• PeterRabbit水果制品包含水果浓缩质

    Peter Rabbit's fruit pouches don't contain fruit concentrate or water.


  • 2003年开始水果水果制品包括水果包括水果制品

    The fruit and fruit products only included the fruit, did not include the fruit products since 2003.


  • 水果制品柠檬黄造成儿童失眠症,并且许多肠道菌群失调的病例

    It has been recently suggested that tartrazine in fruit products can cause insomnia in children. There has been some cases of gastrointestinal flora problems.


  • 你瞧五月份装运罐头水果制品运达目的地时,受挤压凹陷了,用户拒绝付款

    Well, the May consignment of canned fruits arrived at the destination rather dented and our users refused to pay for it.


  • 食物指南金字塔一个图表强调健康饮食基础谷物蔬菜水果然后是应不断减少制品

    The Food Guide Pyramid was a graphic which emphasizes that a healthy diet is built on a base of grains, vegetables and fruits, followed by ever-decreasing amounts of dairy.


  • 它们芒果草莓其它不常见水果制品

    They are purees of mangos, strawberries and other exotic fruits.


  • 意味着新鲜水果干果全麦低脂肪制品这些类型食品基斯,“我们知道孩子没有得到足够的健康食品。”

    That means foods like fresh fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, whole grains and low-fat dairy — the types of foods, Keast said, "that we know kids are not getting enough of."


  • 维生素(例如水果蔬菜中的发现)和矿物质(存在制品)。

    Vitamins (as found in fruits and vegetables, for instance) and minerals like calcium (found in dairy products).


  • 根据他们研究,被浪费掉的最多食品脂肪制品谷物鸡蛋水果以及蔬菜

    According to the study, the most wasted foods were fats and oils, dairy products, grains, eggs, fruits and vegetables.


  • 完全减肥食谱,包括任何形式小麦带有麸皮的谷物酵母果汁制品块根类蔬菜还有大多数水果建议一试。

    It is a diet completely devoid of sugar, wheat in any form, any grains with gluten, yeast, juice, dairy, root vegetables, and most fruit, and he recommends you try it.


  • 答案:C。水果蔬菜绿叶蔬菜,豆类制品中都能找到帮助降低由于摄入过量升高血压

    Answer: C. Potassium, a mineral found in fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, legumes, and dairy products, helps reduce the rise in blood pressure caused by high-sodium foods.


  • 放松”——多吃全麦谷物豆类坚果类禽肉、肉、其他制品以及新鲜水果蔬菜。

    Chill Out - try whole grain cereals, legumes, nuts, poultry, fish, meat eggs, milk and other dairy products, fresh fruits and fresh vegetables.


  • 意味着鸡蛋肉类全脂制品(包括牛奶奶酪冰激凌)含有胆固醇——蔬菜水果谷物没有

    This means that eggs, meats, and whole-fat dairy products (including milk, cheese, and ice cream) are loaded with cholesterol - and vegetables, fruits, and grains contain none.


  • 预计,将会有很多制品果汁谷物水果坚果进行混搭,百事公司涉足所有这些类别的产品。

    She said she expects to see dairy products mixed with juice, grains, fruits and nuts, all of which PepsiCo markets.


  • 赫尔康比说减肥最好不要吃水果。她还补充道:“像肉类鱼类蛋类以及制品这些动物性食物中中所含维生素矿物质已经大大超过了水果中的含量。”

    Fruit is best avoided by those trying to lose weight, says Harcombe, who adds: 'Vitamins and minerals in animal foods - meat, fish, eggs and dairy products - beat those in fruit hands down.


  • 过去三个星期中,已经学习了蔬菜水果全麦谷物制品怎样填满盘子使你既摄取相当量的优质营养素而又不会含有太多热量的。

    In the past three weeks, you have learned how vegetables, fruit, whole grains, and low-fat dairy can help you fill your plate with quality nutrients that don't pack a lot of calories.


  • 谷物蔬菜水果海鲜肉类制品坚果等等都合理地摄入

    Grain, vegetables, fruits, seafood, meat, dairy product, nut and oil should be taken in at a reasonable proportion.


  • 他又说:“美国摄取加工食品越来越多,例如碳酸饮料烘烤食品、罐装水果果酱制品,而这些食品都含有果糖。”

    "Americans are eating more and more processed foods such as carbonated drinks, baked goods, canned fruits, jams and dairy products that contain fructose," Werman said.


  • 放手用的食水果蔬菜未经处理的肉类;未上浆的鱼肉任何明确制品的东西;豆浆浆。

    Ingredients to embrace: Fruit and veg; unprocessed meat; unbattered fish; anything that definitely doesn't contain dairy products; soya milk; coconut milk.


  • 但是我们总还是时间一下孩子们的餐盘只要上面有一半满满的水果蔬菜精益蛋白质全麦食品制品占一小半,我们的任务就完成了。

    But we do have time to take a look at our kids' plates. As long as they're half full of fruits and vegetables, and paired with lean proteins, whole grains and low-fat dairy, we're golden.


  • 制品水果调查中也发现了类似比例

    Similar figures were found for dairy products and fruit.


  • 除此之外,广告食品中,水果蔬菜制品每日分量却远远不足推荐量一半

    In addition, the TV-marketed diet provided less than half the recommended daily servings of fruit, vegetables and dairy.


  • 每个列表中的食物列项(如淀粉类、水果类、制品蔬菜类肉类脂肪反映数据库中的每种组群食品的主要营养素和量值。

    The serving sizes of the foods in each list (starches, fruits, milks, vegetables, meats and fats) reflect the mean macronutrient and energy values for each of the groups in this database.


  • 健康饮食包括蔬菜水果谷物低脂制品蛋白坚果甚至包括偶尔甜食

    A healthy diet includes vegetables and fruits, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, lean protein sources, and nuts and seeds - and even an occasional sweet indulgence.


  • 正如素食主义者一样,“半素食主义者”的饮食主要谷类蔬菜水果植物性食物组成,他们会偶尔瘦肉家禽制品摄取蛋白质

    Like vegetarians, "flexitarians" eat a primarily plant-based diet composed of grains, vegetables, and fruits, but they occasionally obtain protein from lean meat, fish, poultry, or dairy.


  • 列出一周菜单包括健康点心水果点心低脂制品

    Make a menu for the week that includes snack foods that are healthy, such as fruit, whole grain snacks and low-fat dairy products.


  • 列出一周菜单包括健康点心水果点心低脂制品

    Make a menu for the week that includes snack foods that are healthy, such as fruit, whole grain snacks and low-fat dairy products.


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