• 海洋捕捞海水养殖影响渔民收入两个重要因素

    Two important factors greatly affect income of the fishermen, they are the marine halieutics and breeding aquatics in seawater.


  • 作为海洋低值鱼类,是我省海洋捕捞主要对象之一

    The small miscellaneous fish as a low economic value marine fish has become one kind of main marine capture fisheries of Zhejiang province.


  • 现在海洋捕捞计划产量实行增长”,将来可能还要提出负增长”。

    Up to now, a ' Zero Increasing Rate' plan has been carried out in marine fish, and a 'Negative Increasing Rate' plan will be put forward in the future.


  • 世界大多数海洋捕捞渔业已经至少得到充分开发开始衰败生产已经达到稳定的水平

    Most of the world's marine capture fisheries are already at least fully exploited or in decline and their production levels have reached a plateau.


  • 油煎鱼炸土豆片一直收到英国人的欢迎,但是随着海洋捕捞泛滥,变得越来越昂贵

    Fish and chips has always been a favourite dish in Britain, but as the ocean have been overfished, fish has become more and more expensive.


  • 几百年来大西洋的鳕鱼一直东西两岸渔业的主要品种,可如今北美海洋捕捞已经崩溃了

    09052809 the Atlantic cod has, for many centuries, sustained major fisheries on both sides of the Atlantic. However, the North American fisheries have now largely collapsed.


  • 随着热带雨林的大量砍伐濒危物种全球范围内正频临灭绝,海洋捕捞也使得海洋物种持续消失

    With rainforests being clear-cut in tropical countries, endangered species nearing extinction around the world, and the seas steadily being fished out, the ministers agreed it was time to take action.


  • 近年来,海洋捕捞近海渔业资源造成严重损害,我国已经出台了一系列的限制海洋捕捞政策保护海洋资源。

    In recent years, catching makes serious damage in inshore resources and many policies have been made to protect ocean resources.


  • 海洋迫切需要更好管理主要问题海洋捕捞过度,确切的说是近海领域,遥远海域却不属于任何一个国家

    The sea is badly in need of better management. It is overfished, chiefly, it is true, in coastal waters, but also in the great expanses that belong to no state.


  • 海洋捕捞产业浙江省舟山市传统基础支柱产业,但由于中日中韩渔业协定的签订和生效,成千上万的渔民面临着转产转业问题

    Marine fishing is a traditional, basal and crucial industry of Zhoushan City, which is now faced with many difficulties, so its structure must be adjusted.


  • 人类最早4500年前定居北极,靠捕捞海洋哺乳动物鱼类生存

    Humans first settled in the Arctic a mere 4,500 years ago, surviving by exploiting sea mammals and fish.


  • 海洋中,我们捕捞鳕鱼这样顶级食肉动物

    In the oceanwe fished for top predators such as cod.


  • 沿海假说提出了一种捕猎海洋哺乳动物收集捕捞咸水使用船只为基础经济模式。

    The coastal hypothesis suggests an economy based on marine mammal hunting, saltwater fishing gathering, and the use of watercraft.


  • 一场全球性运动已经展开,目的是大片南极海域变成海洋保护区保护野生动物,不只禁止捕捞磷虾而是禁止所有捕捞活动。

    A global campaign has been launched to turn a huge tract of Antarctic seas into ocean sanctuaries, protecting wildlife and banning not just krill fishing, but all fishing.


  • 海岸假说提出了一种捕猎海洋哺乳动物捕捞咸水鱼类、采集贝类使用船只为基础经济模式。

    The coastal hypothesis suggests an economy based on marine mammal hunting, saltwater fishing, shellfish gathering, and the use of watercraft.


  • 意味着更多海洋生物正在捕捞所以现在过去之间真正差异可能捕捞变化记录的糟糕。

    That means a higher proportion of what is in the sea is being caught, so the real difference between present and past is likely to be worse than the one recorded by changes in catch sizes.


  • 绝大部分大堡礁受到大堡礁海洋公园保护,这起到了限制人类使用影响,比如过度捕捞旅游业

    A large part of the reef is protected by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, which helps to limit the impact of human use, such as overfishing and tourism.


  • 所有这些船只的总捕捞能力已经到达海洋支持度的1.8至2.8

    Together they have a fishing capacity 1.8 to 2.8 times larger than the oceans can sustainably support.


  • 大部分科学家认为过度捕捞污染海洋变暖最大的杀手,但是珊瑚可以海藻其他致命手段中生存下来。

    Most scientists rank overfishing, pollution, and warming oceans among the biggest overall contributors. But corals may suffer from other nasty tricks played by seaweed.


  • 鲨鱼族群能够像其它多产的海洋生物那样经得起这样的商业捕捞

    Sharks populations can't withstand commercial fishing the way more fecund Marine species can.


  • 过度捕捞很多海洋物种中许多含有高浓度的多氯联苯

    Many Marine species are overfished, and some have high levels of mercury and PCBs.


  • 沃姆博士及其同事发现海洋物种数越多,对于人类过度捕捞活动恢复能力更强。

    Dr Wormand his colleagues discovered that the more species an ocean regionhas, the more robustly it seems to cope with overexploitation.


  • 按照定义这种长度超过2.5公里,它不加分辨地捕捞巨大数量海洋生物:海龟海豚和没有商业价值小鱼,统统收尽

    These nets, by definition over 2.5km long, indiscriminately scoop up enormous quantities of marine life: whales, turtles, dolphins, small fish of no commercial value, the lot.


  • 豪厄格 -古尔伯格教授认为水质污染,过度捕捞海洋酸化温度上升是主要原因。

    Professor Hoegh-Guldberg has blamed water pollution, over-fishing, increased ocean acidification and rising temperatures.


  • 有人索马里好的渔业捕捞生态系统破坏,且无法修复了,其结果是蒙受永久丧失鱼类海洋资源之痛。

    By some accounts, Somalia's rare corral ecosystem has been damaged beyond repair, thus risking the loss of fish and Marine resources for good.


  • 造成水母数量激增因素包括气候变化过度捕捞农业化肥流入海洋

    The increase in the jellyfish population has beenattributed to factors including climate change, over-fishing and the runoff ofagricultural fertilisers.


  • Árnason同事认为避免这种情况,就必须建立范围的禁止捕捞海洋保护区

    rnason and his colleagues argue that to avert a collapse, large marine reserves where fishing is prohibited are required.


  • 每年人类海洋捕捞约5千万鱼类,但并未导致任何鱼种的灭绝。

    Every year humans take more than 50 million tons of fish from the oceans without critically depleting the population of any species.


  • 每年人类海洋捕捞约5千万鱼类,但并未导致任何鱼种的灭绝。

    Every year humans take more than 50 million tons of fish from the oceans without critically depleting the population of any species.


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