• 今天可以感到一点春天气息

    There's a feeling of spring in the air today.


  • 城市上空弥漫着死亡腐烂气息

    The smell of death and decay hung over the town.


  • 大海的气息起了童年回忆

    The smell of the sea called up memories of her childhood.


  • 大海的气息起了童年的回忆

    The smell of the sea carried her back to her childhood.


  • 嘴唇靠近,她的气息轻挠他的耳朵

    Her lips were close to his head and her breath tickled his ear.


  • 气息急促

    His breath came in short pants.


  • 这些作品具有浓郁农村生活气息

    These works have a strong flavor of rural life.


  • 慕尼黑感受到清新的现代气息

    In Munich, you can feel the fresh modern air.


  • 闻到春天气息

    I could smell the spring in the air.


  • 一定春天的气息使不安,就它使人神清气爽一样

    It must be the summer air that affects me with feelings almost as disquieting as they are refreshing.


  • 座建筑物附近走来走去听听动静空气中有没有传来腐烂气息

    I go out of my way to walk by the building, listening for sounds, smelling the air for rot.


  • 鸟儿人们蓝蓝的天空漂浮云彩新鲜空气气息还有映照脸上阳。

    The birds, the people, the blueness of the sky, the clouds floating along, the smell of the fresh air, and the warmth of the sun on your cheeks.


  • 那些地方空气像地狱气息那里的居民得精疲力竭,沙漠无精打采地劳作

    The atmosphere of those places was like the breath of hell, and their inhabitants wasting with heat, toiled languidly in the desert.


  • 食物味道质地口感往往我们关注重点,重要的是我们咀嚼食物时产生的轻微气息科学家们称之为鼻后气味”。

    The taste, texture, and feel of food are what we tend to focus on, but most important are the slight puffs of air as we chew our food—what scientists call "retronasal smell".


  • 空气中荡漾着芬芳气息

    The air was fragrant with scents from the sea and the hills.


  • 春天来了,到处洋溢着爱情气息

    Spring is here and romance is in the air.


  • 今天情人节,空气弥漫着爱情气息

    It's Valentine's Day and lurve is in the air.


  • 嗅到兔子气息

    The dog scented a rabbit.


  • 印度哲学生命气息称为 prana(息)。

    In Hindi philosophy the life force is known as prana.


  • 地面散发雨水气息他们的鞋沾上了泥巴

    The ground still smelled of rain and they muddied their shoes.


  • 空气焦躁不安的气息

    The air is brushed with agitation.


  • 管它很现代风,但这个地方是散发着自然和历史气息的。

    It's very modern, but this place is nature and historical.


  • 约克约维克中心,重建了该市的维京人部落。人们可以在此体验老城的生活气息

    At the Jorvik Centre in York, the city's Viking settlement is recreated, and people experience the sights, sounds and smells of the old town.


  • 那天早晨,空气神秘气息

    There was something mysterious in the air that morning.


  • 盖子揭开时,蟑螂气息扑面而来

    When the lid of the nest box on an ant colony is raised, a whiff of dead cockroach wafts by.


  • 有时会咒语就好像只是吸入上帝气息上帝的气息

    I sometimes use the mantra, like just breathing in the breath of God and breathing out the breath of God.


  • 一个充满生活气息城市——路边餐馆男女都在里面吸水咖啡馆

    It is a city that is full of lifefrom the small roadside restaurants to the coffee shops where men and women smoke the shisha.


  • 另外以了解是个有点浪子气息的家伙。我们断断续续在一起露营了近两年

    I believe, from what I know of him, he was a bit of a rake. We bivouacked together on and off for nearly two years.


  • 这些作品具有浓郁农村生活气息

    These works have a strong flavour of rural life.


  • 田野散发春天气息

    The field gives forth an odour of spring.


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