• 细润的面团。

    She mixed the flour and water to a smooth paste.


  • 影响力想象

    Think of your influence like water.


  • 湿地想象块巨大海绵地球吸收大量不断涌向地表增加了地表以下量的这些

    Think of wetlands as a giant sponge: the earth soaks up a lot of this water that's continually flooding the surface, which increases the amount of water below.


  • 包在烤制的时候,碳化合物会分解黑碳和

    When bread is baked (烘焙), the carbohydrates break down into black carbon and water.


  • 用煤作烧料推动蒸汽机一样装置管内的高温液体加热蒸汽,从而推动蒸汽机运转。

    This liquid is then used to heat water and cause it to turn into steam, which is used in a steam turbine, just like coal and oil plants.


  • 体温聚合物之间的化学键变弱,聚合物分子彼此易于键。

    At body temperature, the polymer-water bonds weaken, and the polymer molecules prefer to bond with each other.


  • 求偶蟒团一个

    A mating ball of anacondas.


  • ,放入鸡蛋,中筋粉,10玉米淀粉以及后搅拌无粉粒的顺面糊

    In a bowl combine the egg, AP-flour, 10 grams cornstarch and water to form a smooth batter.


  • 内亚凝视着那个碗,琢磨着怎么样使碗的边缘叶状,看起来莲花花瓣;制碗工匠如何把碗底部周边的方格图案描绘出来

    Chenayya stared at the water bowl; he noticed how its sides were lobed to make them look like lotus petals, and how the artisan had even traced the pattern of a trellis around the bottom of the bowl.


  • 冬天很难到达该地,夏天,当道路上没有什么车辆时,徒步旅行者会在到来后在地的快速浸泡,以缓和他们肌肉的酸痛。这些地表最后汇聚细流小溪

    It's inaccessible in winter, but by summer the road is clear and hikers arrive to soothe their muscles with a quick dip in the geothermal waters that feed into local Brooks.


  • 如果我们有一些液态过氧化氢,分解氧气

    If we take hydrogen peroxide in the liquid state, it can break down to form water and oxygen.


  • 为了降低能量这些表面活性剂通过吸附液分界面上从而把它们尾巴保护起来不碰到如果在溶液里的话,则凝聚束。

    To minimize energy, the surfactants shield their tails from water by adsorbing at the air-water interfaces or, when in solution, aggregating into micelles.


  • 白色硫磺反光将纳米比亚沿岸的绿色

    The white sulfur reflects light, tinting the water bright green along the Namibian coast.


  • 泳池的特殊设计看起来如同延伸视野边际,但实际上,泳池边缘被设计平面之下的几厘米处,溢出的会流到下方的一个集池中,再被泵回泳池内。

    Infinity pools are designed to make it seem as though the water extends to the horizon. In reality, the edge of the pool is usually about an inch below the water level.


  • 要在一个大平锅里放在炉子上加热.要是太少,脂肪分解动物脂后就会黑.

    Me, I'm supposed to put a big pan on the stove and fill it most of the way with water. Too little water, and the fat will darken as it separates into tallow.


  • 这些景观经过几百万尤其是侵蚀而成的

    They make the landscapes look very scenic. The landscape has been shapes by millions of years of erosion, especially by water.


  • 用1/4奶粉足够的

    Make a mask by mixing 1/4 cup powdered milk with enough water to form a thick paste.


  • 38000涌进船头船尾也确实升高了与海面11高度,超出了承载能力然后一分为二

    When 38, 000 tons of water filled its bow, pushing the stern up even 11 degrees out of the water, the ship was loaded beyond its capacity and cracked in two.


  • 那种基因决定了一种特殊的,这种酶能将二氧化碳(不要忘了)分解重碳酸盐和质子团。

    That gene encodes an enzyme that breaks down CO2—and water…don’t forget the water—into bicarbonate and protons.


  • 很多认为要是感觉不渴啥事儿,可是事实上盎司一杯我们每天喝八

    Most of us think we don't need to drink water if we don't feel thirsty but in fact we should take around 8 glasses of water of 8 oz per day.


  • 或者可以榨汁机柠檬玫瑰,这可以让的调理味道更好闻。

    You can also extract lemon juice with a citrus reamer, remove the seeds and then add 2 tablespoons of rosewater. Mix the lemon juice and rosewater together and your tonic will be more fragrant.


  • 冷凝器一系列管道组蒸汽碰到他们会受冷凝聚

    The condenser is a series of pipes, and when steam hits them, it turns to water.


  • 本文从碳表面活性剂泡沫灭火剂关系出发分析我国水成膜泡沫灭火剂未能大量推广使用主要原因

    The reason of aqueous film forming foam (AFFF) having not been used widely in China was discussed, based on the relationship between AFFF and fluorocarbon surfactants.


  • 面粉成的面团擀好面包

    She rolled out the flour and water mixture to make bread.


  • 压力可以比喻电势,或者说可以与电势相提并论?。

    The pressure in water in the pipe may be compared to the electric potential.


  • 巧克力掰碎块放进里;连碗放入平底锅,用半开熔化。然后取出冷却5分钟。

    Break the chocolate into squares and melt in a bowl over a pan of barely simmering water. remove from the heat and leave to cool for5minutes.


  • 文字的疏情暖无语缄默画。

    Stand in the text window open, warm cloud water, Speechless choke, a silent.


  • 这种非常的神奇灭火碰到其他东西瞬间分解空气不会损伤房子里任何物品

    This water is very magical, it will only fire extinguishing and meet any other things can be decomposed into the air for an instant, will not damage any of the items in the house.


  • 苍穹浅红至于翠,几十一层层一片片漾开来。

    From the sky, down to the water, before the ship white pale red for the deep emerald green, magic into dozens of color, layers to overflow.


  • 苍穹浅红至于翠,几十一层层一片片漾开来。

    From the sky, down to the water, before the ship white pale red for the deep emerald green, magic into dozens of color, layers to overflow.


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