定或者使用量付费网店。

    But there are a number of pure player providers that provide e-commerce services to help companies establish a storefront that they pay for on a subscription or usage basis.


  • 现在65%左右国内邮政提供网上服务其中包括网上账单付费业务(16%),电子邮票服务(13%),电子签名投递服务(10%)。

    Some 65% of the world's national Posts now offer online services, including online bill payments (16%), e-postage services (13%) and delivery of items against e-signatures (10%).


  • 模式早期例子在线电子邮件可以免费获得一定存储空间,你想更多空间,则需要付费

    An early example of this model was online email, where you got a certain amount of storage for free and had to pay for more (see more about this, though, in the section on when free is dangerous).


  • 有些情况下比如高级支持相关服务电子的方式提交P MR只能使用基于付费的支持协议

    In a few cases, such as for services related to Premium support or to submit PMRs electronically, access is restricted to those with fee-based support agreements.


  • 其他体育报纸进军电子商务行业,以及通过手机平板电脑传递付费讯息的领域。

    Other sports papers have gone into e-commerce and paid news delivered via mobile phones and tablet computers.


  • 记住包括那些免费下载电子书,计算了付费的版本。

    Keep in mind this number does not reflect the amount of free books downloaded by users, only the paid books.


  • 即使电子邮件免费的,人们还是会付费短信

    People pay for text messages, even though E-mail is free.


  • 新闻集团一直付费阅读电子积极的倡导者,付费电子也将有助于报业的生存即使他们不能根本解决问题

    News Corporation has been the loudest advocate for newspaper paywalls, which may help that business survive, although they do not solve its problems.


  • 制定全面互联网营销策略包括搜索引擎优化、点击付费广告、电子邮件营销社会媒体推广。

    Develop a comprehensive Internet marketing strategy that includes search engine optimization, pay-per-click, email marketing, and social media.


  • 这里业务模式西方电子阅读器市场非常不同,大陆电子阅读器的价格要比西方市场相对原因大陆电子阅读器厂商需要依靠卖硬件才能赚钱,导致这种局面的背景,则大陆的用户几乎没有付费电子书的习惯。

    The model here is so different from the West. E-readers are relatively pricey in China because e-reader vendors need to make money from the hardware since Chinese users resist paying for the content.


  • 人们已经准备Kindle付费阅读电子报纸杂志(包括《经济学人》),虽然他们不大情愿为网上新闻付费

    Already, people are prepared to pay to receive newspapers and magazines (including the Economist) on the Kindle, even though they seem reluctant to pay for news on the web.


  • 先前的文章中(请参阅参考资料),讨论过有关动态电子商务Web服务技术以及潜在基于使用付费的Web服务的商务模型的前景。

    In previous articles (see Resources), I have discussed the vision of Dynamic e-business, the web services technology stack, and potential business models for fee-based web services.


  • 付费还是付费摆在所有中国电子邮箱用户面前一个问题

    To pay or not to pay , that is the question that Chinese email users are faced with today.


  • 电子废料电子设备管理组织要求工厂必须付费针对收集处置使用过电子产品上

    The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive obliges firms to pay for the cost of collecting and disposing of used electrical goods.


  • 即使电子邮件免费的,人们还是会付费短信

    People pay for text messages, even though email is free.


  • 过去年里越来越多中国粉丝开始适应电子唱片付费

    In the past two years, more Chinese fans are starting to get used to paying for digital copies of songs.


  • 数字图书馆信息用户电子商务模式主要网上订购付费浏览网上赠予以及预付模式

    The E commerce models of digital library to information users include subscription based sales model, pay per view model, online compliment model and pre paid model.


  • 介绍电子智能卡付费电度表工作原理结构技术特性通过实例分析使用带来的经济效益

    This text introduce the working principle, structure and technicality features of one-phase full -electronic pre-payment brain card meter, analysised its economic benefits through use it.


  • 我们建立一个有吸引力网页,与社会网络配置齐全付费点击广告电子邮件营销活动专业博客写作

    We will work with you to build an attractive Web page, complete with social networking profiles, pay-per-click advertisements, e-mail marketing campaigns and professional blog writing.


  • 分析家希望雅虎主要竞争对手谷歌公司电子市场上经营更好的主要付费搜索引擎业务上,有一看作紧密联系销售广告模式

    Analysts expect key rival Google Inc to fare better in a downturn with its dominance of paid search, a form of advertising viewed as more closely tied to sales.


  • 分析家希望雅虎主要竞争对手谷歌公司电子市场上经营更好的主要付费搜索引擎业务上,有一看作紧密联系销售广告模式

    Analysts expect key rival Google Inc to fare better in a downturn with its dominance of paid search, a form of advertising viewed as more closely tied to sales.


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