• 海洋平台开发海底油气资源基础结构也是生产作业生活基地

    Offshore platforms are main structures for Marine petroleum and natural gas exploitation. They are also the platforms of production and life on the sea.


  • 表示:“大熊猫生活得非常舒适因为这里原来基地不远。”

    "The pandas will be comfortable living here as it is not far from the former base," Huang was quoted as saying.


  • 岛上配备飞机跑道,军事基地一个较小的市政厅生活有约60户居民

    It has an airstrip, a military base and a small town hall, and is occupied by about 60 civilians.


  • 基地不仅工作人员提供生活空间,而且还要没有码头吊车可用状况下管理储存调用大量物资武器装备

    Not only do you have to provide quarters for servicemen, but you also have to handle, store and retrieve large amounts of supplies and weapons without access to dockside cranes.


  • 也门国会的质询中发现此次空袭杀死了生活基地训练营附近两个家庭中的至少41名成员

    An inquiry by the Yemeni Parliament found that the strike had killed at least 41 members of two families living near the makeshift Qaeda camp.


  • 海军陆战队的女队员们经常同胞一起生活条件简陋基地,这里常常没有淋浴设施,打理个人卫生只能瓶装婴儿湿巾晚上休息只能睡炎热帐篷里,或干脆躺在地里。

    Along with their male counterparts, the female Marines live on rugged bases, often without showers, take baths with bottled water or baby wipes and sleep in hot tents or outside in the dirt.


  • 早就成了生活方式,成了我故乡基地代名词

    Very early on, it became my style of living, my hometown, the byword for my base.


  • 创建自己基地从头开始质感造型的头发视野生活

    You will be creating your own base mesh, painting texture from scratch, styling hair and making your vision come to life.


  • 六个标志性塔楼位于基地中心位置,迎合该地区艺术文化健康重视生活方式。

    Six 'iconic' towers are positioned at the center of the site, catering to lifestyles that place an emphasis on art, culture, and health.


  • 公司成为国内最大生活用纸生产基地之一。

    The company has become the largest production base of livelihood paper .


  • 共计27熊猫幼仔基地出生其中23只生活中国西南部四川省中心。

    A total of 27 cubs have been born at the base and its partner branches this year with 23 still residing at the centre in south-west China's Sichuan province.


  • 基地包含一部分住宅设计便于被孤儿他们寄养家庭成员参与校园生活

    A part of the site will also contain a housing development for orphaned children attending the school to live with their foster families.


  • 对于年轻步兵和平单调生活巡逻基地可以成为大失所望

    For young infantrymen, the peaceful, monotonous life on the patrol base can be a letdown.


  • 过去几一样,每次的父亲需要去空军基地驻扎的时候,不得不自己朋友再见,准备迎接新的生活

    This is nothing new. Every time your father gets stationed at a new Air Force base, you have to say goodbye to your friends and start a new life.


  • 基地周边聚集着首都具国际化特征生活产业社区众多环球企业总部的驻地,也是北京文化形象的亮点。

    The site is gathered by the most internationally featured residential and industrial communities of Beijing which also has many global corporate headquarters.


  • 一直以来,训练生活莘庄基地

    For a long time, he was training and living in Xinzhuang base.


  • 引胜沟水源地乐都县城镇生活、省驻大中型企业以及县内蔬菜基地唯一可靠重要供水水源

    The water source of Yinshenggou, is the only and importance water source for Ledu county, and now it is the life line of the economic sustainable development of Ledu society.


  • 土地自古以来就是人类衣食之源,同时它作为重要自然资源社会生产要素,也是人类生产和生活不可或缺的活动基地

    As an important natural resources and social factor of production, land has been considered as the foundation and activity base of human life since ancient times.


  • 英译汉)议员一般对兴建公共工程兴趣,因为这样一来就能为地区开辟财源改善生活条件。 这类工程包括新的办公大楼水利设施及军事基地等等。

    The Congressman tends to be very interested in public workssuch as new government buildings, water projects, military bases—that will bring money to the area or improve living conditions.


  • 总结辽河油田渤海基地生活污水深度处理供采暖锅炉回用试验研究的基础上,对污水处理工艺及试验过程进行综述。

    The paper describes tests for the in -depth domestic sewage treatment process at Bohai base of Liaohe Oil Field and providing its effluent for feeding a heating boiler.


  • 两面竖立水平根据基地斜坡设置生活空间居于此间。

    Two vertical walls and four horizontal slabs are configured towards the slope and Spaces for living are created between them.


  • 法鲁卡·巴德著名纺织印染基地过去200多年来一直当地工匠生活来源

    Farrukhabad is famous for textile printing and over the last 200 years has been a source of livelihood for local craftsmen.


  • 生活小百科网:拜伦卫浴有限公司坐落于中国水龙头生产基地广东开平水口镇。

    Byron Sanitary Ware Co., Ltd. is located in the City of Kaiping, Province of Guangdong, the water faucet production base in China.


  • 熊猫丈夫闯闯熊猫妻子林慧,都是中国四川卧龙熊猫研究基地成员,据说夫妇俩此次远行,泰国生活10

    Chuang Chuang, a male panda, and Lin Hui, a female panda, both of the China Giant Panda Research Center based in Wolong of Sichuan, will live in Thailand for 10 years.


  • 这个基地没有任何人类生活迹象(比如栅栏电线杆建筑等等),因此其景观尺度变得非常把握。

    With no marks of human life on site, (fences, electricity poles, building, etc. ) it became very difficult to judge the scale of landscape features.


  • 这个基地没有任何人类生活迹象(比如栅栏电线杆建筑等等),因此其景观尺度变得非常把握。

    With no marks of human life on site, (fences, electricity poles, building, etc. ) it became very difficult to judge the scale of landscape features.


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