• 演的第一个角色奥哈船长一部儿童剧中的恶棍

    My first part was Captain O'Hagarty, a dastardly villain in a children's play.


  • 乔尔·哈奇自己独具一幽默带了这个角色

    Joel Hatch brings his own unique brand of humour to the role.


  • 阿尔夫•肖执导给了一个重要角色

    Alf Sjoberg offered her a large part in the play he was directing.


  • 辐射4主角,名叫凯洛角色,在过去一的时间里,我从来都知道自己款游戏录音

    I was a main character in Fallout 4, a character by the name of Kellogg, and I never knew that I was doing vocal recording for that game throughout the year and a half.


  • 画外音角色名字后面的位置,缩写标出。

    The extension is placed one space after the character's name and abbreviations are used.


  • 现在,到处林伯话题,另外,佛罗伦萨角色早已被确定

    The theme of the film has been announced and Florence's character established.


  • Tonelli相信这种内部竞争寻找斯粒子及得到世界所接受的重大发现扮演一个重要角色

    Tonelli believes that this internal division will play an important role in searching for the Higgs and making a discovery acceptable to the outside world.


  • 五月十三写信给背基,此信本周才寄。信中他严厉苛责背基,他弃任角色

    In a scathing, bitter letter dated May 13th but leaked this week, Mr Tsvangirai asked Mr Mbeki to relinquish this role.


  • 网络视频叫做梦空间的角色并不真正了解盗梦空间”,丹·古尔维奇戴维·杨创作,于8月2CollegeHumor发布。

    The Web video called "Inception Characters Don't Understand Inception," was written by Dan Gurewitch and David Young, and posted on CollegeHumor on Aug. 2.


  • 类似概念充斥了过去几十年的科幻小说,的确雷·斯通一个美国电视剧Caprica角色

    Such ideas have littered science fiction for decades. Indeed, Graystone is a character in the American TV drama Caprica.


  • 就像制作人卡森伯所说:“我们一个角色最后都发现,自己本色——包括瑕疵在内——相当美好的一面。”

    As producer Katzenberg says, "Each of our characters comes to understand that there is something wonderful-warts and all-about who they are."


  • 波西机修工愚蠢的因为无法掌控社会角色这个角色需要将维修机器积极关怀他人联系在一起。

    Pirsig's mechanic is idiotic because he fails to grasp his public role, which entails, or should, a relation of active concern to others, and to the machine.He is not involved.


  • 波西机修工愚蠢的因为无法掌控社会角色这个角色需要将维修机器积极关怀他人联系一起。

    Pirsig's mechanic is idiotic because he fails to grasp his public role, which entails, or should, a relation of active concern to others, and to the machine. He is not involved.


  • 哈利波特》中扮演重要角色列车就停放公园里的沃茨魔法学校外面

    Two vehicles that play major roles in the Harry Potter books sit outside the park’s similacrum of Hogwarts.


  • 儿子拉胡尔最近这次胜利中扮演了重要角色广泛认为正在崛起并最终取代

    Her son, Rahul - who played an important role in her most recent victory - is widely seen as being groomed to replace Singh.


  • 一部充满戏剧冲突没有反面角色影片中,不屈不挠不慌不忙幽默成就了拉什扮演的洛

    In a film with abundant conflict but no villain, the goodness of Mr. Rush's man reveals itself through tenacity and unflappable humor.


  • 工业化国家应该认识到自己大气温室气体累积过程中充当角色应该更大胆主动削减未来排放量

    Industrialised countries should recognise their role in the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and respond with bolder initiatives to cut back on future emissions, Singh said.


  • 这个夏季至少有八个面孔线队伍带来新鲜血液,一个新球员都会阿森纳的阵容中扮演积极角色

    No less than eight new faces were brought in over the summer to freshen up arsene Wenger's first-team squad, each one playing their part in Arsenal's fine run of form.


  • 虽然戏里没有明确指出,不过很明显耳朵这个角色阿斯·综合症或是自闭症的倾向。

    Although it hasn't been addressed on the show, Sheldon clearly has some degree of Asperger's or autism.


  • 对于那些记者评论家,这实在没什么火花。”林在共和党大会上发言,竭力扮演新纽的角色

    “Here’s a little news flash for all those reporters and commentators, ” Mrs Palin told the Republican convention, doing her best to channel Agnew.


  • 角色25都是很然后有一全都弥补了。”艾森伯第一部作品是莱舍2009年的《僵尸之地》。

    "My character spends the first 25 years of his life being lazy, and then one day making up for it," says Eisenberg, who appeared in Fleischer's 2009 movie, Zombieland.


  • 虽然没有明确指出,不过很明显耳朵这个角色阿斯·综合症或是自闭症倾向。

    Although it hasn't been addressed on the show, Sheldon clearly has some degree of Asperger's or autism. How did you prepare to play such a character?


  • 英勇诺米欧直率朱丽叶出生的詹姆斯·麦克伊为其配音多个舞台剧版本里扮演这个角色

    As bold Gnomeo to Blunt's Juliet: the voice of Scottish-born James McAvoy, who has played the young lover in several stage productions.


  • 克莱·斯莫尔伍德是美国残疾退伍军人,年中有20,000个小时都泡在网上沉浸在叫做天堂ii”的线上角色扮演游戏中

    CRAIG SMALLWOOD, a disabled American war veteran, spent more than 20,000 hours over five years playing an online role-playing game called "Lineage II".


  • 今晚辩论问题由观众提出,符合麦凯恩的口味。奥巴马北卡罗来纳州纳什维尔排练台词华盛顿律师·克雷扮演麦凯恩角色

    Obama spent yesterday holed up in Asheville, North Carolina, rehearsing his lines, with a Washington lawyer, Greg Craig, playing the part of McCain.


  • 今晚辩论问题由观众提出,符合麦凯恩的口味。奥巴马北卡罗来纳州纳什维尔排练台词华盛顿律师·克雷扮演麦凯恩角色

    Obama spent yesterday holed up in Asheville, North Carolina, rehearsing his lines, with a Washington lawyer, Greg Craig, playing the part of McCain.


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