• 经历成了热门新闻

    His story became a hot scoop.


  • 难道真的热门新闻或者还是媒体们都了?

    Is this really a hot story or has the media gone mad?


  • 开心娱乐提供最新最快网络热门信息热门新闻热门视频XX大全

    Happy Cat Entertainment Network offers the latest and fastest network of popular information, hot news, hot videos, XX door Daquan.


  • 主管雅虎日益衰落的展示广告业务以及热门新闻体育财经资产,这些都属于雅虎重要业务

    He's in charge of Yahoo's faltering display-ad business and its popular news, sports and finance properties — in other words, Yahoo's most important businesses.


  • 如果应用启动显示最新互联网新闻”,倒霉了因为必须首先略热门新闻部分的内容。

    If you want the app to show you the latest 'Internet News' when you start the program, for example, you are out of luck, as you have to flick past the stories in the' Top News' section first.


  • Newsy就作为iPad视频聚合器就体现出很大潜力,它能够提供2 - 3分钟热门新闻短片集合。

    Newsy shows the potential for video aggregators on the iPad, by offering up short 2-3 minute summaries of top news stories.


  • 提供精美免费iPhoneapp [iTunes链接] ,包含3个主要切换栏 -最新热门新闻搜索收藏

    They also provide users with a slick, free iPhone app [iTunes link] which is divided into 3 main tabsRecent popular news, a search tab, and collected items.


  • 热门信息”维包括个”福布斯新闻列表中选出来的最热门新闻最新视频”维件,包括个最新的福布斯网站市场视频

    The “Top Listswidget includes top “fivesfrom selected Forbes lists, and the “Latest Video” widget includes the five latest Forbes.com Markets videos.


  • 下面就是一些可以发挥此api能力可能例子博客新闻站点可以追踪提供实时热门链接

    The mind reels at the possible use cases for such an API: Blogs and news sites could track and serve real-time, hot-topic links.


  • 出现以热门话题,比如儿童肥胖体力活动缺乏为主题的新闻报道时,人们反应真是群情激昂、千奇百怪。

    When reports are published and news stories written about hot-button topics like childhood obesity and physical inactivity, the responses are as impassioned as they are varied.


  • 响应最多故事会上升列表顶端不太热门故事则会消失新闻列表里。

    Stories with the most reactions rise to the top of the list, whereas less popular stories remain lost in the news river ether.


  • 自从这家技术公司年前开始发布年度报告以来,这新闻首次成为最热门的搜索项。

    It is the first time that news came up first since the technology company began publishing its yearly review a decade ago.


  • 周三发布的这一名单列出大类热门趋势搜索新闻

    The list, released on Wednesday, identified the top trends, searches and news items from several categories.


  • 附注更多有关热门话题、畅销作家新闻最新书籍节选,请点击BookBeast.

    Plus: Check out Book Beast, for more news on hot titles and authors and excerpts from the latest books.


  • 这些数据为Taptu热点版块提供支持,这里可以找到突发新闻网络其他热门话题

    It's this data which powers Taptu's "buzz" section where you can find breaking news and other currently "hot topics" being discussed on the web.


  • 估计这个热门新闻博客网站每天有30亿的浏览量

    The hot news and blog site gets 3 billion page views a day, according to some estimates.


  • 遗留酒吧原型机被科技博客Gizmodo拆解披露其细节之后iPhone4出现新闻热门搜索字词

    The iPhone 4 also showed up in the top search terms in news, after a prototype version of the phone was left in a bar and then dissected on the gadget blog Gizmodo.


  • Thoora提供热门新闻讨论

    Thoora; delivering the news attracting the most buzz and discussion.


  • 根据不同新闻网站来源信息量来判断哪些文章比较热门的;这种模式的好处是,不会阅读任何“无价值”的新闻文章,而且无论何时,您总能阅读到最新的主流资讯。

    It determines what is popular based on the volume of articles from different news sites; making sure that you don’t read any ‘fluff’ content and stick to the main articles at any moment in time.


  • 许多业务决策根据什么热门或者什么能引起新闻的关注而决定的。

    Many business decisions end up being based on what's "hot" or gets the most press.


  • 雅虎统计,新闻取代名人成为2010年热门搜索,搜索量最大的两个新闻热点是英国石油公司的墨西哥湾漏油事件南非世界杯足球赛

    News trumped celebrities in 2010 as the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and World Cup soccer in South Africa topped the list of most-searched items of 2010, according to Yahoo!


  • 今年最大的一热浪袭卷中国新闻媒体争相报道这一 “热门新闻

    As the year's worst heat wave washes over China, media outlets vie to break the hot news.


  • 然后还提供其他选项接近匹配项头条新闻以及本周网站的最热门搜索

    Then it provides two other sets of options: top stories for the closest match and top general searches on the website for that week.


  • 但是同样地如果网站第一个报道了新闻,很快人们就会铺天盖地复制一轮一轮地改写文章,吸取你网站中最热门信息的价值,以致把你的网站挤到后面了。

    But equally, if you're the first with a scoop, you'll soon be buried under the avalanche of copies, an ouroboros of rewrites that sucks any value out of being ahead of the crowd.


  • 但是同样地如果网站第一个报道了新闻,很快人们就会铺天盖地复制一轮一轮地改写文章,吸取你网站中最热门信息的价值,以致把你的网站挤到后面了。

    But equally, if you're the first with a scoop, you'll soon be buried under the avalanche of copies, an ouroboros of rewrites that sucks any value out of being ahead of the crowd.


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