• 协调矿业权土地权、环境权益关系

    Coordinating mining right and earth land ownership, environment rights and interests relations.


  • 依法审理环境资源案件保护公民环境权益

    Hear cases involving the environment or resource use to protect citizens' environmental rights.


  • 与之形成鲜明对比却是公民公众环境权益受到侵害却上告无门。

    However, in sharp contrast with the situation, there's no way to appeal when the environment rights of the individual and the public are violated.


  • 环境权益不能通过侵权来救济,只能通过环境其他公法得以救济。

    Environmental rights and interests can't be relieved by the law of torts, and it is relieved only by environmental law and other public laws.


  • 美国环保协会致力于追求不分贫富无论肤色种族的属于全人类环境权益

    The environmental rights pursued are the rights of all human beings, regardless of race or class.


  • 环境保护相邻确立有效弥补这些缺陷,更好保护公民人身财产环境权益

    The establishment of the adjoint right of environmental protection can remedy these defects effectively, protecting the citizen's rights of the person, property and environment.


  • 环境权益是公众对环境享有的包括日照清洁空气权、清洁权、优美景观权等法益。

    Environmental rights and interests mean the legal interests including sunshine right, clean air right, clean water right and fine scenery right.


  • 环境权益是公众对环境享有的包括日照清洁空气权、清洁权、优美景观权等法益。

    Environmental rights and interests mean the legal interests including sunshine right, cleaning air right, cleaning water right and fine scenery right.


  • 环境侵权污染破坏环境造成他人人身、财产环境权益损害特殊侵权行为。

    Environmental tort is one of specific torts, that not only causes environment pollution and damage to ecosystems, but causes personal injury, loss of property and damage to environmental right.


  • 目前环境处于状态公民公众环境权益受到侵害得不到有效救济现象普遍存在

    But environmental right should in right state still at present, citizen and public environmental rights and interests is it get effective phenomenon of relief exist in a large amount to encroach on.


  • 环境污染侵害排除理由环境权益环境权益有关的物权人格权受到污染侵害有受侵害之虞;

    The reason of Injunction is the real or possible infringement to environmental rights and interests and related real right, personality right;


  • 环境公益诉讼解决环境问题保护国家社会公众环境权益基本形式有效途径,也是最后屏障

    The public welfare lawsuit of environment is the basic form, the valid method and the final shield to resolve the environment problem, protect the country? Social and public environment rights.


  • 来自环境权益组织全球见证人罗丝·夏普Rosie Sharpe)意味着南北苏丹需要合作

    Rosie Sharpe from the environmental rights group Global Witness say that means the north and south will have to cooperate.


  • 我国代表人制度解决环境侵害纠纷方面起到了积极的作用,然而由于自身的缺陷,仍无法好的保护受害人环境权益

    The Representative action plays an important role in settling the environmental disputes, however, due to its defective; it can't meet the need to protect the victim's environmental right.


  • 人们选择成为素食主义者的理由还是很多的,一些比较普遍动因包括环境因素,保护动物权益健康

    People decide to become a vegetarian for many reasons. Some common motivators include the environment, animal rights, and health.


  • 因为出色的报道泸沽湖环境当地弱势民众的权益得到保护。

    Thanks to outstanding journalism, the environment of Lugu Lake and the rights of vulnerable locals were protected.


  • 网络环境不正当竞争行为破坏有序市场竞争秩序损害经营者消费者合法权益

    The unfair competition in network environment breaks the order of the market competition environment and damages legal rights and interests of operators and consumers.


  • 遗传因素环境因素比较?动物权益性别界线美国文化传统黑人话语地位吐温的笔下皆有所涉及。

    Heredity versus environment? Animal rights? The boundaries of gender? The place of black voices in the cultural heritage of the United States? Twain was there.


  • 造成的沉痛代价就是耗尽了自然资源破坏了环境,严重践踏财产权益

    But it has come at a heavy price in depleted natural resources, a damaged environment and scrupulously disrespected property rights.


  • 今年夏天,数名来自动物权益保护组织——善待动物组织(PETA)成员,潜入一家马仕提供鳄鱼的‘短吻鳄工厂’做卧底,将这些鳄鱼所处的极糟糕的环境曝光

    This summer, members of the animal rights group PETA went undercover at an 'alligator factory' that provides skins for Hermes, exposing that the creatures were kept in terrible conditions.


  • 保护农民环境权利是对农民权益直接、最具体、最实在保护

    The rights of farmers to protect the environment, their rights and interests of the most direct and concrete, is the most protection.


  • 宗旨增进外籍劳工本地社群交流改善外籍劳工劳动环境与社会处境增进劳工权益福祉

    Mission: to facilitate the communication between migrant workers and local community, to improve migrant workers' labor conditions and social status, and to advocate all laborers' rights and welfare.


  • 未来更多合作协定典范,因为涉及到了过去所有协定没有涉及一系列问题”,工人权益环境等。

    He called it a model for future pacts because "it addresses a whole range of issues not covered by past agreements" like workers' and environmental rights.


  • 如今财务环境咱们必须警悟确保老年人社会形态保障长期护理以及大众催进健康权益影响

    In the current fiscal environment, we must be vigilant in ensuring that the provision of social protection, long-term care and access to public health for the elderly is not undermined.


  • 众多环境受害者如何通过法律途径维护自己合法权益成为摆在法学研究者面前不容忽视的现实问题

    How the environmental victims could safeguard the legal rights through legislative means and has become a reality problem that cannot be neglected for the legal researchers.


  • 众多环境受害者如何通过法律途径维护自己合法权益成为摆在法学研究者面前不容忽视的现实问题

    How the environmental victims could safeguard the legal rights through legislative means and has become a reality problem that cannot be neglected for the legal researchers.


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