• 一边用力开门,一边表情滑稽看着

    He looked at me humorously as he wrestled with the door.


  • 其他男孩看到了开始大笑然后他们复制第一个;他们围着菲利普跑着滑稽地一拐走着,大笑着。

    Other boys saw it and began to laugh; then they all copied the first; and they ran round Philip, limping comically, screaming with shrill laughter.


  • 滑稽地模仿了汤姆汉克斯

    He did his impression of Tom Hanks.


  • 滑稽模仿托尼布莱尔

    He does an imitation of Tony Blair.


  • 滑稽地模仿南方口音

    He mimicked her southern accent.


  • 滑稽地了耸肩,眼镜后面双眼眯了起来

    He shrugged whimsically, his eyes crinkling behind his glasses.


  • 沮丧时,他们滑稽过分沉迷于巧克力糖果之中

    When depressed, they dramatically overindulge in chocolate and sweets.


  • 滑稽模范爸爸说话,“照我我做的做。”

    I did an impression of daddy saying "do as I say, not as I do."


  • 爸爸滑稽瘸一拐下室里小跑上来,结果胸口挨了跪倒,接着头上了一枪,这样完了。

    Dad comes up from the basement in his gimpy comic trot, concerned, takes a bullet in the chest, drops to his knees, takes one in the head, and that's that.


  • 滑稽地模仿那个政客举止

    He travestied the politician's manner.


  • 滑稽模仿朋友们的老师,使他们大笑。

    He made his friends laugh by caricaturing their teacher.


  • 这个忧郁停歇期间,看守滑稽地阅读报纸

    During this melancholy pause, the turnkey read his newspaper with a waggish look.


  • 据说杰奎琳脖子这位艺术大师经常画像中滑稽地夸大脖子的尺寸

    Jacqueline was said to have had a short neck and the artist would often 'humorously' exaggerate its size in portraits.


  • 位迈克杰克逊的模仿者逗得他们咯咯笑,他戴着耳机滑稽模仿麦克,好像并不为给别人看。

    On Saturday, they giggled at a Michael Jackson imitator wearing headphones and doing a comically poor imitation of the artist, seemingly for himself.


  • 我来说诉讼辩护同样都被滑稽简单化了,判决又是所有简单化滑稽的。

    Prosecution seemed to me as grotesque a simplification as defense, and judging was the most grotesque oversimplification of all.


  • 《我与梦露的一周》戳中了奥斯卡最大软肋——演员们滑稽模仿了有名历史人物

    Marilyn feeds into Oscar's greatest soft spot-actors doing impressions of famous historical people.


  • 还有一些变种两种巧克力糖浆混合它们有时称为斑马”,有时会被滑稽地叫作“燕尾服摩卡”。

    There are also variants of the drink that mix the two syrups; these are sometimes referred to as " Zebras", also, more comically refered to as "Tuxedo Mocha".


  • 稀疏头发几乎了,下巴上几长长的灰白的胡子,还随着窗口进来滑稽地前后摆动。

    His sparse hair was almost white, and from his chin dripped a long smoke-coloured beard, which waved absurdly back and forth, fanned by the breeze coming in at the window.


  • 爱丽丝看着陪审员席,发现由于自己的疏忽,竟壁虎下放上了,那个可怜的小东西无力动弹,只是滑稽地摇摆着尾巴。

    Alice looked at the jury-box, and saw that, in her haste, she had put the Lizard in head downwards, and the poor little thing was waving its tail about in a melancholy way, being quite unable to move.


  • 这些人拥有抒发自我的资格证书他们石刻成各种异乎寻常肖像脸上滑稽地缠满绷带的工人、装腔作势诗人、朝着邻居用拇指自己鼻子男人,以及任何他们能够幻想出的离奇形象。

    Given license to express themselves, they sculpted eccentric keystone portraits-workers with comically bandaged faces, poets, a man thumbing his nose at his neighbors-and fanciful grotesques.


  • 这些人拥有抒发自我的资格证书他们石刻成各种异乎寻常肖像脸上滑稽地缠满绷带的工人、装腔作势诗人、朝着邻居用拇指自己鼻子男人,以及任何他们能够幻想出的离奇形象。

    Given license to express themselves, they sculpted eccentric keystone portraits-workers with comically bandaged faces, poets, a man thumbing his nose at his neighbors-and fanciful grotesques.


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