• 每天24小时地球同一个区域气象卫星不同,一般情况下泰拉阿卡只能获取一张有关墨西哥湾的白天视图

    But unlike weather satellites that look at the same region on Earth 24 hours a day, Terra and Aqua generally only get one daylight view each of the Gulf of Mexico.


  • 伦敦气象中心Barry Gromett飞机经过区域被称作热带辐合

    Barry Gromett, a meteorologist at the London Weather Centre, said that the aircraft was passing through an area known as the Intertropical Convergence Zone.


  • GoogleEarth2007年就推出气象功能,现在的“最新版本企划运用气象模型相应区域模拟构图,使其看起来就真的在发生一样。”

    Weather has been available in Google Earth since 2007, but now "the latest version projects images of rain and snow over the areas with those weather patterns as it's actually happening".


  • 气象预告警告闪电核心区域的辐射范围达到了10英里,而有的时候甚至是再不下雨的情况下发生的。

    Forecasters stress thunderstorms can shoot lightning up to 10 miles from their cores, even into areas where there might not be rain.


  • 澳大利亚气象发出海岸飓风警报之后悉尼海港变成了没有船出么区域

    Sydney Harbour was turned into a no-go zone for ferries after the Australian Bureau of Meteorology issued warnings of impending gales for most of the coast.


  • 工作区域安装所有气象保护装置比如遮蔽物,从而保证安装进度

    Install all weather protection devices such as tents and shelters over the work areas to maintain installation schedule.


  • 研究,代号Vrotex2使用一系列增强型移动雷达以及其他气象感应设备来对龙卷风产生区域构建详尽数据

    The study, Vortex2, will use a range of enhanced mobile radars and other weather-sensing equipment in order to build up a comprehensive picture of the zones where tornadoes develop.


  • 旱涝灾害我国是影响区域广、发生最频繁的气象灾害。

    It features large quantities in categories, the most extensive areas and the deepest influence.


  • 地形气象条件总量管制需求划定之区域

    Total quantity control zones means areas delineated in accordance with total quantity control requirements and based on topographical and meteorological conditions.


  • 一个做法数字助理询问引用到的黄页气象预测给定地理区域

    An alternative is that my digital secretary asks for references to yellow pages and weather forecast covering a given geospatial area.


  • 以兰州市区域气象观测网数据主要时间序列研究对象乡镇精细化气温预报进行仿真实现。

    Lanzhou regional meteorological observation network data is the research object of this text, author the realisation of village and township refined temperature forecast simulation system is given.


  • 大气逆温稳定气象条件下气溶胶气体污染物造成的城市区域空气污染现象。

    Under inversion and other weather conditions, haze is a form of urban and regional pollution, causing by aerosol.


  • 通过分析发现,影响该区滑形成因素区域地质构造地层岩性、地形地貌气象水文条件。

    The influence factors of collapse-slide are regional tectonic, stratum lithologic, geomorphic, meteorological and hydrographic characteristics of Changbai Mountain.


  • 另外服务发现-例如:交易商代理-以及实际服务的提供者(我们例子中的黄页气象服务)必须知道他们服务地理区域

    In addition, service discovery-trader or broker, for example-as well as the actual services (yellow pages and weather forecast in our example) must also know which geospatial areas they serve.


  • 两个区域年表对各自气象气候因子响应可以看出树木生长主要受到生长前期生长季早期降水量的支配。

    From tree growth response to climate factors in the two regions, we can be informed that tree growth is mainly controlled by both the pre - and the early time of growing season.


  • 气象模型显示影响的区域美国南部延伸阿根廷北部,从印度北部澳大利亚南部以及非洲全境。

    The models show the affected areas include stretches from the southern United States to northern Argentina, northern India to southern Australia, and all of Africa.


  • 通过将地质环境条件降雨条件相结合方法,建立了基于地质—气象耦合区域地质灾害预警预报模型

    A forecasting and warning model of regional geo-hazard is established based on the coupling of geology-meteorology through the combination of the geological Settings and the precipitation conditions.


  • 城市植被覆盖城市区域气象环境重要影响

    The vegetation types have great effect on urban meteorological environment.


  • 本文介绍武汉区域气象中心实时气象资料库系统系统采用多道任务程序设计及其通信等问题。

    Described herein are the real-time meteorological data bank system, the multi-task program design adopted in the system and the communications, in the Wuhan Regional meteorological Center.


  • 基于江淮梅雨区域50个气象站1960 - 2002年梅雨量资料,利用EOF、RE OF展开方法分析了江淮梅雨降水空间分布时间演变特征

    Based on the data of Meiyu precipitation about 50 weather stations from 1960 to 2002, temporal and spatial distribution characteristics are analyzed with EOF and REOF methods.


  • 海岸气象研究发生海岸带区域,在耦合作用大气过程现象新生分支学科

    Coastal meteorology is a newly developed subject branch, in which researched are the atmospheric processes and phenomena happened in coastal areas under the sea air land coupling effects.


  • 许多怀疑者担心因为将近一半气象上述的区域中,所以将导致气温升高的现象高估。

    Many sceptics fear that, because roughly half of all weather stations are in built-up areas, this may have inflated estimates of a temperature rise.


  • 地面气象要素次网格分布产生区域通量计算误差主要原因之一

    One of the primary reason that caused the grid-scale flux deviation between model results and reality is the nonhomogeneous distribution of the land surface meteorology parameters.


  • 针对气象部门提供FY-2C卫星云图午夜杂散光较严重的情况,分析了特定噪声区域产生原因同型号卫星星载扫描辐射计的改进提供参考性建议。

    The reasons of specifically noisy area were analyzed in some bad imaging quality nephograms offered by weather department. Some suggestions are given for betterment of the ima…


  • 沈阳区域气象中心根据东北区域雨量报告特点自主开发雨量要素投入业务使用

    According to the feature of rainfall reports in northeast China, the rainfall element database was developed independently in Shenyang Meterological Center and put into operation.


  • 基于区域地质-气象耦合分析思路,可能提高区域性滑坡的预报精度

    Based on the coupling analysis of the geology and meteorology, it is possible to improve the precision of the landslide forecast.


  • 本文根据我国气象工作的实际需要,采用插值方法建立一种网格区域可以变化的客观分析方法。

    An objective analytic method by which both grids and regions can be changed is set up by using spline interpolation.


  • 等候这种气象同样发生软件办事区域

    He expects this kind of case happens in software and service area likewise.


  • 等候这种气象同样发生软件办事区域

    He expects this kind of case happens in software and service area likewise.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定