• 请允许正式发言之前,大家一样东西

    Allow me to speak in a formal, let us look at something.


  • 发言首相先生已经清楚的表达科尔森的观点,‘如果证实撒谎,到时我会正式道歉,如果那样的话,我不会不到的。’”

    "The prime minister has made his thoughts on Andy Coulson clear," the spokesman said. "he has said that 'if it turns out I have been lied to, that would be the moment for a profound apology."


  • 当地时间23日,英国流行歌手谢莉尔发言证实,由于的丈夫、英格兰国脚切尔西球星阿什利·科尔的不,两人已经正式分手

    Chelsea and England footballer Ashley Cole and his pop star wife Cheryl have split, her spokesman said Tuesday, following allegations of his infidelity.


  • 舞厅举行一次正式新闻发布会上家庭发言说:夫妻没有蜜月旅行计划

    In an impromptu news conference outside the ballroom, a family spokesman said the couple had no plans for a honeymoon cruise.


  • 保守派“自由人民党发言人称报道毫无事实根据,并称候选人正式名单昨日晚些时候公布。

    A spokesman for the conservative Freedom People party said the reports were unfounded, adding that the official list of candidates would be presented later yesterday.


  • 目前不清楚阿里巴巴是否已经提出正式收购要约,该公司发言拒绝进一步置评

    It was unclear if Alibaba has taken formal steps on an offer, and a spokesman declined further comment.


  • 北京——中国载人航天工程新闻发言周三表示,我国载人空间站工程已正式启动实施,2020年前后建成规模较大载人空间站。

    BEIJING - China formally launched its manned space station program, aiming to build a "relatively large" manned station around 2020, a spokesman for the program said on Wednesday.


  • 发言塞拉·戴维斯说,国际奥委会要求国际体操联合会出面澄清情况,并表示不会称之为正式调查

    The committee asked the International Gymnastics Federation to clarify the situation, said spokeswoman Giselle Davis. She said she wouldn't call it a formal investigation.


  • 吉尼斯世界纪录发言说:“亨利·阿林厄姆正式成为全世界最长寿的男性。”吉尼斯世界纪录是公认的世界纪录权威组织

    "Henry Allingham is now officially the oldest man in the world," said a spokeswoman for the organization widely recognized as the authority on record-breakers.


  • 不能确定金诺克的发言是否是正式宣布

    I'm not sure I would characterise it [Kinnock's remarks] as an announcement.


  • 迄今为止,我们尚未正式宣布有关下一版本Windows时间安排命名情况”,Windows的发言鲍尔默做出Windows8将于2012年上市的“错误声明”之后进行了上述澄清

    To date, we have yet to formally announce any timing or naming for the next version of Windows,” clarified a Windows spokesman after Ballmer made a “mis-statement” that Windows 8 is coming in 2012.


  • 耶鲁大学发言ThomasConroy告诉美国有线新闻网,耶鲁大学暂时不能回应这些指控因为尚未收到正式控告

    Yale spokesman Thomas Conroy told CNN that the university cannot respond to the accusations because it has not yet received the formal complaint.


  • NancyPelosi众议院发言提供了一个正式评论爱德华先生应该肯定名单中

    Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House of Representatives, offered a casual comment. Mr Edwards, she said, should surely be on the shortlist.


  • 演出发言愤怒表示评论家表演正式开始前发表评论违反默契原则的。

    Spokespeople for the show have expressed ire that critics have broken unofficial rules by reviewing the show before it has technically opened;


  • gilead发言则证实公司已经收到来自印度专利局正式通知

    A Gilead spokeswoman said the company has yet to receive an official notification of the decision from the Indian Patent Office.


  • 南希罗西,这位当选的女新闻发言人,间不错办公室但是以及的党内挚友直到明年一月之前仍不能够通过任何法案(明年一月她正式上任)。

    Nancy Pelosi, the speaker-elect, has picked a nice new office, but she and her cohorts cannot start passing laws until January.


  • 吉尼斯世界纪录一位发言人说:“亨利·阿林厄姆正式成为全世界最长寿的男性。”吉尼斯世界纪录是公认的世界纪录权威组织

    "Henry Allingham is now officially the oldest man in the world," said a spokes woman for the organization widely recognized as the authority on record-breakers.


  • 罗比尼奥发言里贝罗意识到了来自切尔西兴趣并且认为家俱乐部近期坐下来正式谈判

    Robinho's representative Wagner Ribeiro is aware of Chelsea's interest and believes the two clubs should begin formal talks in the coming days.


  • 正式辩论中的发言时间发言名单中每位代表拥有发言时间。

    The time of public speaking in formal debate usually refers to the time for each delegate in the speakers' list.


  • 正式辩论阶段发言结束所用时间有剩余且超过15,代表把剩余时间用作其它事情的行为。

    Speakers shall yield the floor at the end of their speech when the remaining speaking time is over 15 seconds.


  • 他们谈判往往采取一种正式的方式着装整齐座位发言顺序都是按照等级高低安排的。

    They often take the negotiations a very formal manner, dress neatly, seats and sequence of speaking to high and low levels are in accordance with the arrangements.


  • 我们不能确定不想含沙射影风险,”发言正式意见随后提出。

    "She didn't want to insinuate risk where we're not sure," a spokesman said, adding that formal advice would be offered later.


  • 感谢发言相信诸位度过美好夜晚,随意享受快乐…现在宣布我们晚会正式开始。

    Thanks for your speak!. We are sure we'll have a very good time this evening. Just enjoy yourself... now I announce that our party is begin.


  • 发现一些感兴趣的东西时,我收藏一下,然后添加计划发言的列表里面为正式发表做准备。

    When I find interesting stuff I bookmark it , add it to my scheduled tweets and I'm on my way.


  • 这种秘密提供折扣的作法可能导致该组织的官方油价再度下跌,因为沙特阿拉伯发言已经正式承认维也纳会议工通过的削减石油产量降低油价的决定不足以解决问题的。

    Secret discounting is likely to lead to further official price cuts for Saudi spokesmen have unofficially admitted that the cuts in output and prices agreed at Vienna are not enough.


  • NASA发言德洛莉丝·比斯利星期五俄罗斯方面尚未提供任何正式计划在此之前NASA不会所提议的进程进行评价

    NASA spokeswoman Delores Beasley said Friday that the Russians have not submitted any formal plan and that the agency would not comment on the proposed trip before then.


  • 申请听证会发言利害关系方,提交上述登记表同时,提交听证会发言书面概要相关证据材料正式文本一式10

    Interested parties applying to speak on hearing should submit written summaries and formal documents of related materials in 10 copies together with above registration form.


  • 申请听证会发言利害关系方,提交上述登记表同时,提交听证会发言书面概要相关证据材料正式文本一式10

    Interested parties applying to speak on hearing should submit written summaries and formal documents of related materials in 10 copies together with above registration form.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定