• 在汉阳IT产业污染产业飞速发展

    And in Hanyang, IT industry and antipollution industry are developing at a fancy speed.


  • 摘要造纸国民经济基础支柱产业之一,同时又是污染产业

    Abstract: Paper is the foundation of the national economy and pillar industries, and with high pollution industry.


  • 本文的实证分析表明环境标准污染产业转移之间并不存在必然联系

    The empirical study of this paper shows that there is no certain relationship between environmental standards and polluted industries transfer.


  • 各国由于环境规制不同导致污染产业迁移问题也是南北国家关注焦点。

    The migration of the polluted industry brought by different environmental regulation is the focus for both developed and developing countries.


  • 然而推进产业转移进程中污染产业转移承接之间利害关系问题颇受关注

    Nevertheless, in promoting industrial transfer process, the transfer of polluting industries and the undertaking to the relationship between the flurry of interest.


  • 他们需要开始考虑如何全球角度解决气候变暖问题,抵制那种只顾保护他们自己国家污染产业的做法。

    They must start thinking in global terms how to tackle global warming, and resist falling back on protecting their own, national polluting industries.


  • 在宏观方面影响可能微乎其微特别是因为减少退税也有利于其他污染产业高含电池以及其它类型的电池产品

    Its macro-level impact is likely to be minimalespecially as it was accompanied by a reduction in the rebates available for other, polluting products like high-grade zinc and some types of battery.


  • 谈到环境污染问题化工产业祸害

    When it comes to pollution, the chemical industry is a major offender.


  • 2004年污染严重的工厂被关闭,村民开始种植葡萄,这很快成为沙石峪村的主要产业

    The polluting factories were shut down in 2004, and villagers started grape cultivation, which soon became a main industry in Shashiyu.


  • 正确解决方式应该防止污染改变经济增长方式,如减少资源集中性产业非通过直接控制人口实现增长。

    The right response to that, though, would be to curb pollution and try to alter the pattern of growth to make it less resource-intensive, rather than to control population directly.


  • 当然应对世界环境问题上,即使在一些污染严重重工业产业中,就业率也绝对不会降低。

    Oh, and leading the world in the fight against climate change need not cost jobs, even in the most heavily polluting branches of heavy industry.


  • 并且做为大连旅游产业上一颗明珠英里(合数公里)沙滩,受到了石油严重的污染

    And many miles (kilometers) of beaches, the jewel of Dalian's tourist industry, remain heavily oiled.


  • 石油生产附属产业”作为一个全球有毒热点来源没有出现列表中,但研究人员在报告中指出:“如果具体数据的话,石油化学工学将10大污染问题中的第一名。”

    There is one major source of toxic hot spots worldwide that does not appear on this list: oil production and its ancillary industries.


  • 智利国内一些挪威公司也开始在这些破坏的峡湾里养殖鲑鱼,更糟糕是,跟其它密集型动物农业一样,鲑鱼产业产生大量的废弃物,使水质恶化、缺氧,造成一种致命鲑鱼病毒的广泛传播,这些鲑鱼养殖公司的做法不过是简单再向南,直到干净无污染水域再开始养殖,因为他们已经取得整个南部峡湾的所有水体的新租赁权

    The solution of the salmon-farming companies has simply been to move south into clean waters. Already the companies have taken out new leases on stretches of water throughout the southern fjords.


  • 许多产业都会承受强制管制措施一样,奥巴马是否使用污染进行分类的方法来处理这件棘手的事?

    Will he be willing to use the classification of carbon as a pollutant as a regulatory bludgeon on this issue hard... and necessary... as that may be on many industries?


  • 可以将环境服务付款作为进一步鼓励采用改良农业规范甚至可以抵消其他产业造成污染-的一个办法

    Payments for environmental services represent one way of increasing incentives to adopt improved agricultural practices-and even to offset pollution generated in other sectors.


  • 北京一再表示希望钢铁、煤炭重金属产业进行整合淘汰污染严重、耗能最多的小型生产商

    Beijing has repeatedly said it wants industries from steel to coal to heavy metals to consolidate, eliminating smaller producers which create the most pollution and use the most energy.


  • 由于小城镇自身规模偏产业结构不合理等诸多原因,造成大气噪声污染依然存在

    Due to the small scale of small towns and unreasonable industrial structure, there are pollutions of water, gas and noise.


  • 为了精确地估算产业部门不同类别与特征大气污染指定区域污染强度采用暴露效率概念及其研究方法

    The concept and method of exposure efficiency are used to precisely estimate the pollution intensity at a specific region resulted by various air pollution sources of industrial sectors.


  • 过去2年中分析账户已经形成,它42个产业造成的环境污染治理费用环境退化的实质定量而组成。

    In the last two years, an accounting analysis has been made of physical quantification of environmental pollution, imputed treatment cost and the environmental degradation cost for 42 industries.


  • 电子软件产业嵌入式软件,光电节能,只能系统等高附加值污染产品的研发生产为主。

    Electronic software Industry: focusing on developing embedded software, photoelectric energy-saving, intelligent system, featured by high added value and without pollution.


  • 制造国外新兴的产业领域,是具有重大实用价值优质高效污染绿色技术因此其为绿色再制造。

    Remanufacture is a new and expanding industrial field abroad and is a green technology with high quality, high efficiency and less pollution, so it is called green remanufacture.


  • 制造国外新兴的产业领域,是具有重大实用价值优质高效污染绿色技术因此其为绿色再制造。

    Remanufacture is a new and expanding industrial field abroad and is a green technology with high quality, high efficiency and less pollution, so it is called green remanufacture.


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