• 瑞沃女士认为巴马加州取得成果女干将,被认为奥巴马这个令人喜爱资产

    Shriver has been mentioned as a possible chairwoman for Mr. Obama's California effort, and is considered to be one of its most endearing assets in the state.


  • 但是夏洛蒂的小说不会认同这样情感简爱尊敬乔治·瑞沃斯,仅仅是因为他没有激情,而且不会打算跟结婚。

    But Charlotte's fiction didn't agree with these sentiments either: Jane respects St John Rivers but because there's no passion she won't marry him.


  • 有意思的是,根据eBay企业主理查德·布瑞沃海(Richard Brewer-Hay)的说法,是罗伯特·斯考伯(RobertScoble,美国科技博主)一次私人谈话中建议eBay收购RedLaser

    One last interesting note: according to Richard Brewer-Hay, eBay’s corporate blogger, Robert Scoble recently recommended in a private conversation that eBay acquire RedLaser.


  • 发言人戴维·说:“我们全力配合官方四名人员的调查。 起诉书四名银行工作人员与另外三家银行一起操作,帮助美国富人们隐匿财产。

    We are cooperating with the authorities in their investigation of these individuals,” the spokesman, David Walker, said.


  • 他们一些聪明想法,”

    There are some intelligent ideas, " Worede says.


  • 博士夫博士100只生于西非野生曾今野生黑猩猩身上收集疟原虫,并测定其DNA序列得到这个结论

    To reach their conclusion, Dr Rich and Dr Wolfe studied the DNA sequences of malarial parasites collected from nearly 100 wild or formerly wild chimpanzees born in central and west Africa.


  • 如今这位魔法大师开办世界上第一所注册魔法学院:格魔法学校霍格·兹魔法学校哈利·波特世界变成现实。

    Now the magic master has opened the world's only registered wizard academy, the Grey School of Wizardry, as he prepares to make Hogwarts and the world of Harry Potter a reality.


  • 如今,这位魔法大师开办全球唯一一个注册魔法学校——格魔法学校,霍格·魔法学校和哈利·波特世界变成现实

    Now the magic master has opened the world's only registered wizard academy, the Grey School of Wizardry, as he prepares to make Hogwartsand the world of Harry Potter a reality.


  • 为了银河系和平着想,不得不指出同样存在很多英语转换瓦肯语、罗慕仑语、埃语、语、佛吉语等多种语言的项目

    Footnote In the interests of Galactic Peace it should also be pointed out that there are also programs that translate English into Vulcan, Romulan, Ewok, Wookie, Ferengi ...


  • 内。阿德本该穿着莱曼的1号球衣现身南非由于伤病这位库森的守门员不得不退出本次世界杯。

    Lehmann No1 shirt was expected to be worn by Rene Adler in South Africa, but the Leverkusen keeper has had to pull out of the tournament due to injury.


  • 巴克莱资本经济学彼得.预计亚洲新兴经济体2009年GDP平均增长率5%。

    Peter Redward, an economist at Barclays Capital, expects average GDP growth in emerging Asia of almost 5% in 2009 as a whole.


  • 周五好莱坞《大象的眼泪》片场,罗伯特·丁森克里斯托弗·尔茨、茜·威瑟斯彭盛装亮相,完成影片的最后镜头拍摄。

    Robert Pattinson, Christoph Waltz, and Reese Witherspoon got all dressed up to film a few scenes from their latest flick Water for Elephants on Friday in L.A..


  • 以前一样在和克·牧师的时候没有说实话。

    He was not being straight, as it were, with Rick Warren.


  • 莎拉回到拉斯维加斯最有可能剧情是和葛一起悼念前同事上周结局中被枪击,可能已经死了

    The likely scenario has Sara returning to Vegas to shag Grissom mourn ex-colleague Warrick, who was shot (and presumably) killed in last week's finale.


  • 伯南克看跌期权形容十分生动形象”杰弗投资银行戴维德•泽尔斯这样写道,认为联储决心使经济再次陷入通货膨胀。

    The Bernanke put is very much alive and well,” notes David Zervos of Jefferies, an investment bank, who says the Fed is determined to reflate the economy.


  • 思里弗·伍德就考德路旁,这条道最早皮曲,而皮曲又是洛德·埃姆斯管家名字

    Threepwood stands in Record Road, originally called Beach Road: Beach is the name of Lord Emsworth's butler.


  • 尔·托莫里是尼日利亚迪美大学一位病毒学教授他说绝大多数非洲国家都希望摧毁天花病毒

    Oyewale Tomori, a virology professor at Redeemer's University in Nigeria, said most African countries want smallpox destroyed.


  • 劳伦·鲍威尔——安妮特·贝宁茜·威瑟斯彭、朱莉·波文娜奥米

    Laurene Powell — Annette Bening, Reese Witherspoon, Julie Bowen and Naomi Watts.


  • 实际上认为科学家也许埃塞俄比亚田地里不难找出抗ug99品种

    Indeed, Worede thinks scientists may well find the Ug99-resistant varieties they're looking for in Ethiopia's fields.


  • 来自英国贝卡今年385岁的儿子约书亚患有自闭症8个月前开始向当地委员会申请一个残疾人停车位

    Rebecca from Saffron Walden, UK, 38, whose five-year-old son Joshua suffers from autism, had been waiting eight months for the local council to give her a disabled parking bay.


  • 洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室地质学者德·盖布·尔采集化石挖掘地点上层下层火山土壤层分析测定其年代440万年前

    Geologist Giday WoldeGabriel of Los Alamos National Laboratory was able to use volcanic layers above and below the fossil to date it to 4.4 million years ago.


  • 不久前,德斯顿银行投行分支德累斯顿-克莱特(DresdnerKleinwort)的员工谈及德国商业银行竞争对手时,还将其冠以“滑稽的银行”,但现在嘲笑德国商业银行了。

    NOT so long ago, staff at Dresdner Kleinwort, the investment-banking arm of Dresdner, a German bank, used to refer to Commerzbank, a rival, as “Comedy bank”. No one is laughing now.


  • 生产LED灯具电股份有限公司的CEO比尔特金斯表示,2010年,LED灯具行业收入达到8.8亿美元,并有望今年达到30亿美元。

    Bill Watkins, the CEO of Bridgelux, which makes LED lights, says his industry, which posted $880 million in revenue in 2010, is on track to hit $3 billion this year.


  • 认为最佳选择恩的确塔天性里崇尚自由的一面带了出来一起能找到长期稳定感吗?

    You think Vaughn is the right choice for Britta. Vaughn brings out the free spirit in Britta's personality. But would Britta find long-term stability with Vaughn?


  • 这些罕见地域美国表面》里面的照片使人想起小说家曼得。抽象散文中描写的悲伤的,看不到边的内陆

    The photographs in Uncommon Places and American Surfaces evoked a sad, ever-spreading hinterland that novelist Raymond Carver also mapped out in his minimalist prose.


  • 由于加州公务员退休基金首席执行官·布恩洛斯特因此事被起诉,利亚洛先生否认自己曾做过此事

    Mr Villalobos has denied any wrongdoing, as has Fred Buenrostro, a former CalPERS chief executive who was also named in the suit.


  • 由于加州公务员退休基金首席执行官·布恩洛斯特因此事被起诉,利亚洛先生否认自己曾做过此事

    Mr Villalobos has denied any wrongdoing, as has Fred Buenrostro, a former CalPERS chief executive who was also named in the suit.


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