• 清洗氧化容器中,氧化速度最快的。

    The oxidation rates are fastest in freshly cleaned silica vessels.


  • 微波大大加快氧化速度反应时间只需分钟

    Microwave irradiation could greatly speed up the reaction rate and the reaction time was just a few minutes.


  • 考察了无碱液脱过程中烯烃正丁硫醇氧化速度影响

    The influence of olefine and non-hydrocarbons on the oxidation of n-butyl mercaptan in alkaline-free sweetening process was investigated.


  • 然而因为氧化速度火种危险,因此我们应该特别小心使用

    However care should be exercised because of its high rate of oxidation and the danger of fire.


  • 当形成足够氧化后,阳极氧化速度减慢,阳极表面才析出氧气

    All renascent oxygen is consumed for oxidizing metal anode to form metal oxide film.


  • 讨论分析氧化速度完全燃烧,以及碳发热组成成型问题

    And some problems such as the oxidizing rate and the fully burning of carbon, the composition and shaping of carbonic reheating agent have been analyzed.


  • 高温时薄膜氧化速度加快,致密性差,内应力增大薄膜性能下降的主要原因

    This is due to the oxidation rate become higher, the coating became more rough and the higher interstress in high oxidation temperature.


  • 根据室内试验表明离子浓度愈硫化氧化速度快,发生火灾可能性就越大。

    The indoor test result of ore samples has shown that the higher the content of iron ions, the faster the speed of sulfide mineral oxidate and the greater the possibility of fire hazard exists.


  • 加快聚丙烯腈纤维氧化速度采用催化剂处理方法借助于DS C曲线来评定催化效果

    Catalyst processing method is used to speed up the preoxidation of polyacrylonitrile fibre. The catalysis results are evaluated with the aid of DSC curves.


  • 研究添加CTAB化学氧化速度影响,以及外加H_2O_2对阴极电合成选择性影响。

    The effect of additive CTAB on chemical oxidation rates and the effect of externally added H_2O_2 on selectivity of cathodic electrosynthesis have been investigated.


  • 数据表明昆虫生长速度更快,在获得相同单位体重的情况下,它们相比,产生的氧化更少

    The data indicated that insects grow more rapidly, and they emit less carbon dioxide per unit of weight gained than do cattle and pigs.


  • 他们希望了解氧化水溶液玄武岩产生化学反应形成碳酸钙速度有多

    They hope to learn how quickly the carbon dioxide and water mixture reacts with the basalt rock to form calcium carbonate.


  • 同样,OCO研究太阳反射光线中的氧化氧气特征光谱,705公里上空以99分钟地球一圈的速度飞行

    OCO will similarly study carbon dioxide and also oxygen signatures in reflected sunlight. It will fly at an average altitude of 705km and orbit the Earth about every 99 minutes.


  • 因此具有诸如氧化抗炎剂蛋白质活性因子的生物成分可以轻而易举加速身体自身修复的速度

    So, biological ingredients with active parts like antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, proteins, peptides, and enzymes can with rather little effort stimulate the speed in which the body heals itself.


  • 造成了原本储存这些沼泽中的氧化每年三百万速度排放到大气中,相当于350,000户人家的二氧化碳排放量。

    This is causing three million tonnes of carbon dioxide stored in the soil to be released every year, the equivalent to the average emissions of 350, 000 households.


  • 只是存在两个问题储能氧化,而且导电率也较低,这限制电池释放存储能量速度

    There were just two problems: it had a lower energy-density than cobalt oxide and suffered from low conductivity, limiting the rate at which energy could be delivered and stored by the battery.


  • 华盛顿特区:美国一项新的研究发现氧化CO2)的排放使海洋酸化前所未有的速度进展

    Washington, DC: Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions arecausing ocean acidification to progress at an unprecedented rate, a newAmerican research has found.


  • 每天腐烂中的垃圾都释放出大量对气候有害的混合气体其中超过一半均为与氧化相比能使气候变速度加快20沼气

    Everyday, the decaying trash releases large quantities of a climate-harming gas cocktail.More than half of the landfill gas is methane, which warms the planet 20 times faster than carbon dioxide.


  • 垃圾填埋厂释放大半气体甲烷使地球速度氧化20

    More than half of the landfill gas is methane, which warms the planet 20 times faster than carbon dioxide.


  • 许多科学家相信氧化造成气候变化速度加快主要原因之一

    Many scientists believe carbon dioxide is one of the main reasons climate change is accelerating.


  • 航空公司减少氧化碳排放量速度必须乘客增长速度快,否则它们只能达到事倍功半的效果。

    Airlines have to cut emissions at a faster rate than the growth in passenger Numbers, or they will find themselves running just to stand still.


  • 有研究者利用一种纳米管催化剂,在作用下,氧化水蒸汽转化为一系列的燃料,转化的速度以往加快。

    Researchers have used sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water vapour into a range of fuels faster than ever before, thanks to a nanotube catalyst.


  • 早期研究发现水中的氧化几乎饱和时,岩石溶解速度可能会显著加快

    Earlier work had suggested that the rate at which rock dissolved could speed up dramatically when the fluid is nearly saturated with carbon dioxide.


  • 雨林减少,我们砍伐雨林速度是这么地快,每年因雨林消失造成25%的人为氧化排放,其排放量超过飞机火车汽车排放量的总和

    Already, we are chopping them down so fast that it is causing 25 percent of man-made carbon emissions every yearmore than planes, trains and automobiles combined.


  • 每天腐烂垃圾释放出大量对气候有害的混合气体,而多半甲烷使地球速度氧化20倍。

    Everyday, the decaying trash releases large quantities of a climate-harming gas cocktail. More than half of the landfill gas is methane, which warms the planet 20 times faster than carbon dioxide.


  • 现在大量氧化被排放大气层,等待自然界的消化吸收。 但自然界的速度有限

    Today the copious carbon dioxide emitted to the atmosphere is left for nature to pick up, which it cannot do fast enough.


  • 项新的研究发现由于大气中的氧化含量提高美国东部树林的生长速度越来越快。

    Forests in the eastern United States appear to be growingfaster in response to rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, a newstudy has found.


  • 项新的研究发现由于大气中的氧化含量提高美国东部树林的生长速度越来越快。

    Forests in the eastern United States appear to be growingfaster in response to rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, a newstudy has found.


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