• 引起高度传染性

    Classical swine fever (CSF), a highly contagious disease of swine, was caused by classical swine fever virus (CSFV).


  • 果真我们生产食物方式导致我们猪病吗?

    So is the way we produce our food really making us sick as a pig?


  • 2009年6月11日墨西哥首次爆发流感宣布全球流行

    The outbreak of swine flu that was first deteccted in Mexico was declared a global epidemic on June 11, 2009.


  • 世界卫生组织宣布将甲型H1N 1流感警戒级别5提升至最高级别6级,至此,流感成为41年来世界上第一个正式全球大流行

    Swine flu has become the world's first official pandemic in 41 years after the world Health Organisation raised the alert level on the H1N1 virus from phase 5 to 6, the highest on the scale.


  • 1976年冬季美国军事基地暴发流感引起人们一场毁灭性大流行的恐惧。

    In 1976, a late winter outbreak of swine flu at a military base in the USA led to fears of a devastating pandemic.


  • :在应对当今大流行威胁我们可以30年前流感反应吸取哪些教训?

    Q: What lessons can we draw from the swine flu response 30 years ago, when dealing with today's threat of a pandemic?


  • 年轻墨尔本医生直觉下的一个行为或许将解开流感秘密并且那些容易感染此人采取新的治疗方法

    A young doctor at a Melbourne hospital has followed a hunch that may unlock the secrets of swine flu and lead to new treatments for those most at risk from the disease.


  • 超重易患心脏糖尿-更为严重流感-因为他们的脂肪激惹炎症战胜感染一种免疫反应

    Overweight people get heart disease and diabetesand more severe swine flubecause their fat triggers inflammation, an immune response meant to fight infection.


  • 我们没有发现感染的,”哥伦比亚大学流行学家世界卫生组织监测网络成员伊恩·利普金

    "We haven't found evidence of infected pigs," said Ian Lipkin, a Columbia University epidemiologist and member of the World Health Organization's surveillance network.


  • 虽然想法对于糖尿传染肾衰竭无法积极的效应还是忍不住忍受这种疗法生敬畏

    While the idea of helping with the diabetes epidemic and kidney failure couldn't be more positive, I can't help but to feel awful for the pigs that have to endure such treatment.


  • 由于这些场所业主懂得隔离,犹如校长对付流感时会将儿童回家,狗流感的发作延缓下来了

    Because the owners of these establishments have learned to turn away sick dogs just as school principals facing swine flu send home sick children, the disease's progress has been slowed.


  • 他们我们这里典型流感既然孩子流感呈阳性,那么是从来的呢?

    "They said that what we had here was an atypical flu, but if the boy tested positive for swine flu, where did he get it from?" she said.


  • 2003年,世界上历史悠久、规模最大公共卫生组织美国公共卫生协会曾呼吁暂停集约化动物农场这种生产模式,因为他们预见类似流感类的大规模流行可能会发生。

    Back in 2003, the American Public Health Association - the oldest and largest in world - called for a moratorium of factory farming because they saw something like this would happen.


  • 麦迪逊威斯康星大学神经学家约翰·弗莱明博士(John Fleming)目前正在测试体鞭虫是否可以缓和多发性硬化症的情。

    At the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Dr. John Fleming, a neurologist, is testing whether the pig whipworm can temper the effects of multiple sclerosis.


  • 这些毒素人类食道癌的脑白质软化家禽有毒饲料综合症以及有关。

    These toxins have been linked to human esophageal cancer, equine leukoencephalomalacia and toxic feed syndrome in poultry, and pulmonary edema in pigs.


  • 作为人类糖尿治疗方法,胰岛素人类胰岛素具相同的作用

    As a treatment for diabetes in people, pig insulin typically works as well as the human form.


  • 发言人端螺旋体一种动物传染端螺旋引致,端螺旋菌动物包括老鼠的身上找到

    The spokesman said leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease caused by the bacteria leptospira. Leptospira organisms can be found in some animals including rodents, cattle, pigs, horses, and dogs.


  • 发言人端螺旋体一种动物传染端螺旋引致,端螺旋菌动物包括老鼠的身上找到

    The spokesman noted that leptospirosis is a zoonotic animal disease caused by the bacteria, leptospira, which can be found in some animals including rodents, cattle, pigs, horses and dogs.


  • 狂犬一种最初感染传染导致死亡症状类似狂犬

    Pseudorabies is an infectious disease that primarily affects swine, but can also cause a fatal disease in dogs with signs similar to rabies.


  • 自从爆发可以致命以来,供应量下降了。

    Pork supplies have dwindled since an outbreak of blue ear disease, a virus that can be deadly in pigs.


  • 应用细胞培养微量中和试验(固定稀释血清法)对来自24个426份血清进行了狂犬血清学调查。

    The samples of 426 swine sera derived from 24 pig farms were detected for the neutralizing antibodies against swine pseudorabies Virus by micro neutralization test.


  • 目的观察槟榔承气汤治疗带绦虫效果作用机制

    Objective To observe the effect and mechanism of Chinese herbs in the treatment of taeniasis.


  • 目的观察槟榔承气汤治疗带绦虫效果作用机制

    Objective To observe the effect and mechanism of Chinese herbs in the treatment of taeniasis.


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