• 都柏林直到1152年爱尔兰教会屈服

    Not till 1152 did Dublin give in to the Irish church.


  • 你们很多人经历了这种罪恶不道德行为学习对此只有惊讶被背叛感觉爱尔兰教会当局会做出处理

    I can only share in the dismay and sense of betrayal that so many of you have experienced on learning of these sinful and criminal ACTS and the way the Church authorities in Ireland dealt with them.


  • 乔纳森·斯威夫特(1667 ~ 1745)出生于爱尔兰先是爱尔兰教会名牧师后来成为了都柏林帕特里克大教堂的主教。

    Jonathan Swift (1667m1745), Irish-born, became a priest of the Church of Ireland and later dean of St. Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin.


  • 报告指出,理应监管学校爱尔兰教育部门因为实行没有震慑性”的检查忽略了显而易见问题遵从教会权威

    The report singles out Ireland’s Department of Education, meant to regulate the schools, for runningtoothlessinspections that overlooked glaring problems and deferred to church authority.


  • 包括虔诚信徒在内爱尔兰再也认为教会神圣不可批判。

    Irish citizens, including pious ones, will never again treat the church as untouchable.


  • 记得,在次辩论回家之后,自己一位大学生说:“爱尔兰无法摆脱军事文明时代沿袭下来的习惯,对于拉丁教会44的影响亦是如此。”

    Walking home from a debate, I remember saying to some college student "Ireland cannot put from her the habits learned from her old military civilization and from a church that prays in Latin."


  • 爱尔兰情况表明教会国家之间隐晦的潜关系往往是非正式的,这种关系可以神父主教得到实际上豁免权

    As the Irish case shows, the most insidious links between church and state are often informal ones, which can leave priests and bishops virtually exempt from scrutiny.


  • 只有完全重视透明基础上采取措施,才可以保持爱尔兰人民教会尊重善意。”教皇

    "Only decisive action carried out with complete honesty and transparency will restore the respect and goodwill of the Irish people toward the Church," the Pope said.


  • 上月,教皇致函爱尔兰天主,提起年前那里丑闻事件,拒绝了将此信传达整个教廷的建议

    Last month, he sent a message to the faithful in Ireland about the scandals there, which go back several years, but he rejected Suggestions that he make it a letter to the entire church.


  • 爱尔兰大主教只要教皇要求不会下台。而现在,他离职传递着这样一个信息:教会掩盖真相的日子终于复返了。

    Removing the Irish primate, who has said he will only go if the Pope requests it, could signal that the era of cover-ups is finally over.


  • 一个法官儿子,同时也是当地爱尔兰天主的成员。

    He is the son of a judge and part of the city’s Irish Catholic establishment.


  • 大多数爱尔兰星期天教堂做礼拜。教会人们生活重要的作用。

    Most Irish people go to church every Sunday and the church plays an important part in people's life.


  • 大部分爱尔兰星期做礼拜教会人们生活中起重要作用

    Most Irish people go to church every Sunday and the church plays an important part in people's lives .


  • 贝尔法斯特爱尔兰大教堂安妮教会明天下午1圣诞节那天上午10点、11下午330主持圣餐礼。

    St anne ' s church of ireland cathedral in belfast will celebrate the eucharist at 1pm tomorrow and at 10am , 11am and 3 . 30pm on christmas day.


  • 天主表示反对年前爱尔兰议会废止文法学校正式入学考试

    The Catholic church has signalled its opposition and, three years ago, the Northern Ireland Assembly abolished the official entrance exam for grammar schools.


  • 我们这些签署人是蒙上帝保佑大不列颠法兰西爱尔兰国王——信仰教会捍卫者詹姆斯国王陛下的忠顺臣民

    We whose names are underwritten the loyal subjects of our dread sovereign lord king james by the grace of god of great britain france and ireland king defender of the faith etc. having undertaken.


  • 居住美国爱尔兰家庭十分虔诚他们生活教会密切关系。

    The Irish families in the US were very clannish and their lives centred on the church.


  • 亚历山大·诺克斯看到爱尔兰作家:”教会种族精疲力尽

    Alexander Knox, a far-seeing Irish writer, said, The old High Church race is worn out.


  • 1979之前,爱尔兰控制避孕药应用,因为上帝教教会影响日渐陵夷,爱尔兰社会越来越世俗化

    Contraception was controlled in Ireland until 1979, however, the receding influence of the Catholic Church has led to an increasingly secularized society.


  • 很明显,本片评击当时教会严苛 -视为严厉爱尔兰罗马天主教会特点

    Obviously it is an attack on and a critique of much of the harshness of the Church which has often been seen as characteristic of a stern Irish Catholicism.


  • 苏格兰演员兼导演彼得·梅伦,细致严谨地执导了有关六零年代中期爱尔兰天主电影

    Scots actor director, Peter Mullan, has made an expertly - crafted but grim film about the Catholic Church in Ireland in the mid-60s.


  • 苏格兰演员兼导演彼得·梅伦,细致严谨地执导了有关六零年代中期爱尔兰天主电影

    Scots actor director, Peter Mullan, has made an expertly - crafted but grim film about the Catholic Church in Ireland in the mid-60s.


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