• 组织理论不能充分解释裁员现象非经济因素必须考虑

    Organization theory cannot adequately explain downsizing; non-economic factors must also be considered.


  • 有一种理论这样认为抑郁症患者通常会被诊断身体组织炎症水平较高随着病症被逐渐的治疗,炎症水平也会逐渐降低。

    One theory is that those diagnosed with depression have higher levels of inflammation in their body tissues. Studies have shown that when depression is successfully treated, inflammation levels drop.


  • 这里有一个巨大背景……组织理论心理学动机以及……所有这些东西融入计算机科学中。

    There is a huge background there … organizational theories, psychology, motivation andall this stuff all coming into computer science.


  • 组织理论可以说只有一句话永远在所有选项中挑选那个能够带来期望目标圆满实现选项。

    Organization theory would consist of a single precept: Always select the alternative, among those available, that lead to the most complete achievement of desired goals.


  • 说到底组织理论之间战斗

    Ultimately, it is a battle of organizational theory.


  • 管理学:管理学原理组织理论行为学

    Management: Principles of management, organization theory, behavioral science.


  • 理论之外,这种专注表现本身复杂性理论根据它们运行时间空间需求组织算法

    At the theoretical end, this focus manifests itself in complexity theory, which groups algorithms according to their time and space requirements for execution.


  • 这次会议由达尔文几个科学界朋友组织确立达尔文理论优先发现权。

    The meeting had been organized by some of Darwin’s scientific friends to establish his priority in the discovery.


  • 自从广泛社会挑战当做一系列小范围更为温和的变革可以被更好地理解时,组织理论学者卡尔·韦克就强调寻求小规模改善”的优点的重要性。

    The organizational theorist Karl Weick highlights the virtue of seeking "small wins, " since broad social challenges are better understood as a series of narrower, more tractable ones.


  • 自从广泛社会挑战当做一系列小范围更为温和的变革可以被更好地理解时,组织理论学者卡尔·韦克就强调寻求小规模改善”的优点的重要性。

    The organizational theorist Karl Weick highlights the virtue of seeking "small wins," since broad social challenges are better understood as a series of narrower, more tractable ones.


  • 经典管理理论大多强调组织中人因素。

    In the Canon of management advice, emphasizing an organization's people is perhaps the most common.


  • 按照Simon(1947)的观点组织理论关注一个企业应该如何构建运营有效率地完成工作

    The theory of organization, in Simon's (1947) view, is concerned with how an enterprise should be constructed and operated in order to accomplish its work efficiently.


  • Simon(1947)讲到,在组织科学提出理论原则之前必须具有一些概念

    Simon (1947) also observes that before a science of organization can develop theoretical principles, it must possess concepts.


  • 研究大量关于组织行为决策理论传统用于指导研究设计(sapienza和Korsgaard, 1996;Busenitzetal.,1997)。

    This research could draw on a rich tradition of theory in organizational behavior and decision making to guide research design (for example Sapienza and Korsgaard, 1996; Busenitz et al., 1997).


  • Barnard(1938)的创作目的为了正式组织中的合作行为提出一个全面理论

    Barnard's (1938) purpose is to provide a comprehensive theory of cooperative behavior in formal organizations.1.


  • Brerley希望开发一个互动模式,以便巩固组织理论

    Brierley hopes to develop an interactive model to strengthen the group’s theory.


  • 这个问题看起来反问句尤其是出自先前一个“RUP老头”的口中,这是离开Rational组织从事理论生涯之前昵称

    "May seem like a rhetorical one, especially coming from the former" RUP Curmudgeon, "my nickname inside the Rational organization before I left to pursue an academic career."


  • Simon(1947)主要论点就是决策制定组织中心研究组织理论词汇应当来源于做选择逻辑心理

    Simon's (1947) primary thesis is that decision-making is the heart of organization, and that the vocabulary of organization theory must be derived from the logic and psychology of human choice.


  • 一方面经典组织理论强调层级组织存在正式职权线,这暗示了(也Barnard所注意到的一样)通常执行命令合法性

    On the one hand, classical organization theory emphasizes formal lines of authority in a hierarchical organization, implying (as Barnard observed) that legitimate commands are typically carried out.


  • 理论可以多个组织或者组织单位,您也可以分散支持维护这些组织证明者的职责

    In theory, you could have several organizations and organizational units. And you could distribute the responsibility for supporting and maintaining those organization certifiers.


  • 由于那些干细胞来自胎儿,它们本来就是通过自身繁殖形成新的人体组织因此理论它们具有产生肿瘤潜在可能。

    The theory is that because these stem cells are fetal cells, they are designed to proliferate and give rise to new tissue, which means they have the potential to produce tumors.


  • 至少理论我们应该能够模仿自然界发现这些机制因为在所有生物组织一部分实际上系统

    Theoretically at least we should be able to copy these mechanisms found in nature, for all biological organisms are in part actually electrical systems.


  • 并且为了证明一点两个学术性间谍组织已经演示无论理论怎么,在实际尝试中,用这种方式隐藏信息仍然是有弱点的。

    And to prove the point, two groups of academic spies have now shown that whatever the theory says, practical attempts to hide messages this way can still be vulnerable.


  • 然而,从理论人类克隆可以用来获得治疗帕金森糖尿病所需组织

    By contrast, human cloning could, in theory, be used to obtain tissues needed to treat disorders such as Parkinson's disease and diabetes.


  • 理论这个组织存在是为了保护千万亿美元市场的完善。

    In theory, this group exists to safeguard the integrity of the multitrillion-dollar market.


  • 理论干细胞可以生长出新组织在实际还存在许多挑战

    In theory stem cells offer the hope of growing new tissues to order, yet in reality, many challenges remain.


  • 清醒协会(一个促进清醒相关理论建设研究组织)称,在五六个小时睡眠之后才能尝试这种清醒梦引发的方法。

    According to the Lucidity Institute, a group that promotes lucid dreaming research and theories, you must start with about five or six hours of sleep before attempting WILD.


  • 此次严酷珠穆朗玛探险伦敦大学组织,目的希望通过验证应对组织缺氧能力通常是先天决定理论来为问题的解决带来一线曙光。

    The Extreme Everest expedition, organized by University College London, hopes to shed light on the problem by testing the theory that a person's ability to handle hypoxia is genetically determined.


  • 此次严酷珠穆朗玛探险伦敦大学组织,目的希望通过验证应对组织缺氧能力通常是先天决定理论来为问题的解决带来一线曙光。

    The Extreme Everest expedition, organized by University College London, hopes to shed light on the problem by testing the theory that a person's ability to handle hypoxia is genetically determined.


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