• 我们讨论个反应气态原子加上气态的原子

    We talked about this reaction here, where we had chloride ion in the gas phase plus sodium ion in the gas phase.


  • 下一步原子转化离子

    And now I have to convert atomic chlorine into ionic chlorine.


  • 所有原子找到了配对的伙伴

    All the chlorine atoms have already found partners.


  • 烃中一个多个原子原子取代

    Chlorinated hydrocarbon a hydrocarbon in which one or more hydrogen atoms are replaced by chlorine atoms.


  • 这些氯原子可以促进沿海地区烟雾形成

    Those atoms can contribute to smog formation in coastal areas.


  • 原子可以减少大气中气体以及温室气体甲烷寿命

    Chlorine atoms can reduce the lifetime of atmospheric mercury gas, as well as greenhouse gases such as methane.


  • 随着取代原子数的增加同族体的含量逐渐降低

    With the chlorine increased from 4 to 7, PCBs homologue concentrations decreased in all the four samples.


  • 现在不会对称,因为原子两个氯原子

    Now, it's not going to be symmetric is it, because there's two fluorines and two chlorines.


  • 科学家估计一个原子破坏10万个左右的臭氧分子

    Scientists estimate that one chlorine atom can destroy as many as 100,000 ozone molecules.


  • 我们讨论个反应,我们有气原子,与相的原子接触。

    We talked about this reaction here where we had chloride ion in the gas phase plus sodium ion in the gas phase.


  • 那么如果我们放出了能量认为离子原子稳定还是不稳定呢?

    So, if we have energy that's released, would you say that the chlorine ion is more or less stable than the chlorine atom?


  • 然后,原子可以自由臭氧分子反应结合原子形成一氧化

    The chlorine atom is then free to react with an ozone molecule, taking one of the oxygen atoms to form chlorine monoxide.


  • 我们气态开始,得到气态的钠离子,从气态的原子,通过电子转移得到离子。

    We started with gaseous sodium to make gaseous sodium ion and gaseous atomic chlorine to make gaseous chloride ion through electron transfer.


  • 母体染料中位氯原子氨基试剂取代衍生合成了个中位仲七甲川菁染料。

    Five derivative dyes from the parent dyes were obtained by similar nucleophilic substitution reaction in which five primary amines were employed as the nucleophilic reagent.


  • HF稳定性导致原子臭氧损耗可能。氟原子大约原子三个数量级。

    The stability of HF results in an ozone-depleting potential of the fluorine radical that is approximately three orders of magnitude less than that of the chlorine radical.


  • 例如有机稳定剂可以羧甲基纤维素分子的不稳定原子配位结合,有机锡和不稳定的原子发生置换反应。

    For example, the stabilizer of organotin compounds can be combined with the unstable chlorine atom of the carboxymethyl cellulose molecule, and the organotin and unstable chlorine atoms are replaced.


  • 样品溶解二甲基亚砜中,以正离子方式记录谱图,结果发现产生一个失去原子分子离子峰外,没有任何碎片峰。

    The samples were dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and the data were recorded by positive ion mode. No any other fragment was found except for little molecular ion which loses a chlorine atom.


  • 打破这个化学键原子一个自由氯原子下来大气层上方臭氧反应就是臭氧,大气上层有臭氧。

    When it breaks this bond, that chlorine atom, a free chlorine atom comes down and reacts, this is ozone, with the ozone in the upper atmosphere.


  • 那么大家来告诉原子应该多少形式电荷

    So why don't you tell me what the formal charge should be on the sulfur atom of thionyl chloride?


  • 目前项常规的方法被用于制造微粒多数都会涉及液态下使用到溶解称金盐)添加化学品沉降原子

    There are several ways to produce gold particles, but most involve dissolving chloroauric acid, also called gold salts, in liquid and adding chemicals to precipitate gold atoms.


  • 一般说来,引发剂卤化物组份活性,是随同一原子上的原子数目增多而增长

    In general, the activity of the halide component of the initiator increases with the number of chlorine or bromine atoms joined to a single carbon atom.


  • 着重研究5 -甲吲哚、5 -甲基吲哚5 -吲哚的稳定几何构型分子中各原子上的电荷分布

    We mainly study stable molecular geometries and atomic charge distributing of 5-methoxy indole 5-methyl indole and 5-chlorin indole.


  • 药效包括氢键受体,一个氢键给体,一个水区一个带有原子的苯环。

    The pharmacophore included a hydrogen bond receptor, a hydrogen bond donor, a hydrophobic area and a phenyl ring with a chlorine or a bromine atom.


  • 酰异氰酸酯可用于合成硫等原子四至杂环化合物

    Chlorosulfonyl isocyanate as an important intermediate was applied toward the syntheses of four to seven member heterocyclic compounds containing oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur atoms.


  • 通过由对甲基苯甲酸引发的苯乙烯原子转移自由基聚合ATRP)合成了分子量可控、分子量分布窄新型功能聚合物

    A novel type of functional polymer with designed structure, controlled molecular weight and low polydispersities can be prepared via ATRP (Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization).


  • 采用加入过量硝酸银溶液原子吸收分光光度法测量剩余离子间接测量含量

    By the addition of an excess of silver nitrate solution and the determination of surplus silver ions with AAS, the chlorine content is thus determined indirectly.


  • 原子含有3个普通蛋白质一个碳原子含有一个氮,氰胺的氮含量蛋白质还

    However, because of a carbon atom at 3 with nitrogen, and the common protein in only a carbon atom with a nitrogen, nitrogen triclosan Cyanamid higher protein content than that.


  • 看到如果原子质量加上原子质量,除以得到数将与,原子质量接近

    He saw that if you take the atomic mass of chlorine, 2 add it to the atomic mass of iodine, divide by two, you get something that is really close to the atomic mass of bromine.


  • 看到如果原子质量加上原子质量,除以得到数将与,原子质量接近

    He saw that if you take the atomic mass of chlorine, 2 add it to the atomic mass of iodine, divide by two, you get something that is really close to the atomic mass of bromine.


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