• 这里浅浅的,当过多,会溢出河道之中。

    From there, the water flows into a shallow play pond, itself spilling over into a wadi when there is too much water.


  • 2006年3月17日—过多都会世界上最贫困国家带来灾害

    March 17, 2006—Too much or too little water can spell disaster in the world’s poorest nations.


  • 研究者称,冬季华中该类生物数量增多,这种不同寻常现象也许标志阿拉伯体正日益富营养化——中的营养物质过多氧含量减少。

    According to the researchers, the unusual abundance of this organism in winter blooms may be a sign that the waters of the Arabian sea are becoming more eutrophic-overly fertile and oxygen-depleted.


  • 前两句话说花都需要过多不但无益反倒有害。

    Trees need water to grow up, and flowers need water to bloom. But too much water can no longer be helpful-it can only hinder their growth and even kill them.


  • 过多被收集起来用于以后种植灌溉

    Excessive water is then collected for irrigation of the plantings later on.


  • 虽然身体健康运作不可或缺的因子,但过多的量,尤其是时间内大量补充实则有害健康,甚至还会致命

    While hydration is absolutely essential to a healthily functioning body, too much water, especially over a short period of time can be dangerous and even fatal.


  • 如果行星恒星那里得到过多热量,行星上的任何都会蒸汽一样蒸发。如果得到的热量太少冻成固体

    Too much heat from its star, and any water would boil away as steam. Too little, and the water would freeze solid.


  • 所以土星也许曾经过多个卫星-其中一个可能是由外壳包裹着岩石核心构成。 。

    So Saturn might once have had more—one of which could have had a rocky core surroundedby a shell of water ice.


  • 所以土星也许曾经过多个卫星-其中可能外壳包裹岩石核心构成。

    So Saturn might once have had more-one of which could have had a rocky core surrounded by a shell of water ice.


  • 我们通过原子吸收设备进行验证,金属有机时,通过多次萃取,将其积聚在另外相溶液中。

    We do this verification through an atomic absorption equipment. When the metal is in organic phase we DE - extract and accumulates in another aqueous phase solution.


  • 博物馆力图角度理论观点,空间层次雾气扩展等几个主题,来探索中国古代绘画深层次变化的空间奥秘。

    The museum explores the shifting viewpoints, layers of space, and expanses of mist and water, which characterize the deep alternating spatial mysteries of early Chinese painting.


  • 但是燃料电池产生了过多。盛容器装满得太快

    But the fuel cells were producing too much water. Containers that held the water were filling up too fast.


  • 过多进入肺部就会导致

    People drown when too much water gets into their lungs.


  • 西部诸州很多消灭许多专家认为这种树会抢占过多破坏本地物种的栖息地

    Western states have spent a fortune trying to eradicate the tamarisk tree, which many experts believe hogs more than its share of water and damages the habitat of native species.


  • 土壤过滤消除放射性物质

    Water and soil would have to be filtered many times to remove any radioactive matter.


  • 过多休内形成留。

    If the moisture content will absorb the human to be excessively many will form Shui Yiliu in resting.


  • 不可能太多,因为一旦过多多余底部流出来。

    It is really impossible to overwater a bale of straw, because there is too much water in it, the excess water just runs out the bottom.


  • 方法早期充分透析合理饮食严格控制透析问期摄入次透析避免过多过快超滤

    Methods of early adequate dialysis, reasonable diet, strict control over inter-dialysis period of salt and water intake, too much too quickly to avoid a single dialysis ultrafiltration.


  • 所有这些我们印象中国过多

    All these give us an impression that Chinese drink too much water.


  • 如果行星恒星那里得到过多热量,行星上的任何都会蒸汽一样蒸发

    Too much heat from its star, and any water would boil away as steam.


  • 提高健身鱼鱼们,避免过多足够

    Toincrease your fitness level, Pisces, avoid excess salt—and, oddlyenough, drink plenty of water.


  • 知道加州是个人口过多的地方,即便是那儿,你仍然能够发现旷野清新起和干净

    You know California is over-populated state, but, even in that state, you can find real wilderness, clean air, clean water.


  • 目的:探讨长期血液透析负荷过多患者如何合理选择曲线超滤曲线。

    Objective:How to reasonably select sodium curve and ultrafiltration curve as to the patients with overhydration in the interhemodialysis.


  • 通过以模仿工艺实验,初步证实了造成坯釉爆裂直接原因由于表层残留过多,进窑后遇到的窑道预热温度,分汽化速度过快

    The reason of bursting phenomena is that residual water in body skins after application of glaze is far too enough and the evoporization speed is far too fast in high initial heating.


  • 肉类食物食用过多使体质呈酸性内热适当摄入蔬菜有利于生津止渴、除烦解暑、清热泻排毒通便

    Food consumption of too much meat, acidic constitution will make people more heat, the appropriate intake of vegetables help cool thirst, arrests restless Jieshu, heat drip, detoxification laxative.


  • 但是所有理论中,人们应该弄清的是循环曾经流向哪里现在哪里。

    But for all of those theories, one needs to understand the water cycle: how much water there was, where it went to, and where it's at now.


  • 措施布设的重点区域,须通因素比较才能确定

    Key areas arranged with soil conservation measures are depended on multi-factors comparison.


  • 紧记不要吸入过多以免渗入马达造成不必要的损失

    Remember not to absorb too much water to prevent water from entering into the absorption motor and causing unnecessary loss.


  • 仅仅依靠重力,穿过滤材料,就生产清洁、健康、甘甜新鲜

    Just pour tap water in the top and let it flow down through several layers of filtration to produce clean, fresh water like it's fresh from a spring!


  • 仅仅依靠重力,穿过滤材料,就生产清洁、健康、甘甜新鲜

    Just pour tap water in the top and let it flow down through several layers of filtration to produce clean, fresh water like it's fresh from a spring!


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