• 散热效果好,模块化设计热量散发

    Good heat dissipation, module design, fast heat emission.


  • 灯泡应该树叶下面,热量散发树里

    The bulbs should hangbelow the leaves to let the heat rise into the tree.


  • 注意不要植物遮盖过于密实,那样使热量散发不出去,达不到遮荫目的

    Be careful not to cover plants too closely, which could trap heat and defeat the purpose of shading.


  • 中暑时候皮肤发红发热,因为此时血管扩充试图增大热量散发有时候嘴唇也会起来。

    The skin may become red and hot as blood vessels dilate in an attempt to increase heat dissipation, sometimes leading to swollen lips.


  • 气温低于人体温度时,皮肤下微小血管里流动血液可以热量散发空气中

    Blood in the tiny vessels near the skin can dissipate heat into the air, if the air is cooler than the body.


  • 运用接近温度传递性能大大提高同时用于热量散发所需流体充分得到减少

    Heat transfer performance is significantly improved with closer approach temperatures, while the amount of fluid required for heat dissipation is substantially reduced.


  • 中暑的时候皮肤发红发热,因为此时血管扩充试图增大热量散发,有时候嘴唇也会起来。

    Thee skin may become red and hot as blood vessels dilate in an attempt to increase heat dissipation, sometimes leading to swollen lips.


  • 根据初始18个月合同,诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司利用改进材料技术半导体中产生热量散发

    Under the initial 18-month contract, Northrop Grumman will use improved materials and techniques to transfer excess heat away from semiconductors where the heat is generated.


  • 真皮里的血管能够增加血液皮肤流动从而热量散发或者天气寒冷时限制血液的流动,这样就能调节身体温度

    Blood vessels here help regulate body temperature by increasing blood flow to the skin to allow heat to escape, or by restricting the flow when it's cold.


  • 当前处理器由于较高能量消耗导致处理器热量散发提高系统可靠性降低已经成为目前计算机领域较为关心的问题。

    At present the high power consumption of modern processors becomes a major concern due to the fact that it leads to increased heat dissipation and decreased reliability of systems.


  • 当前处理器由于较高能量消耗导致处理器热量散发提高系统可靠性降低已经成为目前计算机领域较为关心的问题。

    At present, the high power consumption of modern processors becomes a major concern due to the fact that it leads to increased heat dissipation and decreased reliability of systems.


  • 晴朗夜晚地面冷却后,热量散发空气中。当地面冷却充分露水就形成了,就装着冰苏打瓶罐表面形成的水珠一样。

    The amount of water in dew is usually much less than what would fall in a storm, and besides, that dew is likely to evaporate back into the atmosphere as the morning progresses.


  • 耗费大约数百万时间后,这种混合物终于向着泰坦中心的方向稳定了下来,“热量散发冷却星体都用了很长的时间,最终才达到目前的稳定状态,”Iess

    This mixture took a leisurely million years or so to settle toward Titan's center—"plenty of time for heat to escape" and for the moon to cool into its present state, Iess said.


  • 夜间飞行3000英尺高空飞机安装红外扫描仪用来测量农作物散发热量

    Mounted on a plane flying at 3,000 feet at night, an infrared scanner measured the heat emitted by crops.


  • 夜间飞行3000英尺高空飞机安装红外扫描仪用来测量农作物散发热量

    Mounted on a plane flown at 3,000 feet at night, an infrared scanner measured the heat emitted by crops.


  • 火山活动散发热量形成生命两个基本条件

    Water and heat from volcanic activity are two basic conditions needed for life to form.


  • 觉得的时候,额外的热量通过皮肤散发出来

    When you feel hot, extra heat comes out through your skin.


  • 大气中的二氧化碳甲烷阻止热量太空散发

    Carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere block the escape of heat into space.


  • 动物体型越大体表体积低;躯体增加一盎司重量散发热量表面比例减少。

    The bigger the animal is, the lower its surface-to-volume ratio; for every ounce of body mass, there is proportionately less surface through which heat can escape.


  • 金属散发热量

    The metal plate behind my head radiated heat.


  • 二氧化碳我们太阳之间形成了一道屏障阻止热量大气散发出来

    Carbon dioxide, which makes a barrier between us and the sun, prevents heat from getting out of the atmosphere.


  • 相反,开幕式上观众注意到,热量看台上方的屋顶遮挡无法散发使鸟巢里面外面明显热得多。

    They will have noticed the heat rising up to the roof over the stands, making the evening considerably hotter inside the stadium than it was outside.


  • 由于出汗可帮助身体散发热量,所以意味着女人高温忍受更多的痛苦。

    This could mean women suffer more in hot temperatures as sweating helps the body deal with heat.


  • 很快蒸发殆尽燃料部分露出冷却,这样将熔毁反应堆核心热量蒸汽散发出来。

    Soon, the water had burned off and the fuel rods were exposed -- allowing them to emit levels of heat and steam that can melt the reactor's core.


  • 然而接下来秋冬两季这些热量将高效地散发低温大气中

    However, this heat is efficiently released to the cold atmosphere already during the following autumn and winter.


  • 这个系统包含一个后侧散热器可以服务器本身生成热量60%散发出去。

    Part of this system includes a rear door heat exchanger that can extract 60% of the heat generated by the servers themselves.


  • 发动机散发热量熔化微粒细小岩石,随之分化粉尘会裹住机器的冷却器直至使停止运转

    An engine's heat melts the fine-ground rock, which proceeds to encrust the cooler parts of the mechanism, stopping it from working.


  • 外套的话,透气尼龙或者高泰斯(防水防风透气面料的个品牌)可以挡风遮,又能让热量湿气散发出去不至于太热或者太

    An outer, breathable layer of nylon or Gore-Tex will help protect you against wind and precipitation, while still letting out heat and moisture to prevent overheating and chilling.


  • 企鹅通过抖动羽毛喘气还有翅膀内侧、脚蹼部位散发热量

    They shed heat through the undersides of their flippers and through their legs and feet, as well as by fluffing their feathers and panting.


  • 企鹅通过抖动羽毛喘气还有翅膀内侧、脚蹼部位散发热量

    They shed heat through the undersides of their flippers and through their legs and feet, as well as by fluffing their feathers and panting.


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