• 今年年底,现金储蓄达到8000亿美元

    At the end of the year cash reserves should total USD 800 billion.


  • 一个银行贷款稀缺现金储蓄面临通胀偷盗风险世界,要做到一点很难

    That's hard to come by in a world where bank loans are scarce and cash savings are at risk from inflation and theft.


  • 于是需要工作更加努力承受心血来潮购买物品没有足够现金储蓄来购车或者购房

    This then requires you to work yet harder to afford the objects purchased upon a whim, and not enough is ever saved then to purchase cars or homes outright and for cash.


  • 勒舍尔假设已经能够保证未来三个月生活支出现金储蓄,你增加这笔应急资金的数额,使其能够负担所有新的支出

    Assuming you already have a cash reserve equaling three to six months of living expenses, 'you have to increase the size of that emergency fund to account for all your new costs,' says Mr.


  • 现金在那睡大觉,普通储蓄稍高点的小钱。

    The cash just sits there, earning little more than the average savings account.


  • 还有一原因帮助亚洲公司摆脱银行贷款依赖同时劝说私人储蓄现金银行储蓄转向债券

    A second boon would be to wean Asian companies off their dependence on bank loans and to persuade private savers to shift cash from bank deposits into bonds.


  • 日本巨大家庭财富世界最大储蓄之一只是赚取一点利息存款或者现金形式。

    Much of Japan's colossal household wealth, one of the world's biggest pools of savings, is in cash or deposits earning little interest.


  • 而且因为银行账户现金得到利息很少储蓄渴望较高回报

    And with cash parked in bank accounts earning little interest, savers are hungry for higher returns.


  • 买方而言,由于债券散居侨民成员而设专向其销售,因此4%的回报率大大高于一般银行储蓄利率现金存款利率

    For the buyer - since the bonds are specifically created for and marketed to diaspora members - a 4 percent return would be much better than a typical bank savings account or cash hoard.


  • 人们面对不确定性时会更多储蓄他们消费变得当前现金更加敏感

    People save more in response to uncertainty, but their spending becomes more sensitive to current cash flow.


  • 这些户头上的钱多起来的时候,银行一个储蓄账户可以自己在网上查阅现金流。

    As these amounts grow larger, you can open up a savings account for him at the bank so he can track his money online.


  • 罗杰斯是的,对于现金交易我们当时可以处理,而支票储蓄就要把款项经托收后才可划入货方。

    R:Yes,we process cash transactions as soon as they take place .Check deposits are credited ,subject to collection .


  • 不要森林当成储蓄账户需要时候就把它们变成现金,没有遭受砍伐森林可以成为收入来源

    Instead of acting as a kind of savings account to be chopped down and monetised when required, the standing forest could become a source of income.


  • 便宜的方法直接现金或者储蓄账户虽然会收取一定的手续费

    The cheapest way to get them is by using your card's debit function, which takes the money directly from your savings or checking account, although a transaction fee may be charged.


  • M3其实没有看起来那样令人担忧大量增加货币主要来自储蓄支出性现金

    This is less worrying than it might seem. Much of the build up in money represents savings rather than funds for spending.


  • 然而,刺激经济的财政政策亚洲在美国欧洲更有效,因为亚洲家庭不承担巨额债务。所以税收减免或现金补助可能用于支出而不是储蓄

    with huge debts, so tax cuts or cash handouts are more likely to be spent than saved.


  • 幸运的是,石油大宗商品中积累一些现金还有储蓄存款

    Fortunately I had built up some cash from the sale of my oil and commodity positions as well as savings.


  • 这就像是银行现金储备,每个家庭会增加储蓄保持自己财产所以应该直接目标放在保持就业,这会解方的一部份

    Just as Banks are hoarding cash, households will try to preserve wealth by increasing their saving. So incentives targeted directly at preserving employment will have to be part of the solution.


  • 实际上,从83%的比例- - -比起其他国家至少高出15%,这个投票结果说明美国现金都投入偿还债务储蓄了。

    In fact, 83 percent — a minimum of 15 percent more people than in any other country polled — said they'd use a cash infusion to pay off debt or add to savings.


  • 其他金融端,现金富裕、无债务人(定义指储户挥金如土的人)可能很少花费更高储蓄获得额外收入(的话)。

    At the other financial pole, the cash-rich and debt-free (by definition savers not spenders) might well spend little, if any, of the extra income they gain from higher deposit rates.


  • 正常的年代可以储蓄放在当地银行银行的现金必须允许年轻家庭从中举债建立一个新的家园

    In healthier times, one person's savings would be put in a local bank, where it might become the money needed to allow a young family to take out a loan and build a new home.


  • 由于2007年大多数时候现金”,货币市场储蓄存款市场随着短期利率下降而下降了

    While cash was king for much of 2007, yields on instruments such as money-market accounts and certificates of deposit have dropped along with short-term interest rates.


  • 发誓不会制定一个增加国家财政赤字的医疗法案并且保证如果储蓄并不能提取成现金,他自动减少花费

    He has made a cast-iron pledge that he will not sign a health bill that increases the deficit, and has promised automatic spending cuts if savings do not materialise.


  • 现金储蓄富余国家流向急需现金的国家。

    Money is flowing from countries with excess savings to those that need it.


  • 去年十月银行存款增长21%,这不禁让人想到公民认为安全的方式是把储蓄起来,而不是花掉任何结余的现金

    Bank deposits rose by 21 percent in October, suggesting citizens felt more comfortable saving than spending any extra cash they made.


  • 在针于多项健康风险保险现金消费进行的研究后,该报告指出美国人民总体上保险过度储蓄不足。

    Having examined insurance and out-of-pocket spending for several health risks, it concludes that Americans are generally "over-insured and under-saved".


  • 在针于多项健康风险保险现金消费进行的研究后,该报告指出美国人民总体上保险过度储蓄不足。

    Having examined insurance and out-of-pocket spending for several health risks, it concludes that Americans are generally "over-insured and under-saved".


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