• 企业创始人曾孙洛泰法贝尔,1839年接管企业后,发明六边形状铅笔

    Lothar von Faber, the great-grandson of the company's founder, took over in 1839 and invented the hexagonal pencil.


  • 达娜-法贝尔的BruceSpiegelman从事于这项研究一个电话采访中他说研究人员一直在寻找转化褐色脂肪细胞基因

    Dana-Farber's Bruce Spiegelman, who worked on the research, said in a telephone interview that researchers have been trying to find the genes that turn brown fat cells on.


  • 我们衰退已无可逆转。”桑德拉·法贝尔如是说道这位加州大学圣塔克鲁兹分校天体物理学教授不经意间说出了他们这些已经忍无可忍教员的心声。

    "We are in irreversible decline," says Sandra Faber 【 2 】, a professor of astrophysics at UC Santa Cruz who has inadvertently become a mouthpiece for a fed-up faculty.


  • 警方挫败了一个炸弹贝尔斯特机场企图

    Police have foiled an attempt to smuggle a bomb into Belfast airport.


  • 整个夏天贝尔斯特北部宗派局势紧张冲突不时爆发

    The violence has erupted sporadically throughout a summer of sectarian tension in north Belfast.


  • 贝尔斯特著名阿尔斯特博物馆安妮新教大教堂

    In Belfast, there are the notable Ulster Museum and the Protestant Cathedral of Saint Anne.


  • 贝尔巴布河地区,老人坐在咖啡馆角落里,着那些梳着灰发年轻人吹牛

    At Belcourt and Bab-el-Oued, old men seated in the depths of cafes, listening to the bragging of young men with plastered hair.


  • 华盛顿贝尔克托利亚大道上交通信号通常不会连续两次闪烁同时长的绿灯尤其是交通高峰期

    The traffic signals along Factoria Boulevard in Bellevue, Washington, generally don't flash the same length of green twice in a row, especially at rush hour.


  • 瓦尔豪提到贝尔斯特研究似乎表明整个事情作为一个社会网络调查

    Wardhaugh's reference to the Belfast research appears to suggest that the whole thing was undertaken as an investigation of social network.


  • 他们贝尔斯特在一起仍然不是常见的。

    It was still somewhat unusual for them to gather together in Belfast.


  • 大概受邀外甥女詹妮所在的一年级做一个简短讲座不要深奥的,注意,相当地简单比如生活一个陌生地方会是什么样子? 就贝尔斯特

    About a month ago I was invited to give a brief talk to my nephew Gianni’s first grade classnothing too deep, mind you, rather simply about what it’s like living in a foreign place such as Belfast.


  • 经常贝斯特贝尔斯特那段成长过程中意义重大,后来他还贝斯特葬礼上呈上悼词

    He has often spoken of what Best meant to him growing up in Belfast and would later give a eulogy at Best's funeral.


  • 本周贝尔斯特议会以绝对多数票通过,将警务伦敦移交北爱尔兰北爱和平进程了一道里程碑

    The Northern Ireland peace process passed another milestone this week when the Belfast Assembly voted by a large majority to approve the transfer of policing and justice powers from London.


  • 北爱尔兰议会就下放治安权力贝尔斯特进行投票

    The Northern Ireland Assembly voted for a plan to devolve policing and justice powers to Belfast.


  • 工作时间长,工资很低但是对于居住贝尔斯特天主教徒来说,这份工作来之不易。

    The hours were long, the pay poor; but work was hard to come by for Catholics in Belfast.


  • 后来一个贝尔斯特来的男人买走了那里建了房子——他们棕色的小房子不同,的房子是明亮的砖房还有闪亮屋顶

    Then a man from Belfast bought the field and built houses in it ----not like their little brown houses , but bright brick houses with shining roofs .


  • 本周政策公正责任伦敦到了贝尔斯特,这称作终结转移。

    This week responsibility for policing and justice was transferred from London to Belfast in what was hailed as the completion of devolution.


  • 酒量英国贝尔斯特男人大,所以贝尔斯特的人应防止酗酒伤害。

    The French also drink more wine than men in Belfast which is thought to have a greater protective effect.


  • 这些人的动机到底是什么呢?从贝尔斯特报纸爱尔兰新闻》对异见派发言人罕见次采访中可见一斑。

    As to what motivates them, a dissident spokesman provided a clue last month in a rare interview with a Belfast paper, the Irish News.


  • 贝尔斯特布朗不仅会见了当地领导人更出乎人意料的是让他们前往伦敦作进一步讨论试图创造出新的合作契机

    Mr Brown not only met local leaders in Belfast but, unexpectedly, had them flown to London for further talks, in an attempt to create fresh momentum.


  • 他们可以以下目的地进行一次虚拟徒步观光旅行伦敦加的夫贝尔斯特爱丁堡以及南安普敦阿伯丁布里斯托尔诺里奇

    They will be able to take a virtual walking tour of destinations such as London, Cardiff, Belfast and Edinburgh, and from Southampton to Aberdeen, Bristol to Norwich.


  • 贝尔斯特大学认知文化研究所所长杰西·白令说:“心情推测一种4岁的都会的能力。”

    "A theory of mind is something that even 4-year-olds have," says Jesse Bering, who directs the Institute of Cognition and Culture at Belfast University.


  • 根据杰夫格林贝尔财团执行总裁,一个开发商,的说,公园220英尺,占地68英亩

    The hill will be 220 feet tall, covering 68 acres, according to Jeff Green, the chief executive of Bearfire Group, a developer.


  • 当前会谈教训在于贝尔斯特看起来注定要结束反复发生危机

    The lesson of the recent talks is that Belfast seems fated to throw up recurring crises.


  • 罗宾森先生五月失去了威斯敏斯特席位原因是贝尔斯特东部选民惩罚公共开支巨大,以及颇有争议地方土地交易

    Mr Robinson lost his Westminster seat in May when the voters of East Belfast punished him for his hefty Commons expenses and controversial local land deals.


  • 这些反对派们除了贝尔斯特弄得战场一样(至少电视上看起来像)之外,他们还在政客警方之间挑起不和。

    In addition to making Belfast look like a war zone, at least on television, the dissidents drove a wedge between politicians and police.


  • 案子正在上诉,而贝尔确实,但在考虑是否赦免他那段时间,他也反常例地被关在里。

    Tucker's case was on appeal and Hubbell had actually broken the law and had not been out of jail for the usual period before being considered for a pardon.


  • 发现你自己泰坦尼克号厨师陪伴下只是贝尔斯特必须提供的惊喜之一。

    Finding yourself in the company of a chef from the R.M.S. Titanic is just one of the surprises that Belfast has to offer.


  • 据根据皇后大学心理学贝尔斯特介绍,养的人要比不更长寿更健康

    Dog owners enjoy a longer and healthier life than the rest of the population, according to psychologists at Queen's University, Belfast.


  • 据根据皇后大学心理学贝尔斯特介绍,养的人要比不更长寿更健康

    Dog owners enjoy a longer and healthier life than the rest of the population, according to psychologists at Queen's University, Belfast.


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