• 工作与生活问题一部分关于未来不确定性

    Part of the work-life issue has to talk about uncertainty about the future.


  • 如此,如何解决饥民生活问题心头之患。

    The question of how to feed the starving will not go away.


  • 而且平衡工作家庭生活问题上,女性常常会做出不同选择

    Women also often make different choices when it comes to balancing work and home life.


  • 业务增长的同时,个人生活问题也开始逐渐显露

    As his business grew, his personal life unraveled.


  • 相信需要我相信不需要其它声称可以解决生活问题产品一样

    I believe in ditching shoes like I believe in ditching any kind of product that you buy as a solution to life's problems.


  • 此外,未经允许使用办公用品询问同事私人生活问题被视为无礼

    The use of stationery without permission and asking colleagues about their personal lives were also deemed insulting.


  • 上个星期以为生活问题就要解决了,以为我就要能自己养活自己了。

    Last week I thought the problem of living was about to be solved, thought I was on the way to becoming self supporting.


  • ——如果存在财务装修子女学业这样主要生活问题,将分解基础形式

    If you have a problem with a major life issue like finances, home improvement, child classwork, break down the problem to it's basic form.


  • 其他发达国家一样,由于工作生活问题,现在的年轻人会选择结婚但是少要孩子

    Like in other advanced countries, young people are waiting to get married and choosing to have fewer children because of careers and lifestyle issues.


  • 妥善解决野生虎分布区人民生活问题使他们自觉支持参与到野生虎保护行动中来。

    Second, we should provide support for the life of people living in areas where wild tigers inhabit so that they will be encouraged to support and participate in the protection of wild tigers.


  • 城市环境问题无疑全球性问题中的重头戏也许这次会议不仅仅使我们对城市生活问题加深理解

    Urban environmental issues are surely one of the major areas of global concern, and this conference may help us to come to a better understanding and not only of the problems of urban living.


  • 一些基本生活问题例如睡觉起床穿衣吃饭时间都被安排疗养院固定院时间时间表上。

    Basic matters, like when she goes to bed, wakes up, dresses, and eats were put under the rigid schedule of institutional life.


  • 对于而言,听到有人那些关于提高生活质量、解决生活问题自我激励书籍使我不禁这种书的人大叫。

    To me, hearing about someone selling a self-help book that’ll “improve your life” and “end all your life’s problemsmakes me want to scream at the people buying them.


  • 相信风水人,觉得他日常生活问题,简单易懂的解释,能够帮助他们物质主义减轻科技生活干扰

    Its adherents find its commonsensible approach to daily living an effective counterweight to materialism, and helps them to reduce the intrusion of technology into their lives.


  • 业务不景气我们开始担忧自己的收入。我们担心没有收入、下周孩子生活问题或者下一个客户来自哪里

    When business is bad, we worry about bills, what we'll feed our children next week, or where our next client is going to come from.


  • 最后-生活黑客只不过就是一个安逸的、灵活的、讨巧的人,对于传统挑战任务生活问题而言,能愉快解决

    In the end - a hack is simply an easier, faster, cheaper, more enjoyable solution to a conventional challenge, task, or way of life.


  • 一个记者问到生活问题时,很多夫妻一样和希拉里有过一些问题但是我们忠于对方我们婚姻非常牢固。

    When a reporter asked the question, I said that, like a lot of couples, we’d had problems, but we were committed to each other and our marriage was strong.


  • 这项1800名即将跨过30岁门槛女性调查发现,70%的受访者认为现在最应该考虑的是感情个人生活问题,而非事业

    The poll of 1,800 women approaching the milestone birthday found that 70 per cent considered it to be the right time to put their relationships and personal lives ahead of their careers.


  • 这项1800名即将跨过30岁“门槛”女性的调查发现,70%的受访者认为现在应该考虑的是感情个人生活问题,而非事业

    The poll of 1, 800 women approaching the milestone birthday found that 70 per cent considered it to be the right time to put their relationships and personal lives ahead of their careers.


  • 34岁YoshieKomuro名工作生活问题咨询师,也是一3岁男孩的母亲。她以前觉得自己不想再一个孩子了。

    'I myself thought' I don't want to have a baby again, ' 'says Yoshie Komuro, a 34-year-old consultant on work-life issues and the mother of a three-year-old son.


  • 堕胎美国生活中的敏感问题之一

    Abortion is still one of the hot button issues of U.S. life.


  • 然而归结起来生活基本问题并未改变

    When you come down to it, however, the basic problems of life have not changed.


  • 压力现代生活中的主要问题

    Stress is a major problem of modern life.


  • 一个信徒来说所有生活工作问题回答不一样的,因为相信上帝

    For a believer, replies to all the questions about life and work are far different because he trusts in God.


  • 困扰我们现代生活方式棘手其中一个问题

    It's one of the most difficult problems besetting our modern way of life.


  • 认真思考美国生活中典型且非常严重的浪费问题

    He ruminated on the terrible wastefulness that typified American life.


  • 他们经常有关美国生活问题

    They often ask me questions about life in America.


  • 白纸代表我们一生黑点代表我们生活中的问题

    The white paper represents our whole life and the black spot represents problems in our life.


  • 我们应该解决我们问题享受生活中的一刻

    We should solve our problems and enjoy each moment in life.


  • 他们来到商店,就办法解决生活中的这些问题

    They come into the shop and look for ways to deal with these problems in their life.


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