• 我们早上8步行离开下午5公共汽车返回

    We will leave at 8:30 in the morning on foot and return at 5 o'clock in the afternoon by bus.


  • 我们Ax

    We do a dot products between the rows of a and the columns of X.


  • 那么法则求导没问题

    So, product rule is OK for taking the derivative of a dot product.


  • 的数量零时,两个向量垂直

    These two vectors are perpendicular exactly when their dot product is zero.


  • 下面方法,点乘一样,是个几何方法。

    Now comes my method number two as we had with the dot product, is a geometrical method.


  • 直达列车北京

    He will take a direct train to Beijing at 7 o 'clock.


  • 我们怎么,判断两个向量是否垂直

    Well, we've learned how to detect whether two vectors are perpendicular to each other using dot product.


  • 如果i,你能得到第一分量,就是x1,1*x1+0

    If you do the dot product with i hat, you will get the first component 0 that will be x1. One times x1 plus zero, zero.


  • 抱歉。。。,这里符号,可能明显但是这个重要

    Sorry, there's a dot here that maybe is not very big, but it's very important.


  • 并且设计的点乘硬件芯片一起构成了一种椭圆曲线公钥制密码系统。

    And it works together with a new hardware chip to get a elliptic curve public-key cryptosystem.


  • 如果找到,这个位置数是什么往上然后它们点乘

    And, if you want to find what goes in a given slot here, then you just look to its left and you look above it, and you do the dot product between these guys.


  • 椭圆曲线实现速度决定了椭圆曲线密码算法(ECC)的实现速度。

    The implementation speed of elliptic curve Cryptography (ECC) depends on the implementation speed of elliptic curve point multiplication.


  • 利用现有的公式对雅可比矩阵中的元素进行改写矢量变为矢量

    After the formula of documents are used to rewrite elements of Jacobian matrix, the vector cross product is changed into the vector dot product in Jacobian matrix.


  • 函数空间刻划研究函数空间算子理论函数空间性质有着直接意义

    To characterize the pointwise multiplier of function space has the direct meaning to study the operator theory and property of function space.


  • 为了提高椭圆曲线密码ECC运算速度,提出一种快速约简算法

    To accelerate point multiplication operation of elliptic curve cryptography(ECC), a fast reduction algorithm for modular operation was introduced.


  • 经常,7公交车去学校教学办公其他助教们一起吃午饭然后听课

    On a typical day, she takes a bus into campus at 7 am, teaches, holds office hours, has lunch with other teaching assistants, and then attends her own classes.


  • 主要实现部分包括椭圆曲线运算实现各个功能模块算法流程的实现

    The realization of the main part contains the implementation of point addition and multiplication based on elliptic curves and the achievement the process of functional blocks.


  • 还有很有趣的现象注意一下就是我们可以法则,对向量表达式求导无论是点乘

    OK, now, so there's an interesting thing to note, which is that we can use the usual product rule for derivatives with vector expressions, with dot products or cross products.


  • 其次文章详细论述了ECC相关知识算法标量运算两方面提高该算法运算效率

    Secondly, it analyzed ECC and how to improve the algorithm efficiency from the point of Times-dot algorithm and scalar multiplication algorithm.


  • 采用改进算法针对二进制方法椭圆曲线密码进行符号变换故障攻击利用仿真实验进行了验证

    Using the improved algorithm, we present the attack on elliptic curve cryptosystems with binary scalar multiplication, and verify it through software simulation.


  • 一种已知超声速或高超声速流场生成气动构设计点乘波体构型的整个前缘产成附的激波

    A wave rider is a configuration designed such that the bow shock generated by the shape is perfectly attached along the leading edge at the design condition.


  • 我们半夜12火车

    We have to catch the midnight train.


  • 一切定下来了我们航班

    It's all settledwe're leaving on the nine o'clock plane.


  • 亨利爵士商定星期六10半的火车

    Sir Henry and I agreed to take the 10:30 train on Saturday.


  • 了能在八半准时开他的小店,他需要在6离开公寓。毕竟,他得先坐公共汽车,然后再地铁。

    To arrive in time to open his tiny store at 8:30, he need to leave our apartment at 6. After all, he had to take a bus and then the subway.


  • 我们伦敦买了旧车一路喀布尔,然后把了换小钱,然后一路上什么车就什么车继续向东前进。

    We’d bought an old car in London, driven it all the way to Kabul, sold it for a small profit, and carried on east by whatever transport came our way.


  • 一个小型小队,并要求潜入一个基地人,干掉敌人直升机然后辆偷来车辆离开

    It's a level where you have a small squad and are required to infiltrate a base, kill some dudes, knock out an enemy helicopter, and then escape in a stolen vehicle.


  • 我们周四下班大约6见面吗?我们可以出租车一起参加晚会。

    A Good. Shall we meet after work on Thursday, about 6? We can catch a taxi together to the party.


  • 比如 10 米 10 米的网格每个交叉的值(共有 100形成光栅数据集

    Taking a 10-meter-by-10-meter grid and making one observation for each intersection (100 observations) would constitute a raster dataset.


  • 比如 10 米 10 米的网格每个交叉的值(共有 100形成光栅数据集

    Taking a 10-meter-by-10-meter grid and making one observation for each intersection (100 observations) would constitute a raster dataset.


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