• 恶意透支型犯罪构成要件予以完善

    The constituent essentials of malice overdrawn crime should be perfected.


  • 本文一部分环境犯罪构成要件概述

    The first part of the paper is about the summarization of the constitution of environmental crime.


  • 相比较之下笔者赞同犯罪构成要件符合

    Under compares, the author approves of the crime constitution important document to tally said.


  • 事实错误分类,应该以犯罪构成要件标准

    Crime components are the criterion to sort up factual mistakes.


  • 第二犯罪构成编中,详细分析了本罪四个犯罪构成要件

    In chapter 2 on constitutive elements of crime, the four constitutive elements of the crime are analysed in details.


  • 刑法适用合理解释犯罪构成要件准确形成案件事实离不开类型思维

    In the application of criminal law, the reasonable explanation of criminal constitutive requirements and the determination of the case facts all need typological thinking.


  • 犯罪形态犯罪构成要件具体表现形式任何犯罪现象都呈现一定犯罪形态

    The pattern of crime refers to the concrete forms of crime constitutive elements and any crime takes on certain pattern.


  • 第六部分结合司法实践中的困难提出了单位犯罪构成要件进行立法完善几点建议

    In combination with the difficulties of judicial practice, Part Six proposes several pieces of advice on the legislative modification of the constitution of unit crime.


  • 因为罪过代表犯罪行为本质犯罪构成要件集中体现,是刑事责任唯一根据

    Because fault is representative of the essence of criminal offence, which is concentrated embodiment of requirements of Crime Formation and exclusive basis of criminal responsibility.


  • 部分中,主要犯罪构成要件刑罚配置方面提出商业贿赂犯罪立法完善的一些建议

    In this part, mainly disposes two aspects from the crime constitution important document and the penalty to put forward the commercial bribe crime legislation perfect some proposals.


  • 罪名定义犯罪构成要件综合,共有类型制定罪名定义我们避免三种逻辑错误

    Accusation definition, including six types, is the synthesis of crime constitute. we must avoid three logical mistakes when formulating accusation definition.


  • 盗窃罪既遂未遂科学区分标准是否具备犯罪构成要件而不能采取单一学说理论标准

    Accomplishment and attempted theft of scientific criteria for the distinction is whether there is constitutive elements of crime, not to the standard theory of a single theory.


  • 并且分析犯罪客体成为犯罪构成要件中的消极构成要件原因以及重构犯罪构成体系所具有的优越性

    And analysis of why the object of crime becomes a negative dement in the crime form elements and the superiority crime system after reconstruction are made.


  • 由于我国犯罪构成犯罪成立条件意义上行为构成实现其实质化只能通过对具体犯罪构成要件的解释。

    The investigation and evidence-gathering is under the guide of the regulations of criminal law and crime constitution theory, around which involved the work is carried out.


  • 刑法理论实务敲诈勒索分歧很大,从敲诈勒索罪的概念犯罪构成要件刑罚等各方面均存在争论。

    There are a lot of differences in the theoretical and practical circles. For example, the concept of blackmail, the constitutive elements of crime and the penalty for blackmail.


  • 犯罪客体复杂客体还是简单客体,关键是犯罪构成要件行为所侵害的对象反映出什么社会关系社会利益

    Whether the object of crime is complex one or simple one depends on the social interests of the social relationship reflected by the target changed by requisites to constitute a crime.


  • 原因自由行为行为人故意过失使自己陷于责任能力限制责任能力状态此状态充足犯罪构成要件犯罪行为。

    The action libera in cause is a crime that a behavior intentionally or faultily makes himself into no legal competence or limit legal competence and satisfies the constitution of crime under thereof.


  • 数额就是刑法明文规定表明犯罪社会危害程度表示人数量、行为次数、物品数量或者物品经济价值量的数额为犯罪构成要件犯罪

    The crime of amount is a kind of crime prescribed in the Criminal Law and is able to indicate the degree of harm done to the society.


  • 传统犯罪构成理论危害行为视为犯罪构成客观要件之一混淆认识客体认识中介之间界限。

    The traditional viewpoints of the theory of criminal constitution that the dangerous act is one of the objective elements confuse the object of cognition with the intermediate of cognition.


  • 票据诈骗罪犯罪构成客观要件争议问题通过合理解释法条完成,并且主要通过法条扩张解释弥补法条疏漏。

    The objective problems in the elements of the crime of fraud on commercial instruments shall be resolved by expanding interpretation in order to amend the inconsistency of legislation.


  • 根据犯罪构成理论以及《刑法》规定,对徇私枉法四个方面构成要件所存在的争议疑难问题逐一进行分析

    Based on the criminal theory and the rules of , the essay analyses the difficult problem about the four main factors of bending the law for the benefit of relafives.


  • 关于毒品犯罪目的笔者赞同不是毒品犯罪构成必备要件的观点,认为其某些毒品犯罪具有一定的意义。

    As to the purpose of drug crimes, the author agrees with that it is not requisite element of drug crimes, and it is significant only in some crimes.


  • 我国犯罪构成积极要件构成缺乏消极要件从而造成推定机能丧失

    The constitution of crimes in our country makes up of the positive elements and lacks negative elements, which makes the function of presumption lost.


  • 文章滥用职权犯罪构成中的一些争议问题进行了探讨,对该罪主体主观客观方面等构成要件进行界定。

    In this thesis, I inquired into some disputing questions about constitution of crime of abuse of authority. I delimitated the constitutions of the crime of subject subjectivity and object.


  • 犯罪主体犯罪构成要件之一

    The subject of crime is one of the key elements of constitution of crime.


  • 英美法系犯罪构成价值取向实质正义程序正义,因此实体要件处于辅助地位,程序要件处于核心地位。

    The value orientation of this law system lies in its essential justice and process justice and thus, with the entity factor being in nuclear position and the process factor in auxiliary position.


  • 犯罪构成四大要件意志自由密切相关思想因素意志自由因素或主观恶性因素,是定罪所必须考虑的重要条件,量刑与行刑方面的重要作用亦不可小视

    Four important parts constituting the crime all have close correlation with the freedom of will, the mentality factor, also called the freedom of will factor or the subjective malignant facto.


  • 犯罪构成四大要件意志自由密切相关思想因素意志自由因素或主观恶性因素,是定罪所必须考虑的重要条件,量刑与行刑方面的重要作用亦不可小视

    Four important parts constituting the crime all have close correlation with the freedom of will, the mentality factor, also called the freedom of will factor or the subjective malignant facto.


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