• 整个寒冷冬季,图热斯特·瓦兹监狱录音棚工作

    He worked with Joe all through the freezing winter in a prison cell recording studio.


  • 雅克·韦尔热斯辩护律师8月15日逝世享年8889岁。

    Jacques verges, defence lawyer, died on August 15th, aged 88 or 89.


  • 首先马丁·柯席好家伙》中演了重要角色随后又派克·的《丛林》。

    Her first major role was in Martin Scorsese's "Goodfellas" and she followed this with a part in Spike Lee's "Jungle Fever."


  • 他们喜欢科技食物联系起来。”癌症细胞生物学访问学者尼古拉·诺维

    "They don't like to associate technology with food," said Nicholas Genovese, a visiting scholar in cancer cell biology.


  • 但是我们今天很多自认为天然产品是以类似的方式生产的。”

    "But there are a lot of products that we eat today that are considered natural that are produced in a similar manner," Genovese said.


  • 观众或许不该期待他们瑞奇·今年金球奖那样,在面对众多名人观众时也能大讲笑话。

    Viewers should not expect them to deliver in-jokes aimed at the celebrity audience, as Ricky Gervais did at this year's Golden Globes.


  • 解释说它们任务之一就是进行经过训练的具体直接体力活动,正如普通为主人其它事一样。

    One thing is to perform specific, straightforward physical tasks for which they have been trained, just as other types of service dogs do for their owners, Esnayra explained.


  • 解释说它们任务之一就是进行经过训练的具体直接体力活动,正如普通为主人其它事一样。

    One thing is to perform specific straightforward physical tasks for which they have been trained just as other types of service dogs do for their owners Esnayra explained.


  • 拉尔多说:“所知因为没有安全保障,欧盟实行了这项禁令,欧洲过来的乘客因此无法直接从欧洲进入印尼。”

    "As long as I know the passengers from Europe are not able to continue direct from Europe to Indonesia because of the ban, because there is no insurance for that," he said.


  • 船上还有晚餐篝火边拉给我们背诵描写淘金文学作品——一首罗伯特.塞维诗,或者杰克.伦敦的传奇,有关艰苦卓绝和荒诞不经的人生,以及寒冷死去

    On the boat, and at the campfire after dinner, Kyla recites from the literature of the gold rush - a poem by Robert Service or a tale by Jack London, accounts of hardship, folly and dying of cold.


  • 加利福尼亚大学研究员黛比萨克比、格莱同事一起天时间通过摄像机采访以及问卷追踪调查30对双收入家庭

    Researchers Darby Saxbe and Rena Graesch of the University of California and colleagues tracked 30 dual-earner couples around their homes for three days, using video cameras, interviews and surveys.


  • 阿维尼翁距地中海海岸大约60公里37英里),属于普罗地区,深受地中海气候夏季冬季湿冷)影响。

    Roughly 60 kilometers (37 miles) from the Mediterranean Coast, Avignon is part of Provence, and enjoys a Mediterranean climate, with hot summers and mild winters.


  • 维利·奥威吉特新书,《脸谱世界文学史》((译者注:销售商名称)14.99美元)一本假正经回答此类问题

    Wylie Overstreet's new book, "The History of the World According to Facebook," (It Books, $14.99) answers some of these questions, with its tongue firmly in its virtual cheek.


  • 青少年捧的流行小天后麦莉·赛勒搜索项中排行第三,紧跟其后排在第四电视明星金卡戴珊

    Teen pop sensation Miley Cyrus was in third place in the search rankings and television personality Kim Kardashian was not far behind at fourth place.


  • 这种红外成像技术已经使用多年应用多种领域天文学法律实施,到军事,”普拉姆岛动物疾病中心研究主管路易·罗德里格

    This IRT technology has been used for years and has applications for a variety of fields, from astronomy to law enforcement to the military,” says PIADC research leader Luis Rodriguez.


  • 罗普·格鲁曼公司负责系统工程系统集成光束控制子系统电源子系统、子系统以及C3I

    Northrop Grumman is responsible for systems engineering, system integration, the beam control subsystem, the power subsystem, the thermal subsystem and C3I.


  • 除了助教汤尼·亚当还有现役的劳伦,坎贝尔卡奴,理查德·拉萨纳·迪亚拉以及罗姆·托马出现了“庞培军团”的名册他们前枪手球员

    As well as assistant manager Tony Adams, there are currently Lauren, Sol Campbell, Kanu, Richard Hughes, Lassana Diarra and Jerome Thomas on the books at Pompey, all of them ex-Arsenal players.


  • 枪手分别里尔查尔顿签下了维尼奥和小将延金森,但是看上去温格更需要注意应该如何留下法布雷加里。

    The Gunners have snapped up Gervinho from Lille and Charlton rookie Carl Jenkinson but much of Arsene Wenger's focus has seemingly been on keeping hold of Cesc Fabregas and Samir Nasri.


  • 青年林军将军迪埃梅退到纳普的客舍门口把佩剑交给一个杀人不眨眼的骑兵,骑兵却杀那俘虏。

    Duhesme, the general of the Young Guard, hemmed in at the doorway of an inn at Genappe, surrendered his sword to a huzzar of death, who took the sword and slew the prisoner.


  • 达特大学的毕业生作家保罗·纳辛说:“霍金的理论表明黑洞根据原理放射能量。”

    "Hawking famously showed that black holes radiate energy according to a thermal spectrum," said Paul Nation, an author on the paper and a graduate student at Dartmouth.


  • 字典网内容负责人说,评选小组考虑其他比如:“领”、“紧缩”、“工作”、“乔布”等。

    According to Schwartz, Dictionary.com's Head of Content, the team considered other words, including "occupy", "austerity", "jobs" (both the noun and the person).


  • 通过皮球再次下来这个过程成为——这麦克维尔最早思考实验气体移动类推

    This can be turned into work by letting it fall down the staircase once again-an analogy of using the movement of hot and cold gases to do work in Maxwell's original thought experiment.


  • 菲尔普过去北京奥运会诞生了一位超级巨星。

    Move over Michael Phelps, the Beijing Olympics has an-other superstar.


  • 天气的话人难受,”菲利克加说,但是天冷的话就难受了”,因为天一他背就受不了

    "Hot weather is bad," says Felix Vega, but "cold is worse" because it makes the back pain unbearable.


  • 专有特林发动机有效地太阳能转换电能

    The proprietary Stirling engine was developed by Cool energy to efficiently convert solar thermal energy or waste heat into electricity.


  • 然后姆雷卡尔的研究团队分析了可见光红外成像光谱仪(VIRTIS)观测到的其中三个活跃地区的数据

    Smrekar's team then analyzed data for three hot spots observed by the Visible and Infrared Thermal Imaging Spectrometer (VIRTIS).


  • 如果说眼下乔布达到顶点,很快就会有铺天盖地文章,大肆宣扬他的职业生涯所带来的管理领导力经验

    If we aren't already, we will soon be awash in articles on the management and leadership lessons of Jobs' career.


  • 如今·奥,70剧作家安德鲁·戴维功不可没

    Much of the present enthusiasm for Jane Austen can be credited to a 70-year-old screenwriter named Andrew Davies.


  • 如今·奥,70剧作家安德鲁·戴维功不可没

    Much of the present enthusiasm for Jane Austen can be credited to a 70-year-old screenwriter named Andrew Davies.


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