• 介绍了公路桥梁管理系统(CBMS)调查中的桥梁病害几点建议。

    The paper makes some Suggestions on bridge diseases in accordance with investigation of bridge management system (CBMS).


  • 桥梁病害诊治首先诊断,要诊断必须要有长期经常性监测工作

    The diagnosis is the first work of bridge disease, the inspect work must be done in long-term and regularity.


  • 旧桥改造过程局部拆除桥梁病害部位时,首次采用静态爆破工艺取得成效

    When the disease position was removed partially in the process of the reconstruction of old Bridges, the static blasting technology has been applied successfully.


  • 系统归纳、总结了高原冻土地区切实可行的桥梁病害预防对策现状病害治理方法

    The feasible measures to prevent bridge disease and the methods of disease treatment in plateau permafrost regions are summarized.


  • 本次评定检测工作没有现行规范标准桥梁病害状况又相当复杂情况下进行的。

    Because the bridge detention is taken under no current specification and standard to be and the disease is very complicated, the detection work is very difficult.


  • 通过丹东地区桥梁病害分析提出典型处理意见,并桥梁养护改扩建提出一些建议。

    Through analysis of bridge diseases in Dandong Area, the paper proposes measures for typical treatment of them, and makes some suggestions on curing, reconstruction and extension of bridge.


  • 本文对其进行简要分析并常见城市桥梁病害现象整治病因对策设计角度提出建议意见

    The paper puts forward the Suggestions and opinions for the common diseases of the urban Bridges and the countermeasures for Fielding the disease causes from the design Angle.


  • 桥梁技术改造主要涉及两个主要方面问题旧桥评价鉴定桥梁病害整治对策及方法。

    The technical transformation involves two major aspects: one is old bridge assessment; the other is bridge disease treatment.


  • 本文主要阐述道路桥梁病害成因常见病害公路桥梁加固重要性以及公路桥梁加固的方法

    This paper mainly expounds the road bridge diseases cause, common diseases, the importance of the highway bridge reinforcement, and highway bridge reinforcement method.


  • 桥梁轴线线形测定桥梁承载力评定病害分析健康状态分析竣工验收的重要环节。

    The bridge axial alignment is a key point to bridge bearing capacity evaluation, disease analysis, health analysis and taking-over inspection.


  • 桥梁病害维修加固多种处理方法

    There are many approaches for the diseases of bridges maintenance and reinforcement.


  • 摘要桥面渗水造成桥梁结构损伤破坏病害,桥面防水材料技术越来越引起人们重视

    Abstract: : the bridge deck ooze water is a bridge structure damage and destruction of a disease, bridge deck waterproof material and technology already more and more attracted people's attention.


  • 预应力技术桥梁工程中的应用很多,随着高速公路大规模建设,出现质量问题裂缝病害不断增多。

    Prestressing techonology is widely used in the construction of bridge engineering, the quality problems and the crack diseases are increasing continuously.


  • 近年随着世界范围内结构损伤老化病害事故增多桥梁诊断分析研究显得更为迫切。

    These years the accidents of structure damages and aging increase around the world; the diagnosis and analysis of Bridges come to a point.


  • 桥梁长期使用过程中不免发生各种结构损伤出现病害

    Bridge in the long process of using a variety of structural damage will inevitably occur and the emergence of disease.


  • 国道108线广元由于地质地貌条件复杂重载作用施工质量未能保证,桥梁裂缝病害较为普遍

    The crack disasters of bridge are common in Guangyuan section on the 108 National Highway because of complex geological and geomorphological conditions, heavy loading and bad quality of construction.


  • 然而既有桥梁承载力不足病害老化以及破损一直世界性难题

    However, insufficient capacity of existing Bridges, disease, aging and other damage has been a global problem.


  • 介绍成昆线隧-桥-隧工点的落石病害以及桥梁隧道两个专业协同设计完成病害整治的情况。

    The Stone falling disease in Chengkun railway and its renovation measure by both bridge and tunnel specialties are recommended.


  • 众所周知世界范围内大量桥梁服役时间久远,由于各种病害遭到不同程度破坏安全性令人置疑

    As we know, a great deal of world-wide Bridges has served for a long time and its safety make person doubt because of various disease and the breakage of different extent.


  • 分析桥梁裂缝表现及其原因,采取有效措施防治桥梁裂缝病害,延长砼桥梁使用寿命

    The paper analyzes the forms and causes of cracks of concrete bridges, and the measures taken to prevent the harm of cracks and lengthen the serviceable life.


  • 铁路混凝土桥梁人行道上的U型螺栓使用时期容易出现断裂病害

    The U-shaped bolts embedded in concrete beam are split after using a period of time.


  • 预应力技术桥梁工程中的应用很多,随着高速公路大规模建设,出现的质量问题裂缝病害也不断增多。

    This paper states of the development and application prospect of high-strength concrete and wire, strand and pre-stress technology in the field of bridge engineering .


  • 由于桥梁病害交通量增加桥梁加固已经越来越引起工程界重视

    With the increase of diseases and traffic for Bridges, reinforcing the used Bridges has aroused the recognition of engineers.


  • 结合国内外桥梁病害倒塌事故典型案例进行病害事故原因分析 ;

    In view of the typical cases of bridge collapses at home and abroad, the causation of collapses is analyzed.


  • 本文桥梁常见病害:桥面铺装裂缝、桥头跳两种病害进行了探讨。

    The thesis analyses two common diseases that are bridge deck pavement destroying and the bump of vehicles on heads of bridge.


  • 对于桥梁结构而言,混凝土裂缝桥梁缺陷集中表现也是桥梁常见病害

    As to bridge structure, the concrete crack is concentrating representation of bridge bug, and it also is the most familiar disease of bridge.


  • 由于近年车流量持续上升桥梁承受负荷越来越一些桥梁呈现出各种不同程度病害

    But for the rising traffic volume in recent years, more and more Bridges are subjected to heavy load, some Bridges show different degrees of disease.


  • 桥梁结构使用过程中由于受到自然环境人为因素影响,逐渐发生老化损伤甚至坍塌破坏,这些病害桥梁结构的运营安全构成极大威胁。

    Because of the natural environment and artificial factors, the bridge performance in service can gradually deteriorate, damage and collapse, which will greatly affect the safety of the structures.


  • 桥梁结构使用过程中由于受到自然环境人为因素影响,逐渐发生老化损伤甚至坍塌破坏,这些病害桥梁结构的运营安全构成极大威胁。

    Because of the natural environment and artificial factors, the bridge performance in service can gradually deteriorate, damage and collapse, which will greatly affect the safety of the structures.


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