• 许多客户现在可以使用消除危险杂乱电锯留下毛刺

    Many customers now use it to replace dangerous, messy and loud saws leaving a burr free ID on smaller diameters and less burr to remove on larger diameters.


  • 第三十五妨害物权或者可能妨害物权权利人可以请求排除妨害或者消除危险

    Article 35 Where the property right is impaired or is likely to be impaired, the obligee may request removal of such impairment or elimination of the potential danger.


  • 目的提高病人自我保健意识自我护理能力积极控制疾病减少消除危险因素

    Objective to enhance the patients' self-hygiene consciousness and self-nursing ability, and control the illness actively and diminish or eliminate related dangerous factors.


  • 然而即使进行了充足的准备可能消除危险因为每个病畜都存在个体差异麻醉不可预测反应

    However, even with adequate preparation, it is not possible to eliminate risk because every patient may exhibit individual and unpredictable reactions to anaesthesia.


  • 如果没有消除危险特别是消除接触烟草烟雾危险干预措施,预计未来慢性阻塞性肺病造成的死亡增加超过30%。

    Total deaths from COPD are projected to increase by more than 30% in the next 10 years without interventions to cut risks, particularly exposure to tobacco smoke.


  • 我们怀疑消除许多不必要甚至危险检测治疗支出下降

    We suspect that spending would come down through elimination of a lot of unnecessary or even dangerous tests and treatments.


  • 一些国家认为,销毁剩余天花病毒库存消除这种疾病防止意外释放危险

    Destroying the remaining stocks of variola is seen by some countries as the final chapter in eradicating the disease to prevent the risk of accidental release.


  • 任何人一旦启动地球工程,这个尝试可能需要其他人继续原因提供了一个应对全球变暖的保护罩,消除可能会有危险

    Once started by anybody, a geoengineering attempt would probably need to be continued by everybody else because it would offer a mask on global warming that could be dangerous to remove.


  • 简单地使用对话消除并发冲突危险

    Simply put, using conversations removes the danger of concurrency conflicts.


  • 而口服补液补锌几乎完全消除死亡危险

    ORS and zinc bring the risk of death down to almost zero.


  • 地方联邦法律规定个“等待冷却阶段消除一个可能必须使用武器的立即、可能危险冲动

    Local and federal laws mandate 'waiting' or 'cooling off period' to diffuse any immediate — and potentially dangerous - rush someone might have to use a firearm.


  • 我们尽力应对这些危险的时候,同时认识到我们不可能阻止消除所有威胁

    As we do everything withinour power to prevent these dangers, we also recognize that we will not be ableto deter or prevent every single threat.


  • 伯南克被重新任命消除那种危险

    Mr Bernanke's reappointment has defused that danger.


  • 两种办法克服恐惧消除外在危险一种是培养苦行僧式承受力

    There are two ways of coping with fear: one is to diminish the external danger, and the other is to cultivate Stoic endurance.


  • 公众对核辐射莫名恐惧比作鲨鱼袭击危险死亡率非常的,关注和恐惧是非常高的。 “这是一种不理智的恐惧,但通过教育和学习是不能消除的。”

    He likens the public's fears to unjustified worries about shark attacks: The risks and deaths are small, but the attention and fears are big.


  • 如果这笔交易隐藏心理上其它方面的任何危险将来必须它们消除

    If there were hazards, moral and otherwise, lurking in the deal, the future would have to sort them out.


  • 这种危险于1980年代中期看来消除这主要多亏一个才华横溢青年经济学家群体其中大多数哈佛大学麻省理工学院任教

    This danger was seen off in the mid-1980s, largely thanks to an extraordinarily talented group of young economists most of whom were at Harvard University or the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


  • 接着,尼拉提出也许可能免除侵入性、危险昂贵外科手术,使用激光消除脂肪。

    Neirathen suggested that it might be possible to dispense with the invasive, hazardous and costly surgical procedure and just use lasers on theirown.


  • 领导人最后关头结束了可笑不负责任财政问题对峙局面同意提高联邦债务上限从而消除全球金融大灾难危险

    The country’s leaders at last ended a ludicrously irresponsible bout of fiscal brinkmanship, removing the threat of global financial Armageddon by agreeing to raise the federal debt ceiling.


  • 消除中的保护罩即使一个有缺陷的保护罩,将会使地球的气候变暖迅速,其影响可能危险

    Removing a warming mask, even if it is a flawed mask, would expose the planet to even more rapid and probably dangerous warming.


  • 现在还不能断定将属于哪一个组,但是既然老年痴呆症的发病过程早期治疗中能有所缓和,早期的诊断帮助那些处于危险之中的人,同时将帮助那些未处于危险之中的人消除疑虑。

    However, since the progress of Alzheimer's disease can be slowed by early treatment, early diagnosis would help those at risk. It would also let those who were not at risk stop worrying.


  • 某种行为定义不道德,并不能消除这种行为,而只是让变得隐蔽。 并且因为信息缺失不受支持,还会变得更危险

    The stigma doesn’t erase the behavior, it pushes it into the shadows where, devoid of information and acceptance, it become more risky.


  • 我们国家遭到袭击以来第六年头但愿我能大家报告说危险已经消除

    In the sixth year since our Nation was attacked, I wish I could report to you that the dangers have ended.


  • 去年11月丰田为了消除潜在的汽车会突然加速危险发布安全通告召回美国四百二十万辆轿车

    Last November, Toyota issued a safety recall affecting 4.2m American vehicles that were also potentially subject to sudden acceleration.


  • 去年11月丰田为了消除潜在的汽车会突然加速危险发布安全通告召回美国四百二十万辆轿车

    Last November, Toyota issued a safety recall affecting 4.2m American vehicles that were also potentially subject to sudden acceleration.


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