• 特雷·斯科·阿于周六上午拘留,此前美国运输安全管理局发现件被他们描述可疑物品东西

    Trey Scott Atwater was taken into custody Saturday morning after Transportation Security Administration agents spotted what they described as a suspicious item.


  • 特雷非常震惊,梦想破灭了

    Teresa was devastated, her dreams shattered.


  • 八点三十分就寝时间

    It was eight-thirty, Trevor's bedtime.


  • 特雷西这个小木屋闹鬼

    Tracy said the cabin was haunted.


  • 特雷看了相册

    Theresa showed me her photo album.


  • 特雷相互瞥一眼

    Trevor and I exchanged a glance.


  • 特雷索·坎多尔6码远的地方踢球失误。

    Tresor Kandol miscued from six yards.


  • 推开门时发现特雷笔直地坐在床上

    When I pushed his door open, Trevor was sitting bolt upright in bed.


  • 义赛•格尔比赛最后一段超过了克莱沃•特雷弗。

    Easy Goer overtook Clever Trevor in the homestretch.


  • 然而,拉特雷亲自出现会议上,试图挫败他们计划

    Rattray, however, personally showed up at the meeting to try and put the kibosh on their plans.


  • 维索意大利俱乐部橄榄球改进状况一个有效展示。

    The Treviso team was an effective advertisement for the improving state of Italian club rugby.


  • 男女跳远项目最远昨天意大利塞斯特雷得以见证

    The longest jumps by a man and a woman were witnessed in Sestriere, Italy, yesterday.


  • 特雷·扎帕塔告诉了那件家人很难想像的事实打算美国工作

    Teresa Zapata told her family the unthinkable; she was going to work in the United States.


  • 弗走了过去代表全班发言。

    Trevor went over and spoke up for the whole class.


  • 丁·斯特雷尔是一名游泳运动员,以游遍世界上的大河而闻名。

    Martin Strel is a swimmer, best known for swimming the world's big rivers.


  • 2007年4月7日,马丁·斯特雷尔完成了他的亚马逊河的全部行程,从阿塔拉亚(秘鲁)一直到贝伦(巴西)的大西洋。

    On April 7th, 2007, Martin Strel completed his Amazon River all the way from Atalaya (Peru) to the Atlantic Ocean at Belem (Brazil).


  • 特雷喊道但是没有丝毫回应除了地上声巨响。

    Trevor shouted, but there was no answer but a thud on the ground.


  • 特雷咧嘴一笑。“就是2006牛津词典所说的。”

    Trevor grinned. "That's what the Oxford dictionary, 2006 edition says."


  • 值得重申的是,消息人士证实特雷西·麦克格应该总是传给姚明

    It is worth repeating, sources confirmed, that Tracy McGrady should always pass the ball to Yao Ming.


  • 人们普遍认为标致家族厌倦了斯特雷先生专横的处事方式以及对抗倾向

    It is widely believed that the Peugeot family tired of Mr. Streiff's autocratic ways and penchant for confrontation.


  • 特雷莎·希钦斯似乎担心这种武器可能会增加太空军备竞赛危险

    One thing that seemed to worry Theresa Hitchens is that the new weapon could increase the danger of a space arms race.


  • 那些表现害羞的人,”特雷西,“与社会规范意识绥靖行为联系一起,从而引发他人信任。”

    "Those who display of shame," Tracy says, "have been associated with an awareness of social norms and appeasement behaviors, which elicits trust in others."


  • 哪个政治记者位党不想知道特雷莎·梅敌人目前正在密谋WhatsApp 团体由哪些组成

    What political journalist, what party whip, would not want to know the makeup of the WhatsApp groups in which Theresa May's enemies are currently plotting?


  • 上个月,英国内政大臣特雷·梅宣布为了防止假冒申请人入境大使馆工作人员面谈10万名申请人。

    Last month the home secretary, Theresa May, announced that embassy staff would interview more than 100,000 applicants in an attempt to prevent bogus ones entering the country.


  • 其他确定球员包括: 奈杰尔·克拉夫, 德·沃克戴夫沃森,艾伦·斯塔布斯特雷·斯蒂文厄姆·斯图尔

    Other confirmed players include Nigel Clough, Des Walker, Dave Watson, Alan Stubbs, Trevor Steven and Graham Stuart.


  • 特雷塞尔问到声誉受到打击的问题。

    Tressel was asked about his reputation taking a hit.


  • 特雷格尔博士女性应该在避免皮肤癌保护骨骼之间取得平衡

    Dr. Tregear says women should try to strike a balance between avoiding skin cancer and protecting their bones.


  • 1916年,俄国黑海舰队帮助俄国军队占领奥斯曼帝国松。

    In 1916, the Russian Black Sea fleet helped the Russian army to take the Ottoman city of Trebizond.


  • 一轮对阵朱利安·特雷伯的比赛中,终于职业生涯中第一次获得147次官方突破

    He finally compiled the first official 147 breaks of his career during a first-round win against Julian Treiber.


  • 一轮对阵朱利安·特雷伯的比赛中,终于职业生涯中第一次获得147次官方突破

    He finally compiled the first official 147 breaks of his career during a first-round win against Julian Treiber.


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