• 单孔水下基础跨度雄居世界同类桥梁首位。

    Hole Crossing the River, no water based, similar Bridges span ranks first in the world.


  • 想想有关港口桥梁管道还有其他一些重要水下基础设施需要水下机器人”,

    "And that makes sense when you think of all the water that's there and you've got ports, Bridges, pipelines and other critical infrastructure underwater," she said.


  • 设备作为打桩地质勘探船、爆破挤淤装药船、钻孔船等使用适用多种水下基础施工工程

    The equipment is suitable for various underwater projects and can also be used as pile-driving ship, geology survey ship, charge ship for mud extrusion by explosion, drilling ship, and etc.


  • 一过程大大简化了传统水下基础施工程序一般可提高安装速度20节省工程费用30%以上。

    This process simplifies greatly the traditional submarine foundation construction procedures, increases generally the installation rate 20 times, and cuts down the engineering cost by more than 30%.


  • 桥梁水下基础施工防水方法较多,当施工钻孔扩大基础时,可以不用钢板桩围堰,代之轻便得

    During constructing the bored plies or enlarging the foundations, the lighter and more convenient steel jacket box may be used instead of using the steel sheet pile as the cofferdam.


  • 声学相似性水下结构噪声模型试验基础

    Acoustic similarity is the base of scaled model tests of underwater structure noise.


  • 合适的水声传播模型水下信道传递函数预报基础

    The proper sound propagation model is the basis of transfer function prediction of underwater acoustical channel.


  • 识别结果水下结构安全可靠性评估提供基础数据

    The results of flaws recognition can provide the basic data for safety evaluation of underwater structure.


  • 本文研究方法研究结果提高水下通信探测成像系统性能提供理论基础实验验证。

    The methods and results in the article provide the basic theory and experiment validation for improving performance of communication, detection and imaging under sea water.


  • 非线性动力学理论中的空间重构理论为基础利用延时水下噪声时间序列信号进行了相空间重构。

    Time delay method was used to reconstruct the phase space of underwater noise time series based on nonlinear dynamics theory.


  • 在以上研究工作基础开发了一水下地形测量软件

    Based on the study above, a set of underwater topographic survey software was developed.


  • 本文分析水下场和藻类光合作用光谱响应基础阐述海洋初级生产力遥感中的生物-地理动力学问题

    This peper expounds the dynamic problem of biogeography in remote sensing of oceanic primary productivity based on the analysis of submarine light spectral response of algae photosynthesis.


  • 基础分析了不同材料圆柱不同参数复合材料圆柱壳水下爆炸载荷作用下的抗冲击性。

    And dynamic response of different material and different parameter composite cylinder shell to underwater explosion load is analyzed.


  • 水下气泡运动受力分析任意时间剖面气泡运动特性研究基础上,建立了水下气泡群运动数学模型

    Based on the force analysis of single bubble movement and movement characteristic research of many bubbles in random time section, the mathematics modeling of many bubbles movement was built up.


  • 提出超声成像系统构成以及其中应用的关键技术指标,水下超声成像的研究奠定了理论基础

    Also, the system composing of phased array ultrasonic imaging and its key technique are given, which set base for underwater ultrasonic imaging in theory.


  • 在对裂缝特征进行定量分析之后,应用计算机视觉技术计算出裂纹的真实长度面积相关计算结果水下结构物的安全评估提供基础数据

    The real length and area of the crack are calculated by using computer vision technology. The relative calculating results provide the basic data for safety evaluation of underwater structure.


  • 此外得到了尾流自由表面红外图像水下航行体探测提供了一定理论基础

    In addition, the infrared images of thermal wake buoyant process and surface are obtained. This study provides a certain theoretical basis for the detection of underwater vehicles.


  • 通过复合纤维爆炸水下爆炸冲击波特性研究下一步推广应用奠定基础

    The research on the characteristics of the underwater explosion shockwave of aluminum composite fiber detonating cord will lay a sound foundation for its future promotion and application.


  • 计算河流海岸港区水域分析预测水下地表变化基础

    The analysis and forecast of riverbed change is based on the riverbed deposition calculation on the water area of river, seashore, port and so on.


  • 采用左右区间积分进行焊缝偏差识别取得较高识别精度水下焊接焊缝跟踪奠定了基础

    Finally, left-right integral method was adopted to identify the welding torch offset. Obtained quite high recognition accuracy, builted a foundation for underwater welding seam tracking.


  • 随着水下声场进一步深入,出现了以声场分析为基础匹配被动定位技术。

    As the further research on the underwater acoustic field, the matched field passive source location is proposed.


  • 分析水下环境压力水下液压系统产生影响基础说明水下设备液压系统进行压力补偿必要性

    Based on the analysis of influence of underwater ambient pressure upon underwater hydraulic systems, the necessity of pressure compensation for underwater equipments' hydraulic systems is stated.


  • 隧道工法水下隧道建设的主要工法之一,其关键工序包括管节预制、浮运、沉放对接基础处理等。

    The technical development in tube element prefabrication, tube element waterproofing, docks and foundation treatment are discussed in this paper.


  • 实验表明,分析方法可行水下轻武器工程化设计奠定坚实理论基础技术支撑。

    It was proved that the method was feasible by experiments. It provided a steady base in theory and technology for engineering design of underwater small arms.


  • 设计基于嵌入式技术水下航行器控制平台基础上的快速控制原型化系统开发本篇论文的主题。

    The thesis builds a UV control system platform based on embedded technology and develops the rapid control prototype.


  • 水下目标散射特性研究主动声纳赖以工作基础也是主动探测产生思想、新原理、新方法基础

    The study on the characteristics of scattering from an underwater target is only the base that the active sonar works on but also the source which new ideas, new theories and new methods come from.


  • 根据智能水下机器人(AUV水下通讯相对困难特点,改进势力障的基础上,实现了机器人的避碰控制。

    Since the difficulties of underwater communication among AUVs, collision avoidance of single AUV is designed based on improved potential field .


  • 提取了水下目标信号的双特征基础上,利用BP神经网络水下目标信号的双谱特征进行分类,得到了较高识别率

    Classifying five target signals underwater base on the bispectrum features through BP neural networks, the targets are identified properly with high efficiently.


  • 提取了水下目标信号的双特征基础上,利用BP神经网络水下目标信号的双谱特征进行分类,得到了较高识别率

    Classifying five target signals underwater base on the bispectrum features through BP neural networks, the targets are identified properly with high efficiently.


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