• 海鸥追随着那条船,高声鸣叫着。

    Seagulls followed the boat, crying loudly.


  • 海鸥浪花一起一伏地漂浮在水面。

    Seagulls bobbed on the waves.


  • 只孤零零海鸥飞过海湾

    A solitary seagull winged its way across the bay.


  • 几个海鸥其他亚种地区找到

    Several other subspecies of gull are found in the region.


  • 海鸥翱翔着,然后俯冲下来

    The seagulls soared then dived.


  • 海鸥正在靠近东海岸的一个小岛筑巢

    Gulls are nesting on a small island toward the eastern shore.


  • 海鸥头顶盘旋

    Seagulls circled around above his head.


  • 他们坚实沙滩上海鸥哀鸣

    They lay on the firm sands, listening to the plaintive cry of the seagulls.


  • 海鸥扑打着双翅飞走了。

    The gulls flew off, wings flapping.


  • 海鸥嘴里叼

    The gull held the fish in its beak.


  • 冬季大群海鸥聚集垃圾场排污口

    During the winter months, great flocks of gulls gather at landfills and sewage outfalls.


  • 海鸥鸣叫声赋予海港的这边一种特有的迷人特质

    The cries of the seagulls gave this part of the harbour a fascinating character of its own.


  • 海鸥拍打翅膀发出阵阵长啸

    Uttering a cry, the sea gull flaps its wings.


  • 只孤独海鸥空中飞过

    A lone sea gull flew across the sky.


  • 海鸥慈祥地

    The old seagull looked at him kindly.


  • 伟大海鸥规则,也是真正规则。

    It is the law of the Great Gull, the law that is.


  • 海鸥惊涛骇浪上翱翔。

    Seagulls hover over the surging waves.


  • 海鸥正在上面盘旋。

    The seagulls were wheeling in the air above the ship.


  • 就是海鸥可以浮冰而不会冻僵的原因。

    That is why a gull can stand on an ice floe without freezing.


  • 买了海鸥120相机一个简单放大机

    I bought a Seagull 120 camera and a simple enlarger.


  • 第十四届亚运会官方吉祥物海鸥釜山

    The official Mascot of the 14th Asian Games is a sea gull, the city bird of Busan.


  • 海鸥寻找晚餐时,夕阳灰岩地层投射温暖光辉

    Sunset casts a warm glow over the tufa formations as seagulls forage for dinner.


  • 当地海鸥贪婪地扑这些施舍的食物,而燕鸥会继续飞行

    While local gulls will dive voraciously for such handouts, the tern flies on.


  • 海鸥乔纳森开始讲评这次飞行,好像这样每天都发生一样。

    As though this sort of thing happened every day, Jonathan Seagull began his critique of the flight.


  • 当然并不只是棱皮龟这种结构,海鸥腿部一个逆流交换系统。

    The leatherback is certainly not the only animal with such an arrangement; gulls have a countercurrent exchange in their legs.


  • 这里呼噜呼噜,那里呼噜呼噜,只断奶小猪似乎海鸥俱乐部吓跑了。

    With an oink oink here and an oink oink there, four weaned pigs seemed to have scared seagulls away from a duck hunting club.


  • 打开契诃夫的《海鸥》的那个早晨,”斯图尔特女士回忆道,“我环球公司签订七年合约。”

    "The morning after I opened in Chekhov's The Sea Gull," Ms. Stuart remembered, "I signed a seven-year contract with Universal."


  • 事实上我们每个人都有伟大海鸥概念一个关于自由无限概念,”每天晚上乔纳森海滩总是这么说

    "Each of us is in truth an idea of the Great Gull, an unlimited idea of freedom," Jonathan would say in the evenings on the beach.


  • 吸引那里人们,或是成对欢愉沿着马林百列缓步慢行,或是不紧不慢地经过海鸥咖啡店,要去往远处的某个地方。

    The elderly gravitate there, shuffling in cheerful pairs along Marine Parade or jogging in slow motion past the Sea Gull Café, intent on some distant goal.


  • 吸引那里人们,或是成对欢愉沿着马林百列缓步慢行,或是不紧不慢地经过海鸥咖啡店,要去往远处的某个地方。

    The elderly gravitate there, shuffling in cheerful pairs along Marine Parade or jogging in slow motion past the Sea Gull Café, intent on some distant goal.


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