• 身为总经理销售副总……是否经常感到殚精竭虑

    Being a GM or sales Director, do you often feel difficult in......?


  • 如果为了实体殚精竭虑那么一定失望之

    If an entity minds, then it will definitely give you very disappointed.


  • 我们殚精竭虑,不断创造产品装点全世界爱美的人们

    We will create new products constantly, around the world, people love to decorate.


  • AFDA在幕后殚精竭虑澳大利亚极限飞盘事业打造最好

    Behind the scenes the AFDA works tirelessly to make ultimate in Australia the best it can be.


  • 遵循设计概念设计概念通常源自于殚精竭虑头脑风暴

    PV: : Design with a concept. To deliver a concept you need to brainstorm with your head, heart and guts.


  • 许多激动担忧殚精竭虑事情最后都变得不值一文。

    Most of it doesn't matter. So much of what I got excited about, anxious about, or wasted my time and energy on, turned out not to matter.


  • 我们可以把作为冥王星欣赏不用为如何归类它而殚精竭虑

    We'll just be able to appreciate it as Pluto, and not worry how to categorize it.


  • 自从去年8月以来,全球大主要央行殚精竭虑恢复银行同业市场秩序。

    SINCE last August, some of the world's most powerful central bankers have battled with growing resourcefulness to restore the law of gravity to the market that Banks use for short-term borrowing.


  • 求爱;舍身友谊的人朋友殚精竭虑创造幸福的人便幸福。

    Makes people to love. Give people have friends of friendship; Stressed and create happiness there is happiness.


  • 年来我们殚精竭虑苦心经营,最终形成了功能强大的趋势跟踪训练方法。

    We've spent years painstakingly creating the most powerful trend following training available.


  • 寄语读者,切记谦恭待人,殚精竭虑,勿违礼仪以免出言冒犯招致仇敌。

    Therefore, I advise you to stand on ceremony before anyone else and take pains not to do anything against etiquette lest you give offences or make enemies.


  • 长期以来,企业竞争社会焦点如何获得竞争优势更让无数研究者殚精竭虑

    For a long time, enterprise competitiveness is the focus of the community, how to gain a competitive advantage What many researchers Danjingjielv.


  • 为了殚精竭虑,排除万难,烹调美食。温斯顿邱吉尔(1875-1965)

    In my interest she left no wire unpulled, no stone unturned, no cutlet uncooked. Winston Churchill (1875-1965)


  • 许多职业女性会为每一个职业选择殚精竭虑,对于找男朋友几乎持一种随意草率的态度。

    Many career women agonize over every career choice, and yet sail almost at random into boyfriend relationships.


  • 大众传媒殚精竭虑,主动理解受众心理逐步形成个性大众化的传播模式

    The mass media try hard to understand audience's mind, have formed the model with individual character as surface but popularization in fact.


  • 我们大家急急忙忙、殚精竭虑建造购买的这些东西,到底是不是值得我们这么费事表示怀疑。

    He's part of a long-standing American counterculture, the one that wonders whether all of our irritable striving to build and buy things is worth the bother.


  • 然而十多年亚当斯获得了诺贝尔表彰“为国家和平友好殚精竭虑女性”之典范。

    Yet when she received her award more than a decade later, Addams was praised for exemplifying "the work which women can do for peace and fraternity among nations."


  • 这个大忙人来说,警告信号几年不辞劳苦的辛勤工作可能会殚精竭虑并且过早衰亡。

    For this busy man, it was a sort of alarm: after years of non-stop hard work, he might wear himself out and die an early death.


  • 个人如果冲着梦想勇往直前为了理想生活殚精竭虑就会一个不寻常时刻获得意想不到的成功。

    If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.


  • 作者本人:“这本39年来辛勤研究实地考察结晶,在写这本书时殚精竭虑,绝对不是异想天开。”

    "Author" Sheridan Simove said: "This book is the result of 39 years of painstaking research and practical study into the subject." I left nothing to chance and really threw myself into my work.


  • 罗斯殚精竭虑、始终不渝苦苦思索他们归属问题最终发现他们一些毫无根基流浪身份荒野上的人。

    Roth dedicates himself completely to pondering on the Jews'belonging but to find they are just the spiritual vagrants in the wilderness of identity.


  • 但是纵然梅吉为了奉献一生纵然西方女性为了爱而殚精竭虑她们最终得到的总是悲剧性爱情结局;

    However, although Meggie dedicates her life to love, what she gains is just a tragedy; although the Western women go all out for their faith, they are always deeply hurt by the cost of great pain.


  • 由来已久美国主流文化分子。我们大家急急忙忙、殚精竭虑建造购买这些东西,到底是不是值得我们这么费事?他表示怀疑

    He's part of a long-standing American counterculture, the one that wonders whether all of our irritable striving to build and buy things is worth the bother.


  • 作为有着27工龄的西雅图地铁司机,安德拉确信看过儿子所有比赛,当儿子还德克马的林肯高中读书的时候,安德拉为儿子可谓殚精竭虑

    A Metro bus driver in Seattle for 27 years, Cheatham made sure she was at all of her son's games. She played at Lincoln High School in Tacoma and stayed active in the game through her son.


  • 有些事情可能看起来很诡异:跑车制造商殚精竭虑地使产品朝节能方向改良换代,跑车车主们根本不在乎点油钱。德国人意识到人们对环境问题的关注有助于德国发挥他的自身优势。

    It might seem odd that makers of fast cars for people unfazed by the cost of fuel should worry about retooling them for a greener age, but the Germans reckon greenery plays to their strengths.


  • 有些事情可能看起来很诡异:跑车制造商殚精竭虑地使产品朝节能方向改良换代,跑车车主们根本不在乎点油钱。德国人意识到人们对环境问题的关注有助于德国发挥他的自身优势。

    It might seem odd that makers of fast cars for people unfazed by the cost of fuel should worry about retooling them for a greener age, but the Germans reckon greenery plays to their strengths.


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