• 种质遗传基础研究一直玉米育种工作重点

    Researched on genetic basis of maize germplasm was the work key point of maize breeding.


  • 1984年,赖氨酸玉米育种方法进行了研究。

    The breeding methods of high-quality protein maize were studied in 1979-1984.


  • K 10已成为黑龙江省玉米育种骨干自交系之一

    K10had become one of the leading self lines in the maize breeding of Heilongjiang province.


  • 山东省玉米育种取得了很大成就种质基础相对狭窄

    The maize of crossbreeding gained great achievement in Shandong province, but their germplasms base is relative narrow.


  • 近年玉米育种越来越受到玉米育种家的高度重视

    In recent years, the breedings of sweet and glutinous maize were more and more thought highly of by maize breeder.


  • 建立玉米育种为主玉米研究中心实现一体化机构

    Additionally, maize research center for maize breeding should be constructed in order to achieve the organic whole institute for production, supply and marketing.


  • 玉米优质蛋白玉米玉米育种指导产生人工进化玉米类型

    High oil maize and elite protein maize is the new kind of maize of artificial evolution that is produced under the maize breeding direction.


  • 借鉴杂交玉米育种中的配子选择设计了6311S配套恢复系选育组合判别法研究。

    In the experiment, the combining-mating screening method in breeding restorer lines of 6311S was designed according to the gamete selection applied in hybrid maize breeding.


  • 最后化学诱导玉米孤雌生殖发生遗传特性生殖玉米育种应用前景进行了讨论

    The inheritance specific property of chemically induced parthenogenesis, and the value and prospects of parthenogenesis in maize breeding were also discussed in the later paper.


  • 进一步挖掘优质蛋白玉米优秀种质资源优质蛋白玉米育种改良利用提供可靠理论依据

    To further explore good quality protein maize germplasm, improvement of quality protein maize breeding and provide a reliable theoretical basis for using.


  • 通过玉米自交系合344利用研究证明合344对黑龙江省早熟玉米育种极为重要作用

    Through utilization Research of corn inbred line he 344 to prove that he 344 plays a vital role in the medium and late maturate corn breeding in Heilongjiang Province.


  • 当前玉米种质资源狭窄我国玉米育种突出问题,这要求必须补充新的种质,扩大种质资源的利用

    In present day, straitness of germplasm resource stands the way of maize breeding in China. So, new germplasm and expanding use of germplasm resource arc required.


  • 完成自交系选育,可以多种不同方法途径本文介绍了几种重要选育方法,可供玉米育种工作者参考。

    There are a lot of methods and ways to develop inbred lines. In this article, the authors introduced some methods and ways which are useful to breeders in their studies.


  • 总结提出超级玉米育种各种具体目标选择基础材料杂交后代的标准及提高育种效率的超级玉米育种方法

    It was suggested to the aims, standards of selection the base and later periods material, methods of the super-maize breeding.


  • 研究证明二环选系重组过程也会发生相当程度变异,表明二环选系在今后依然玉米育种重要方法

    This study proved that second cycle inbred lines is still an important breeding methods in future because of considerable mutations happened in selection of second cycle inbred lines.


  • 优良玉米自交系自330、E28丹340代表丹玉自交系,中国玉米育种和生产中重要骨干材料

    The superior maize self-bred lines of Danyu series such as Zi330, E28 and Dan340, etc, are the most important key materials for the maize breeding and production in China.


  • 轮回选择法改良玉米育种群体中,选育出了配合力抗病性强的玉米自交系za5716ZA6192

    Two inbred lines of maize, ZA5716 and ZA6192, with high combining ability and disease resistance, were obtained from a breeding population improved by recurrent selection.


  • 我国赖氨酸玉米育种始于1973年,终止于1995年底历经20多年,并取得了一定成效,最终归于失败。

    High lysine maize breeding in China had its start in 1973, and was suspended at the end of 1995. It made considerable progress over the past 20 years, but it failed eventually.


  • 针对玉米种质资源狭窄客观现实,我国许多玉米育种工作者收集地方种质,引进外来种质入手,拓宽玉米种质资源作了大量工作

    In order to broaden the germplasm resource of maize, many maize breeding researchers have done much work to collect local germplasm and introduce excellent exotic germplasm to China.


  • 科学家测出玉米基因组序列,全世界致力于面对饥饿气候变化的情况下改善玉米品种的植物育种提供了数据

    Scientists have sequenced the genome of maize, providing data for plant breeders around the world aiming to improve maize varieties in the face of hunger and climate change.


  • 墨西哥的国际玉米和小麦改良中心非洲科学家们这种专利基因放进非转基因育种技术开发抗旱玉米中。

    The scientists in Africa are placing this proprietary gene inside drought-resistant corn developed by non-transgenic breeding techniques by a Mexico-based research center called CIMMYT.


  • 一方面,国际玉米和小麦改良中心墨西哥奥布雷小麦育种做的试验表明,小麦产量增长率可能降至0.4%。

    On the other hand, trials at CIMMYT's principal wheat-breeding station at Obregon in Mexico indicate a slowdown in potential yield growth to only 0.4% a year.


  • 多年来,通过常规手段进行玉米抗旱育种取得了一定进展由于多方面原因育种效率没有得到进一步提高。

    In the past decades, considerable progress has been made in maize breeding for drought tolerance using conventional methods, but with low breeding efficiency due to various causes.


  • 尽管不同育种年代玉米自交系杂交种同工酶谱带上差异明显表现出随育种年代变化的趋势。

    The difference of band pattern in maize inbred lines or hybrids is obvious, but it don't display regularity changes with maize breeding eras.


  • 尽管不同育种年代玉米自交系杂交种同工酶谱带上差异明显表现出随育种年代变化的趋势。

    The difference of band pattern in maize inbred lines or hybrids is obvious, but it don't display regularity changes with maize breeding eras.


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