• 一般而言,旁副瓣中站的比例量最大的。

    Side lobes are generally the largest among the minor lobes.


  • 83%美国员工工作倍感压力,而年前这一比例为73%。他们表示微薄薪酬合理的工作他们最大压力来源

    The 83% of American employees who are stressed about their jobs—up from 73% just a year beforesay that poor compensation and an unreasonable workload are their number-one sources of stress.


  • 对应行星比例可能会几天对于整个轨道仍然很小

    I mean, the scale of a planet that might still be a few days, but small compared to the other old trajectory.


  • 虽然存货减少比例创下历史高度,库存-销售比率仍旧飞涨1.25低点达到了十二月的1.46 .自1982年来这方面的标杆快速增长

    Even with historic inventory reduction rates, the inventory-to-sales ratio skyrocketed from a low last June of 1.25 to 1.46 by December. That is the swiftest rise in that benchmark since 1982.


  • 注意按照DB 2Spatial Extender范例乘上比例系数之前浮点减去偏移

    Note that, following the paradigm of the DB2 Spatial Extender, the offset is subtracted from the floating point value before the scale factor is multiplied in.


  • 这些脱落皮屑你家尘埃比例最高可以达到90%。

    Shed skin accounts for up to 90 percent of the dust in your home.


  • 至于工作分配按照用户绝对值还是相对比例完全取决于

    As far as workload distribution is concerned, assigning the absolute user or percentage of users is all you have to carry out.


  • 儿童营养不良比例不断上升,石油饮用水两大主要资源储备下降引发恐慌

    It has rising rates of child malnutrition and alarming declines in reserves of its two main resources, oil and water.


  • 石油需求每年8%的速度增长而且多数依靠进口,中国已经全球石油消耗年度增长中占据最大比例

    With demand for oil growing at 8 per cent a year, mostly met by imports, the country is the biggest contributor to the annual increase in oil consumption.


  • 债务负担不是一个绝对取决于负债GDP之间比例

    The debt burden is not an absolute amount but a ratio between the debt and the GDP.


  • 虽然我们小心地监控请求,观察到总请求仍然处在正常范围内,但我们没有注意身份验证请求比例

    While we carefully monitor our overall request volumes and these remained within normal ranges, we had not been monitoring the proportion of authenticated requests.


  • 大多数电子商务网站设计都不便于手机访问可以近似地看出手机访问带来销售总体销售比例不高。

    With e-commerce design largely unaccommodating to mobile users, it appears as if mobile sales don’t account for a large percentage of online orders.


  • 即便日本受灾东北部分配比例不均,渔业农业日本所有出口很小一部分

    Fishing and farming account for a very small part of Japan's total exports, even if a disproportionate share in Japan's stricken North-East.


  • 国际原子能机构(IAEA)预测2030年/2040年之前化石能源比例不会改变将维持80%,但是消费有所增加。

    The IAEA [International Atomic Energy Agency] predicts that by 2030/2040 the proportion of energy supplied by fossil fuels will be unchanged at 80% but consumption will have increased.


  • 实际上如果基本增值(进口半成品成本之外),中国美国出口GDP比例不到5%。

    In fact, if measured on a value-added basis (to exclude the cost of imported components), China's exports to America account for less than 5% of its GDP.


  • 目前趋势来看广义货币供应GDP之间比例进—步加大。

    Judging from the current trend, the gap between broad money supply and GDP is widening.


  • 同意玛丽看法,”附和着,“男人薪水我们并不是因为他们比例工作。”

    "I agree with you, Mary," said Jane. "Men receive higher pay than we do and it is not because they do a disproportionate amount of the work."


  • 对于价值链长度,您可以查看总体工作消耗时间之间比例理解效率。

    Over the length of the value chain, it's possible to look at the total effort in proportion to the elapsed time to give an understanding of efficiency.


  • 温度变化正比b摩尔数,比例常数混合物什么有关。

    Amount of temperature change depends linearly on the molality of B, with a constant that depends on what the mixture is.


  • 2006年,30强品牌通过GDSCRS预订占CRS预订的31.3%,2009年一季度,GDS的比例下降24.8%。

    Back in 2006, GDS CRS reservations constituted 31.3% of total CRS bookings for the top 30 brands. GDS share has decreased to 24.8% in Q1 2009.


  • 如果计算液相和气化学平衡当然你们知道化学平衡反应决定组分比例

    Also if you want to calculate chemical equilibria in the liquid and gas phase, of course, now you've seen chemical equilibrium, so the amount of reaction depends on the composition.


  • 高频交易所有华尔街交易比例约为三分之二四分之三似乎使得价差更小了(买入价格卖出价格之间缺口)。

    HFT, which accounts for two-thirds to three-quarters of all Wall Street volume, seems to have led to smaller spreads (the gap between bid and offer prices).


  • 阿联酋全球最大石油出口国之一阿布扎比的石油出口了该国石油总出口很大一部分比例

    The UAE is one of the world’s largest oil exporters, with Abu Dhabi accounting for the bulk of exports.


  • 2005年的试验中,这套设备将全率(实际查询到的信息占总信息比例提高了100%,将士兵能够处理的信息增加500%。

    In a trial in 2005 the device achieved a 100% improvement in recall and a 500% increase in working memory.


  • 怀孕6个月通常2535这个增加是和怀孕体重一定比例的。

    You should gain about 25 to 35 pounds during pregnancy, most of this during the last 6 months — although how much a girl should gain depends on how much she weighed before the pregnancy.


  • 如果各个网站访问加总,并比较排名10、前100、前1000的网站的总访问时,你会发现一个异常鲜明比例

    If you sum up the number of visitors each website receives, you get very telling ratios when you compare the top 10, top 100 and top 1, 000.


  • 小麦世界广泛种植农作物并且承担着人类五分之一的卡路里摄入水稻占有近似比例所有的其余食物占有剩余比例)。

    Wheat is the world’s most widely planted crop and accounts for a fifth of humanity’s calorie intake (rice has a similar share; all other foods combined account for the rest).


  • 10年前电力需求中,风能占微小比例去年意大利汽轮机发电地热的还多。

    Ten years ago wind's part in satisfying power demand was tiny, but last year Italy's turbines produced more electricity than its geothermal plants.


  • 10年前电力需求中,风能占微小比例去年意大利汽轮机发电地热的还多。

    Ten years ago wind's part in satisfying power demand was tiny, but last year Italy's turbines produced more electricity than its geothermal plants.


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