• 用户负责分析独有的XML格式生成活动工作流运行时提供执行活动树

    The user is responsible for parsing their unique XML format, generating an activity tree, and providing the root of the activity tree to the workflow runtime for execution.


  • 描述了模型组成元素、组成模式以及协同工作方式,给出了协同活动活动模板活动重要概念

    Composing element, composing mode and cooperative working policy of CBWG are described and concepts such as cooperative activity, activity template and activity tree are introduced.


  • 们可以参加一些公益活动来植更多的,因为对我们的环境有好处。

    We can take part in some commonweal activities to plant more trees, for the trees are good to our environment.


  • 各种协作工作者模型拖动到图表中,从而描述实现处理过程活动任务序列

    Drag the various collaborating workers from the model tree into the diagram to describe the sequence of tasks that realize the process activity.


  • 6显示这个插件活动及其媒体文件视图

    Figure 6 shows a tree view of an activity and its media files in the plug-in.


  • 为了构建这个视图首先要访问Activity服务器获取所有活动列表

    To build this tree view, first access the Activity server to get a list of all activities.


  • 活动可能包括种植但是没有包括保护现有的森林不采伐。

    Those activities can include planting new trees, but not saving old ones from the chop.


  • 这个复制从属载,所以根中的挂载活动会传播到这个拷贝但是不会反向传播。

    The copied tree is made a slave of the root tree so that mount actions in the root tree are propagated to the copy but not the other way around.


  • 一棵或者,或者再找一些其它合适方式纪念死者,参加一些慈善活动(如乳腺癌筹集善款的慈善赛跑)来纪念生所爱

    Plant a tree or garden, or memorialize the person in some fitting way, such as running in a charity run or walk (a breast cancer race, for example) in honor of the lost loved one.


  • 菲律宾巴拉望海湾散步燃放烟火启动周围圣诞展览活动

    Fireworks light up the sky to launch the Christmas tree display along a bay walk in Palawan city, Philippines.


  • 添加操作这些操作流程已经存在节点添加个节点;例如可以一个process添加一个scope活动或者向一个flow添加一个while活动

    Addition actions: These actions add a node to an existing one in the process tree; for example, you can add a scope activity to a process, or a while activity to a flow.


  • 基本上只是一直在盯-边缘观察有没有活动的物体,”Marcy

    "Basically, what you watch for is - at the edge of the tree line, you watch for movement," Marcy says.


  • 导航展开ActiveConfigurationProfile可以看到活动概要文件中定义所有如图1所示。

    In the navigation tree, expand active Configuration profile, you can see all items defined in the active profile, as shown in Figure 1.


  • 这种大部分时间看起来是半死不活,有时仅仅是一个枝条表明活着”萨斯曼说:“停止所有不必要的生命活动。”

    "This looks half dead most of the time, perhaps with just one branch that appears to be alive," says Sussman. "it shuts down all its non-essential processes."


  • 如果活动链接失效了,就再执行一次生成协议(spanningtree protocol,STP),生成全新生成保证网络继续运行

    If one of the active connections fails, the spanning tree protocol (STP) is executed again to create a new spanning tree so the network keeps running.


  • 在寒冬这样季节里,可以听取“全美乖小孩活动提示来消除家里可能对圣诞造成伤害的因素。

    This season, keep your home safe from some common Christmas-tree hazards by heeding these important tips from the National Safe Kids Campaign


  • 巨大悬铃冠遮盖区域达1500平方米认为整个英国同类最大棵——除非“古搜寻活动有其他发现。

    Unless the ancient tree hunt proves otherwise, this is believed to be the largest tree of its kind in the country, its branches spreading out over an area of 1, 500 sq m


  • Process编辑器请参见2流程视图所有活动能够包含活动BPEL4WS元素节点的形式显示出来

    The Process editor (see Figure 2) is a tree view of the process being displayed with nodes for all activities and BPEL4WS elements that are capable of containing activities.


  • 联合国环境署倡议的“全球10亿活动中,中国人了26亿棵,也就是人均2棵,居全球首位。

    In the United Nations Development Programme's billion trees campaign, the Chinese people planted 2.6 billion trees, two per person and more than any other country in the world.


  • 活动的口号是“Size Matters”,广告中将怪兽哥斯拉款小巧笔记本放在一起形成对比。 凭借这场广告战役,Vaio美国市场份额曾在小宫山英2001年调回日本之前一度超过竞争对手苹果

    With Sony ads that contrasted Godzilla and the tiny laptop, Mr. Komiyama pulled the Vaio ahead of rival Apple laptops in U.S. market share for a time before he moved back to Japan in 2001.


  • 一切这个国家流行的是种把游客具上,沿著架在两平台上的缆线往下滑活动

    It all has to do with the country's popular canopy Tours, in which visitors strapped in a harness slide along a cable between treetop platforms.


  • 同时有些消费者也针对款产品发起了倡议活动要求公司使用辣椒、胭脂姜黄等天然原料

    The product has also been the subject of a consumer advocacy campaign which appealed to the company to use naturally derived ingredients like paprika, annato and tumeric.


  • 春天了,我们一直各种活动来庆祝。我们用花朵来装饰教室

    Spring is coming and we've been celebrating with a variety of activities. We decorated our classroom with trees, leaves, and flowers.


  • 第三活动致使海底管道失效的各个原因进行系统分析,建立以“第三方破坏严重为顶事件的故障

    The types of the third-party damage of offshore pipelines' failure were pointed out, the reasons were analyzed, and corresponding measures were presented.


  • 矮人发现自由活动时,就放在金子然后转过身来。

    As soon as the dwarf found himself free, he picked up a bag of gold which was lying beside the tree and turned towards the girls.


  • 矮人发现自由活动时,就放在金子然后转过身来。

    As soon as the dwarf found himself free, he picked up a bag of gold which was lying beside the tree and turned towards the girls.


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