• 可以通行费开车克斯公路或者放松一下乘坐派克斯齿轨式火车

    You can pay a toll to drive on Pike's Peak Highway or relax and take the Pike's Peak Cog Railway.


  • 告诉派克斯跳舞时候眉头再皱紧一些

    Tell her to frown a little more when Sparks dances.


  • 比利时英派克斯公司一家领先饲料添加剂生产商及原料供应商

    Impextraco is a leading manufacturer and supplier of micro-ingredients for the animal feed industry.


  • 高伟绅律师事务所汤姆克斯认为明年的今天,参议院积压下法案会有一个真正的转机”。

    There is areal chance” of the bill still being stuck in the Senate this time next year, thinks Tom Pax at Clifford Chance, a law firm.


  • 高伟绅律师事务所汤姆·克斯认为明年的今天,参议院积压下法案会有一个真正的转机”。

    There is a "real chance" of the bill still being stuck in the Senate this time next year, thinks Tom Pax at Clifford chance, a law firm.


  • 回到1995年森林体会“精神恢复”,珍妮很享受有派克斯陪伴扬起胳膊自己兄弟伯勒夫帮忙整理皮毛。

    Back in the forest in 1995 for "spiritual refreshment," Jane enjoys the company of Pax, arm raised for grooming by his brother, Prof.


  • 美国爱荷华派克斯堡市5月25号受到龙卷风肆虐,造成人罹难、222栋房屋全毁,共约400栋房屋受损

    The tornado that battered Parkersburg in Iowa on the 25th of May took six lives, destroyed 222 houses and damaged another 400 homes.


  • 二月希尔宣称类似计划,在科罗拉多派克斯峰顶建造座巨大金字塔——人类外星人同时使用

    In February, Hill announced a similar plan to build a giant pyramid on top of Pikes Peak in Coloradoto be used by both humans and aliens.


  • 回到1995年森林体会“精神恢复”,珍妮很享受有派克斯陪伴扬起胳膊自己兄弟伯勒夫帮忙整理皮毛。

    Back in the forest in 1995 for "spiritual refreshment, " Jane enjoys the company of Pax, arm raised for grooming by his brother, Prof.


  • 首先马丁·斯柯席斯好家伙》中演了重要角色随后又·的《丛林》。

    Her first major role was in Martin Scorsese's "Goodfellas" and she followed this with a part in Spike Lee's "Jungle Fever."


  • 老一点电影里很多律师偏见据理力争,格里高利·在《杀死只知更鸟》(1962)中饰演的阿提库斯·芬奇一样。

    In older movies, there are plenty of lawyers who argue against prejudice, the way Gregory Peck did as Atticus Finch in "To Kill a Mockingbird" (1962).


  • 格里高利·豪斯(好别扭,差点写成格里高利·克),顶尖的诊断医生,精神病院病人,今年秋天就要带着一个被剃过满腹阴暗评论回来了。

    Doctor Gregory House, top diagnostician — and now, a committed asylum patientreturns this fall with a shaved head and no shortage of snarky comments.


  • 导演纽约克斯队狂·去年12月带着14岁儿子杰克逊观看纽约麦迪逊广场花园举行克斯俄克拉荷马雷霆之间的比赛

    Director and New York Knicks super fan Spike Lee keeps his son Jackson, 14, on his toes at New York City's Madison Square Garden during the Knicks vs. Oklahoma City Thunder game last December.


  • 50年代中期,迅速成为好莱坞炙手可热的女星之一,与格利高里保罗纽曼柯克道格拉斯联袂演出

    She went on to become one of Hollywood's leading ladies, starring alongside Gregory Peck, Paul Newman and Kirk Douglas.


  • 后来我又给校长克写了一封信,告诉他们我已经教了你们年,我非常了解你们,你们虽然有些调皮,但是你们绝对不是坏孩子,你们坦诚,学习很努力,斯小姐指控不是你们的故意行为……因此,我你们不必再担心什么了!

    You guys are honest and hardworking. Ms. S's accusations aren't characteristic of you twoTherefore, I don't think you guys will have anything to worry about.


  • 作者查理·考夫曼导演·琼兹,这个戏剧讽刺故事讲述苏珊奥尔良斯特里普扮演记者

    Written by Charlie Kaufman and directed by Spike Jonze, this drama-satire tells the story of Susan Orlean, played by Streep, a journalist for the.


  • 马克安德烈马库斯无法一个无故障运行今年衷心感谢他们作出努力,我希望他们能够未来回报

    Mark, Andreas and Marcus were unable to have a trouble free run this year, I sincerely appreciated them making the effort to come to Pikes Peak and I hope that they are able to return in the future.


  • 影片改编自尼高拉斯·史克的畅销小说,故事开首是一安老院老先生一名老妇娓娓道出笔记簿里的故事。

    Based on a bestseller by Nicholas Sparks, it begins in the present with an old man reading a story from a notebook to an old lady in a home for the elderly.


  • 非常感谢荷斯坦这样机会。2010对于伊诺斯来讲繁忙的一年,生产相应产品的生产设备。

    Thank you for Holstein for giving me such a chance. 2010 is the busiest year for Packo to produce the products.


  • 我们·伊诺斯的系统目前在市场上执行最高标准,所以,质量安全角度来讲,是每一个客户都非常清楚、而且不用质疑的,也是我们一直在追捧市场。

    As Packo's system carries the highest standards, there is no doubt about the quality security perspective. And this is the market that we have been followed.


  • 自然会看到约翰逊克·沙克生活之间有某种联系,更不用说在黑人音乐形式革新者埃尔维斯和阿姆的主流炒作之间有着并不难以解释的联系

    Naturally, you see a connection between the lives of Johnson and Tupac Shakur, not to mention a not-so-funny link between the mainstream hyping of Elvis and Eminem as innovators of black music forms.


  • 自然会看到约翰逊克·沙克生活之间有某种联系,更不用说在黑人音乐形式革新者埃尔维斯和阿姆的主流炒作之间有着并不难以解释的联系

    Naturally, you see a connection between the lives of Johnson and Tupac Shakur, not to mention a not-so-funny link between the mainstream hyping of Elvis and Eminem as innovators of black music forms.


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