• 特点产品长期工作人士而设计,使用电脑文员司机

    Features: the product is specifically designed for people who work long hours in their seats, such as computer users, clerks, drivers and so on.


  • 有效防止眼部皱纹产生,补充眼部的营养水份适合长期使电脑,眼部干燥使

    Designed to prevent eye wrinkles and replenish eyes with nutriment and fluid, this product is suitable for frequent computer users, and people with dry skin and fine wrinkles around eyes.


  • 然而在线认知行为疗法项目越来越受欢迎吸引力在于只要求助可以使电脑它可以为其提供低成本帮助

    However, online CBT programs have been gaining popularity, with the attraction of providing low-cost help wherever someone has access to a computer.


  • 2011年,许多购物选择避开疯狂人群舒适环境下使用电脑进行假日购物

    In 2011, many shoppers chose to avoid the frantic crowds and do their holiday shopping from the comfort of their computer.


  • 实验设计如下,需要晚些到达的参与合作电脑完成一项复杂的任务。

    You show up for an experiment and are told that you and a person arriving later will each have to do a different task on a computer.


  • 8月14号戴尔,一家电脑公司,宣布召回消费使电子产品公司索尼生产的410万的电池——了2004年上月售出笔记本电脑里。

    On August 14th Dell, a computer company, said it would replace 4.1m lithium-ion batteries made by Sony, a consumer-electronics firm, in laptop computers sold between 2004 and last month.


  • 集中说明公司电脑标准所有使要求什么样电脑才能最长的时间最好的满足他们需要

    I focused on the requirements and demands of the applications and all the users, and what kind of computer would best meet their needs for the longest time.


  • 微软客户目标一个人,电脑开发企业户,侧面又补充了他们网站目的试图服务每个人。

    This means that their business targets pretty much everyone, from home computer owners to developers and enterprises; which in turn stretches the purpose of their website to try and serve everyone .


  • 因此科学家们表示近视眼过度使电脑青光眼发生,这两之间似乎存在一定关系。

    The scientists said there appeared to be a link between glaucoma and heavy computer use in the short-sighted.


  • 研究使电脑建模其他科学方法确认有助于矿化过程新型蛋白质

    The researchers also used computer modeling and other methods to identify novel proteins that can aid in the mineralization process.


  • 不过普通消费笔记本电脑可拆电池一个不可告人”的秘密几乎没有电池。

    But there's a dirty little secret about removable-battery laptops owned by average consumers: Hardly anybody buys extra batteries.


  • 但是研究结果表明是有所谓研究建议家长限制孩子电脑电视时间确保他们的身心健康

    But its findings indicate that might not be the case, and the researchers advise parents to limit their children's computer use and TV viewing time to ensure their "optimal well-being."


  • 这个协助帮助处理使电脑技术上难题

    That person also deals with any technical problems.


  • 37%信息电脑工人(员工)他们的工作消费技术未经许可

    Some 37 percent of information workers (employees that use computers in their jobs) are harnessing consumer technology without your permission.


  • 老师们讨厌这种行为。但是现在年轻人电脑搜索”功能,Google出问题正确答案相比,原来的方法已经成为教育美好想法了。

    Teachers hated them, but they were pedagogic wonders compared with today's method of Googling the passage in question, then using the computer's “find” function to get to the exact snippet.


  • Forrester研究公司研究,亚马逊来说利好消息平板电脑商品上是似乎使电脑购物更愿意一掷千金。

    The good news for Amazon is that tablet users seem moreinclined to splash out on stuff than web shoppers who use PCs, according toForrester, another research firm.


  • 今天活动中,IE9团队继续强调,IE9重点给予开发完全使电脑”的能力

    As the IE9 team continues to highlight throughout today's event, the focus of IE9 is to give developers the ability to use "the whole PC."


  • 一些女性性成瘾一个宿营地的红砖平房中一起居住,这个平房5卧室,每间卧室23病人允许电视,使电脑或是移动电话

    There are five bedrooms and each room has two or three single beds. Patients are not allowed TVs, laptops, or mobile phones.


  • 电脑进行家庭办公的想法可以追溯到三十多年前一段时间内没有支持期待的那样流行

    The idea of telecommuting by computer goes back more than thirty years. For awhile, it did not gain as much popularity as its supporters had expected.


  • 最新谷歌调查显示有66%同时使智能电话电脑同时90%的调查一天中都会不停地使电子产品

    A recent Google study showed 66 percent of people use smartphones and computers simultaneously, while 90 percent of those surveyed use electronic devices sequentially throughout the day.


  • 制作《第二》时,卢卡斯下了一次注,他决定抛开了木偶原型,这个备受宠爱角色完全用电脑制作

    For Episode II, Lucas again took a gamble by taking a beloved character and recreating him not as his original puppet form, but instead as entirely computer-generated.


  • 民意调查显示电脑最大需求不是那些最有钱的人。

    The poll suggests that the strongest unsatisfied appetite for home computers isn't among the richest consumers.


  • 一些研究看不起电脑行为,甚至瞧不起那些临床医学家的作为。

    Some researchers scoff at the need for computers or even therapists to interpret dreams.


  • 设备连接电力网小型电脑消费电力公司进行更佳管控

    Smart grid devices are small computers that are connected to the power grid, giving customers and power companies better control over the electricity they use.


  • 工作压力白领人士及经常使电脑电视手机长时间驾车有益

    It is helpful to your body by more drinking to white collars in high working pressure, regular users of computer, television, mobile phone, and drivers.


  • 那些评分好运他们必须解读学生潦草字迹,这些年轻人字迹之所以潦草是因为从岁起就是使用电脑来打字的。

    Good luck to the test scorers who must decipher the scrawls of young people who've been typing on computers since the age of three!


  • 那些评分好运他们必须解读学生潦草字迹,这些年轻人字迹之所以潦草是因为从岁起就是使用电脑来打字的。

    Good luck to the test scorers who must decipher the scrawls of young people who've been typing on computers since the age of three!


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