• 空气弥漫着橡胶燃烧气味

    The smell of burning rubber filled the air.


  • 燃烧橡胶散发出臭味极其强烈。

    The stench of burning rubber was overpowering.


  • 橡胶成了马来亚经济支柱产品。

    Rubber became the staple of the Malayan economy.


  • 这个男孩儿穿着橡胶

    The boy was wearing rubber-soled shoes.


  • 6幸存者穿着特殊橡胶度过了大难

    The six survivors only lived through their ordeal because of the special rubber suits they were wearing.


  • 大约15分钟面具变成了一种橡胶组织

    The mask is left on for about 15 minutes while it sets to a rubbery texture.


  • 打开发现一个橡胶娃娃

    After he opened it, all that he found was a little rubber doll.


  • 喜欢弹性橡胶

    I like shoes with flexible rubber soles.


  • 橡胶燃烧气味不好闻

    The smell of burning rubber is not pleasant.


  • 橡胶只能弯曲这么多,接下来就会反弹

    The rubber band can only bend so far before it swings back.


  • 要是塑料橡胶焚,放出有毒的气体

    If plastic and rubber are burnt, they'll give off poisonous gases.


  • 天然橡胶几个世纪以来植物汁液收集来

    The natural rubber has been gathered from the sap of plants for centuries.


  • 橡胶公路上

    The rubber hits the road.


  • 工作一个橡胶丢在地上,它还会弹回来。

    Work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back.


  • 小卵石大部分红宝石废料有球状突起橡胶搅动起泡

    The bulk of the ruby rubbish on the pebble bubbles when stirred by bulbed rubber club.


  • 橡胶制成老鼠一个堆满垃圾罐头一个很棒的手法。

    A rubber rat on top of an overflowing garbage can is a nice touch.


  • 橡胶抹刀将果酱抹准备好的罐头里,静至少6小时或者一夜时间

    Use a rubber spatula to scoop the purée into the prepared tin and leave to set for at least 6 hours or overnight.


  • 伦敦大学伯纳尔教授把球体装入橡胶容器获得可能最大密度

    Bernal of the University of London, who packed hard spheres into a rubber vessel in such a way as to obtain the maximum possible density.


  • 全部三次测试中,巴尼都先棍子试探。其中测试对象是一条橡胶

    In all three trials, Barney began by using a stick for inspection. One involved a rubber snake.


  • 1905年,汽车开始看起来今天汽车了,有了车头挡风玻璃、橡胶轮胎车牌

    By 1905, cars began to look like cars of today, with head lamps, wind screen, rubber tyres and number plates.


  • 它们橡胶户外他用拉链夹子套在正外面。它们也被称为galoshes

    They were a kind of rubber outer boot that he zipped or clipped up over his dress shoes. They were also called galoshes.


  • 乘坐独木舟船头坐着个男孩,他用简单弹弓、一条橡胶皮带块皮石头

    The boy in the bow of my canoe slapped stones at birds with a simple sling, a rubber thong and a leather pad.


  • 来自马来半岛的风景包括橡胶中国寺庙、霹雳锡矿烟草种植园、槟榔屿的菠萝采摘。

    The scenes from Malaya include a rubber plantation, Chinese temples, tin mining in Perak, tobacco planting, and pineapple-picking in Penang.


  • 推荐脱脂乳制品尤其是奶酪配方没有奶油气泡味变得橡胶没滋没味

    I do not recommend fat-free dairy products, particularly cheese, instead of getting creamy and bubbly in recipes, it can turn rubbery and tasteless.


  • 未来福特汽车计划正在考虑使用以大豆为基础橡胶部件例如空气挡板,杯托插件地板

    Soy-based rubber parts such as air baffles, cupholder inserts, and floor mats are under consideration for future Ford vehicle programs.


  • 穿着雨具,橡胶,戴着护膝,正尽量避免亮晶晶滑腻腻的海藻滑倒,免得最后成了鱼食

    I, in the rain gear, rubber boots, and knee-pads, am trying not to slip on the shiny, slick kelp and end up as fish food.


  • 橡胶制成老鼠一个堆满垃圾罐头一个很棒手法试图接近确认是否是假的。

    A rubber rat on top of an overflowing garbage can is a nice touch. No one will get close enough to see if it's fake.


  • 菲亚特引擎嗡嗡声橡胶轮胎柏油路上前进,雨水潮湿气味远处羊群——这些足以一直前进

    The hum of the Fiat's engine, the flow of rubber on asphalt, the smell of rain and wet, distant woolthese were enough to keep me going on.


  • 糟糕的是,非洲印尼委内瑞拉等其他可可生产国的许多可可种植者正在改种玉米橡胶容易种植作物

    What's worse, many cocoa farmers in Africa and other cocoa producing countries like Indonesia and Venezuela are changing to easier to grow crops such as corn or rubber.


  • 1966年,甲壳虫乐队完成橡胶灵魂创作不久,保罗·卡特尼开始考虑美国录制下一张专辑的可能性

    In 1966, soon after the Beatles had finished work on "Rubber Soul", Paul McCartney looked into the possibility of going to America to record their next album.


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