• 看见伊朗任何直接的威胁,”同时补充巴基斯坦接受伊朗的“民用技术权利”。

    I don't see any immediate threat to Iran, " he said, while adding that Pakistan accepted Iran's "right to civilian use of technology.


  • 这些技术方面奇迹目前可能无法成为社区医院配置一部分一些机器正逐渐进入民用医疗领域

    These technological wonders may not yet be part of the community hospital setting but increasingly some of the machinery is finding its way into civilian medicine.


  • 我们出口政策一项重大变化,是美国某些人的意见的否定。他们认为我们应该出口那一类技术——中国民用

    That's a significant change in our export policy and a rejection of those voices in America that say we should not export that kind of technology to — for civilian use in China.


  • 但是国际原子能机构理事会不顾美国反对批准叙利亚要求,即规划一个民用核电厂方面向它提供技术援助

    The IAEA's board has nonetheless approved a Syrian demand for technical assistance in planning a civilian nuclear power plant over U.S. objections.


  • 而西方武器专家则认为没有此类民用设施,同步引爆核弹头所使用技术,这点是众所周知的。

    Western weapons experts say there are no such civilian applications, but the use of co-ordinated detonations in nuclear warheads is well known.


  • 供应国集团成立的初衷恰恰就是为了防止有人从事印度正在进行工作滥用民用目的而提供的核技术以及工艺进行核弹研制。

    The NSG was set up precisely to stop countries doing what India did to get a start in the bomb business: abusing technology and skills provided for civilian purposes.


  • 包括杜伦博士在内的一些研究人员则更加强调未来技术作为民用参考。

    Some researchers, including Dr Thrun, prefer to stress future civilian applications of the technology.


  • 蓝光技术(Blu - ray)采用这种格式,眼下几乎所有高清摄像机——不管民用的还是商业的——使用它。

    It's no wonder that it's used in newer HD technologies such as Blu-ray. It's also used in almost all new HD video camers for both personal and professional use.


  • 应用民用航空领域远程遥测技术飞机飞行就将发动机运行状况其他系统运行状况数据发送基地

    The telemetry used in civil aviation transmits data on engine performance and the behaviour of other systems back to base while the plane is in the air.


  • 因为印度没有签署扩散条约禁止得到民用技术,而这项协议使印度得到民用技术

    The deal will give New Delhi access to civilian nuclear technology, from which it is barred, because it has not signed the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty.


  • 根据这项协议尽管印度尚未签署不扩散条约,印度仍能够获得民用技术

    The nuclear deal will give India access to civilian nuclear technology, even though it has not signed the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.


  • 预计此次会谈内容将涉及双边事务各个方面,包括援助巴基斯坦脆弱经济巴方大胆开出的愿望清单上,甚至还包括对民用技术提供帮助

    The dialogue is supposed to cover the gamut of bilateral issues, including help for Pakistan’s fragile economy, and even, on its ambitious wish-list, civil nuclear technology.


  • 另外中国巴方提供民用技术一事进展如何?

    Besides, are there any developments in China's providing civil nuclear technologies to Pakistan?


  • 民用技术协议仍然需要国际原子能机构供应国集团美国国会批准

    The nuclear deal still has to be approved by the International Atomic Energy Agency, the Nuclear Suppliers Group and the U.S. Congress.


  • 如果双方达成协议,尽管印度没有签署不扩散条约,也仍然可以获得民用技术

    The deal will allow New Delhi to get access to civilian nuclear technology, even though it has not signed the nuclear non-proliferation treaty.


  • 项目显示出,中国计划大规模建造民用反应堆之际努力开发尖端技术方面领先

    The project underscores how China is trying to take a lead in developing cutting-edge nuclear technologies at a time it is planning a massive buildup in its fleet of civil nuclear reactors.


  • 随着合成仪器价格逐渐能够民用工业所负担,以及相关市场应用领域对此技术的接受度不断提高,合成仪器技术通信行业中将潜力

    As SI technology becomes more affordable and as awareness within the commercial sector increases, SI technology has tremendous potential within the communications industry.


  • 如果伊朗接收用于民用核电站的(俄国铀燃料那么他们没有必要学会浓缩技术。”12月17日如是说

    If the Iranians accept that [Russian] uranium for a civilian power plant, then there's no need for them to learn how to enrich, ” he said on December 17th.


  • 随着创造清洁可再生能源竞赛不断升温太阳能行业着重开发一种技术,其有望生产出民用规模(utility - scale)的能源

    As the race to create clean, renewable power heats up, the solar industry is focusing on a technology in hopes of producing utility-scale energy.


  • 先进军工技术移植工业生产设备中,从事航空民用标设备的设计承制。

    The plant transfers advanced military technology to civilian industrial production equipment by engaging in design and accepting orders to make aviation and civilian non-standard equipment.


  • 移动组网建立军事民用快速通信系统理想技术

    Mobile Ad hoc networks is an ideal technique to set up a fast communication system for military and civil use.


  • 由于军事技术经常推动民事公共技术例如ARPANET进化成了国际互联网,因此我们能够预计的是有关问题民用机器人产生

    Because military technologies often drive civilian or public technologies, such as ARPANET's evolution into the Internet, we can expect related questions to arise from civilian robots.


  • 民用清洁煤技术定量评价筛选

    Quantitative assessing and screening on clean coal technologies suitable for resident.


  • 空分多址技术未来民用军用移动通信系统具有很大的应用潜力

    The SDMA technique has great potential to be applied in the future civilian or military mobile communication system.


  • 空分多址技术未来民用军用移动通信系统具有很大的应用潜力

    The SDMA technique has great potential to be applied in the future civilian or military mobile communication system.


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